《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》Four.


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The end of the day bell rang and Louis was the first to rush out of gym and into the locker room in tears. Liam rushed after him and Harry pulled Noelle to the corner of the room pissed.

"Ooh, someone's touchy," Noelle smirked. "I like that."

"Get over yourself," Harry scoffed and released her wrist, crossing his arms. "What the hell was that for?"

"I don't know what you mean," Noelle played innocent.

Niall had taken Louis' gym stuff and filled it with silly string, getting gunk all over his clothes. Luckily Liam carried extra clothes with him -- even though he was upset, Louis liked wearing his brother's stuff.

With Noelle's help (Vova wasn't around), Niall snuck up to the top of the gym where the crates of old basketballs were and released them, landing them aroumd Louis, his twin and Harry. Louis ended up with a bloody nose and a pounding headache over it.

"The hell you don't," Harry scoffed. "You have no right to bully Louis, Noelle. You're just jealous."

"Me? Jealous?"

"It's obvious!" Harry threw his hands up. "You bully Louis because you're jealous that I'd rather hang out with him instead of you!"

Harry huffed, turning around and started to walk away but turned his head to face Noelle. "Oh, one more thing -- get your head out of your ass. There's no way in hell I'll ever like you."

Noelle watched as he walked away and Vova shook her head as she walked over to his best friend.

Harry walked into the locker room slowly, seeing Liam with his arms around a crying Louis and sighed softly. Liam closed his eyes, rubbing Louis' back and Harry stepped behind the crossdresser, kissing the back of his neck and laid his chin on his shoulder.


"I told her off," he murmured, rubbing Louis' tummy where his arms were wrapped around his abdomen. "Told her to get her head out of her ass."

Liam chuckled, releasing his brother and kissed his forehead. Harry replaced his spot, feeling Louis lay his head on his chest and hold his large tee shirt.

"She doesn't even know anything," Louis sniffled. Liam bit his lip, eyebrows furrowed and put his hands on his hips.

"Know what?"

Louis released Harry's shirt and walked up to his twin, swallowing and closed his eyes as he whispered, "'M not a virgin."

- - - - -

After slight arguing, Liam decided to talk about the not a virgin thing later and Louis freshened up while Liam and Harry waited for him outside.

"No one's ever done this," Liam sighed, flicking his lighter and lit the cigarette in his mouth. "You know, standing up for him or just being his friend. Not for a few years, actually."

Harry shook his head, kicking away some rocks that were in front of him. "That's ridiculous, Liam. He deserves the world."

"And you say that because?"

"He's perfect," Was Harry's reply. "He's like you; he's soft, sweet, all that. I really don't know, mate. He's him and no one should treat him differently."

Liam grinned, blowing the smoke out and patted Harry's shoulder. "And how long have you been here?"

"'Bout a month," Harry shrugged. "It's what, October?" He started in early September, school started mid-August. They took a while to get Harry and his brother in because they lost the things they needed for the two.

"Almost," Liam replied, flicking excess ash off.

"Gimme one," Louis whined, reaching for the box in Liam's shirt pocket.


"Not if you're joining the team, no," Liam defended and Harry chuckled.

"You're on the basketball team," Louis replied. "Plus, I haven't even tried out."

"Still," the older twin replied. "No."


Harry chuckled, moving away from Liam and stood in front of Louis. Louis laid his head on Harry's chest, closing his eyes and bit his lip when Liam cooed.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" Harry murmured, even though he already knew the twins were staying the weekend at his house. Louis nodded and Harry kissed the top of his head before picking up his backpack and gasped when he felt a pinch to his arse.

"Wasn't me," Liam put his hands up, speaking with the cigarette between his lips. Harry looked at Louis, who was covering his mouth, and shook his head. Louis let out a giggle before wrapping his arms around Harry's waist, laying his chin on his chest and looked at him innocently.

"It was Liam."

- - - - -

Louis got his physical done, and Liam drove them to their home.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Liam asked as he took a left turn. Louis shrugged, looking down at his lap. "Lou..."

"Because, Liam," Louis mumbled, swallowing. "It wasn't even meant to happen."


"It wasn't even sex," Louis exhaled slowly. Liam's eyes widened and he pulled over to an empty lot by an abandoned building.

"You mean, you--"

Louis nodded before Liam could finish. "Papa knows, but he's all the way in Iraq and all now...it was before he left."

"It's been a few years?"

Louis nodded.

"Who done it?"

"My ex." Was all Louis said and Liam's features grew dark.

"Now I have a legit reason to kill that bastard," he spoke through clenched teeth and gripped the steering wheel, knuckles turning white.

"I thought you'd be going nuts by now," Louis played with his (Liam's) sleeves as he mumbled his reply.

"Inside, I am," Liam sighed, reversing and continued to drive. "But, you know, you're sensitive to yelling and I don't wanna make you more upset than you probably are. So..yeah."

"You're not mad at me, are you?" Louis nervously asked. He didn't want Liam hating him -- it was unintentional, unexpected.

"Have you had sex before?" Liam rose an eyebrow, glancing at his sibling beforeturning his attention back to the road.

"No, unless that counts as it.." The crossdresser mumbled.

"So he took your virginity by--"

"Don't say it."

"By doing that?" Liam finished as he pulled up into the driveway. Louis nodded slowly and Liam parked the car, turning it off and sighed as he rubbed his face.

"I'm telling you, Lou, if I wasn't on varsity right now he would be gone."

- - - - -

The twins packed their clothes for the weekend and Liam snuck a little something into Louis' bag after writing a note and putting it against it. Harry had texted Louis his address after they departed -- luckily he lived in their neighborhood.

"I'm ready," Louis sighed, zipping his bag up. "You?"

Liam nodded, taking the bags and walked downstairs with them.

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