《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》Six.


Liam padded downstairs, adjusting his shirt and looked at the sight in front of him fondly. He cooed softly, pulling his phone out of his sweatpant's pocket and snapped a picture of Harry and Louis.

Harry's arms were around Louis protectively, legs tangled between his and Louis was curled up against his chest, head tucked in his neck and breathing slowly.

"Liam, go away," Harry muttered, blinking at the lad who was looking down at the screen of his device.

"Damn. Thought you were asleep."

Harry chuckled, shrugging. "I've been up for a bit. Not long."

Liam shook his head, smirking. "I'm sending this to you, just so you know."

"Do you even have my number?"

"I can get it from Louis." The bad thing about having a brother: Liam is nosy. Not a bad nosy, but he checks up on his twin constantly or when he can and Louis thinks he's nosy over that. He also knows his password! Not even their father knows it!

"Go suck one," Harry smirked as he rubbed Louis' back.

"I have a girlfriend, I'd rather not."

Harry chuckled again, tightening his hold on the small boy against him (who was still sleeping) "Oh well. You wanna go to the mall or something later?"

"Sure," Liam shrugged. "Lou and I need sports gear and all that."

- - - - -

"Get off of me!" Louis squealed, moving his hands to grab Harry's wrists.

"Now why would I do that?" Harry pouted. "You're warm."

"You're freaking huge."

Harry shrugged, leaning down and bumped their noses. "Oh well."


"But you're comfy," Harry whined. "Your tummy's like a cushion and I like it."

Louis groaned, hiding his face in his hands and sighed. "Do I have to do something to get you off of me?"


"Um..." Harry pursed his lips. "Not really. I just wanna sit here."

Sighing, Louis moved his hands and reached up, surorising Harry by kissing his cheek. "Off. Please."

"Aye, aye, captain," Harry smirked and got off of the crossdresser, making an "oof!" sound when he was kicked off of his bed and landed on the floor. "Heey! That hurt!"

Louis shrugged, standing to his feet and helped him up with a small smirk. The green-eyes lad placed his hands on Louis' biceps, rubbing them in comfort and Louis sighed.

"You know..." he mumbled. "We do these..things, yet we're not..together."


"You kissing my forehead..me kissing your cheek...cuddling, calling me baby or doll or babe..." Louis shrugged. "The usual."

Harry bit his lip, watching Louis blink up at him shyly.

"Do you want me to stop?" Harry asked softly, rubbing Louis' arms slowly. Louis shrugged, sighing quietly.

"That's the thing, I don't know," he mumbled. "It's..It's complicated, y'know? I like it, but I don't know if you do and I'm not sure what this makes us. Like, are we a thing or...?"

"Do you want to be a thing?"

Shrugging, Louis looked down. "I just don't want to get hurt like last time."

- - - - -

After small talk, Louis picked up his phone and checked unread messages.

It's you. I like you x

He read when it was sent and bit his lip, blushing lightly and put his phone in his pocket. He changed his shirt, already having his pants changed and grinned in satisfaction after seeing his black sweater matching his mint colored jeans. He tied his Van's and fixed his makeup before going downstairs where Liam and Harry were waiting for him.


"See, he's always adorable," Harry teased. Liam shrugged, nodding and Louis blushed as he checked the color of his nails. A pretty charcoal shade they were topped with light glitter.

"Eh," Liam shrugged. "I've seen him in better."

"Shut up," Louis stuck his tongue out at his twin. "You're just jealous that my clothes are cuter than yours."

- - - - -

"He goes in there?" Harry swallowed, glancing at a nodding Liam and whistled. "Damn."

Louis looked around Victoria's Secret, looking for the things he wanted and giggled when he saw Harry blush as he walked out of the store and towards them with a bag in his hand.

"Why are you blushing?" Louis giggled innocently and Harry shook his head, wrapping one arm around his waist.

"Just -- expected the unexpected, baby."

Louis nodded, feeling Harry rub his side as they walked to the nearest sports store inside of the mall. Liam went to the basketball section and Harry helped Louis pick out volleyball gear. Louis put his first shopping bag down and carefully put his hands on his hips, looking up at piles upon piles of organized sports clothes.

"This would look cute on you," Harry murmured, picking up a baby blue tee shirt. It was soft, and stretchy, and Louis hoped it'd be comfortable. "Matches your eyes, sorta."

The crossdresser chuckled, taking the shirt from Harry and picked up a pair of black clingy shorts. His shirt rode up a bit when he reached up and Harry's breath hitched when he saw something poking out of the waistband of Louis' jeans.

This little...he's wearing lace, he thought and swallowed. Holy shit.

- - - - -

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