《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》Five.


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"You live alone?" Louis asked after putting his bag in the corner beside Liam's.

"Yes and no," Harry shrugged. "My parent's are out for the weekend and my brother is with our dad. Normally I get weekends to myself and sometimes even full weeks."

The outside of the house was a mox of dark, light and medium gray cobblestone. It was pretty, Louis' opinion. The inside was even better.

The floors were hardwood, then carpeted stairs. In the rooms he saw so far (and the second floor) were carpeted as well. The main rooms -- living room, kitchen and dining room -- were large.

"Lucky," Liam muttered and Louis punched his shoulder. "Kidding, kidding."

Harry chuckled, leading them to the kitchen and asked if they wanted anything to drink. Louis requested plain water and Liam and Harry got Pepsi. Harry showed them around and they went into Harry's room after the small tour.

Harry's room was...typical. Band posters on the walls, small things around the room, you name it.

"Hey, he likes Panic," Liam smirked, nudging Louis' shoulder. Louis rolled his eyes, looking around and Harry shrugged as he bounced onto his bed. The twins sat with him, Louis beside him and Liam in front of them, and Louis bit his lip.

"I have an idea," Liam smirked, "if it's okay with you, truth or dare?"

"And I'm boring," Louis rolled his eyes. Harry chuckled, laying his arm across Louis' shoulders and rubbed the side of his arm.

"Sure. Lou, truth or dare?"


Harry thought for a minute, then smirked. "Have you had your first kiss yet?"

"You're stupid," Louis chuckled, "Yes. I have. Liam--"

"Dare," Liam smirked.

"Um..I dare you to call Sophia and tell her...you're pregnant."


"Seriously?" Liam groaned. "That's stupid." It was, honestly. Louis has a weird imagination. Liam was afriad to even wonder what the poor boy thought sometimes.

"Put it on speaker!" Harry wiggled his eyebrows and Louis nodded. Liam sighed, pulling out his phone and dialled his girlfriend's number.

"Li? What's up?"

"Hey..I need to tell you something," Liam glared at his brother, who was covering his mouth.


"Uh..don't freak out," Liam sighed. "I'm...I'm pregnant."

It was silent until Sophia yelled, "I knew you were a bottom!"

Louis laughed loudly, holding his stomach and Harry fell backwards from laughing too hard.

"Soph, you know I'm lying, right?" Liam shook his head at the two in front of him and Sophia sighed.

"Yes, babe, I do," Sophia chuckled. "But I still think you bottom."

Liam shook his head again, sighing and ended the call a few moments later.

"Harry, truth or dare?"

"Christ," Harry mumbled, feeling Louis lay down beside him. "I guess truth."

"When was your last relationship?"

"Personal enough?" Louis rolled his eyes and Harry did too, shrugging.

"Before I moved here, I dated this guy for a few months. Name's Anthony. Lou, truth or dare?"

Louis bit his lip and sighed, "Truth, I guess."

"Do you have a crush on anyone?"

Louis felt his cheeks get hot and he hummed, glaring at his smirking brother. "A little one, yeah. I'm just not sure if he likes me back or not."

Before anyone said anything else, Louis said, "Haz, truth or dare?"


"Hm..I dare you..damn, can't think of one."

"I got one," Liam smirked. "Before midnight tonight, if you have one, text your crush and tell them you like them."


Harry looked between the Tomlinson twins with a bitten lip and nodded. "Keep me updated, deal."

- - - - -

"Haz," Louis murmured, "What if Liam finds us?"

"He's asleep," Harry replied softly, pulling Louis close to him. "Besides, I'm not gonna kill you or anything. I just wanna show you something."

"That's what they all say," Louis teased but nodded, Harry lead him to the woods behind his house.

Harry climbed a ladder that was swaying side to side due to the wind and helped Louis inside the treehouse when he got to the top step and Louis looked around the lit area.

"This is..it's cute!" Louis cooed, releasing Harry's hand. "It's adorable, Harry."

"It's not supposed to be adorable," Harry pouted. "I normally come here when I'm bored..my man cave, you could call it."

"No, no, no," Louis shook his head. "No man cave."

It was spacy. The treehouse had wide flooring and wide walls. It even had windows and a door that closed. Outlets (which was odd) were placed, too.

Harry chuckled, shrugging and stepped beside Louis. "I have a small keyboard in here, also."

"You do?" Louis asked, looking up at Harry wide-eyed. "Can I see?"

Harry hummed in agreement, crouching down onto his knees and pulled out a small keyboard that was under the bed (how could he even get that up here?) and assembled it on the stand, plugging it up. Louis sat on the stool beside him and Harry bit his lip.

"This doesn't look right," he smirked and Louis gasped when he felt himself being lifted and blushed when Harry pulled him onto his lap. Harry chuckled, murmuring a, "That's better," and Louis started playing a little something he knew.

"You know Ed Sheeran?" Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' tummy.

"Who doesn't?" Louis played a little of Afire Love, humming and bit his lip. "My dads taught me how to play piano growing up."

"You have two dads?"


"Funny," Harry chuckled. "I got two moms."

- - - - -

After a little more playing around with the piano, the two went back inside and Harry checked the time. 10:45.

"Liam always goes to sleep early," Louis sighed. "Lame."

Harry chuckled, shrugging. "I normally stay up until around one-ish."

"Same," Louis replied as he put in a movie Harry had in his room, Coyote Ugly. "Sometimes later if I'm bored."

"Isn't it kind of weird how we're alike in so many ways?" Harry snuggled against the crossdresser after he laid down next to him.

"Not really," Louis shrugged. "But you seem like a huge cuddler."

"Maybe I am."

Louis chuckled, tangling his legs with Harrys and softly grinned when he felt Harry's arms wrap around him.

Around the middle of the movie, Louis dozed off and Harry made sure he was asleep before picking up his phone and sent a text out to someone.

It's you. I like you x

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