《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》Three.


Louis bit his lip and looked at Liam, who was pacing the living room.

"I can't decide," Liam groaned. "Dammit."

Sighing, Louis shrugged. "It's simple, Li. Joining Junior Varsity is like taking Spanish in middle school. It helps boost your future credits up and you can graduate. Not joining is basically...gonna make you fail."

Liam was given the option to join Varsity Basketball a while back and the deadline to accept the offer is quickly approaching. Should he or should he not? There are positives and negatives to the situation.

Liam groaned, hitting his head against the wall. "But it's gonna be so stressful."

"And worth it."

Liam sighed, glancing at his twin and shrugged. "Maybe.." Maybe he was right. Maybe it could be worth it. It would for sure boost his credits up, then again he would hsvr to stay after school for practices and other things. That could cut his time with Louis, and Sophia.

"I'm trying out for something," Louis shrugged. "I'll probably get rejected but oh well."

"What're you trying out for?"

"I thought you knew?"

Louis rolled his eyes teasingly and Liam nodded slowly after remembering.

"Volleyball, gotcha."

- - - - -

Louis sat down beside Harry, sighing quietly and looked down at the grass under them. Harry bit his lip, laying down and laid his head in Louis' lap.

"Hi," he smirked.

"Well hello there," Louis grinned. "How's the weather down there?"

"I think it's actually--"

"I think I don't care," Louis tapped Harry's nose. "Sorry."

Harry pouted a little and Louis squeaked when Harry nipped at his fingers as he played with his bottom lip.

"You're something else," Louis chuckled, shaking his head.

"I'm a cute something else, right?"


"Sure," Louis shrugged.

Enjoying the silence (which wasn't awkward, surprisingly), Louis played with Harry's hair. It wasn't thin, but it wasn't thick. More or so in the middle, perfect. When Louis combed his fingers through his hair, the curls didn't poof out like most would. They just went back totheir normal curls. Louis liked it...alot.

- - - - -

"Hey Lou?"


"Can I uh," Harry blushed, "Maybe...get your number?"

Blushing and letting out a giggle, Louis nodded. He ripped a piece of blank paper out of his journal and wrote it down, adding an extra note with it. Harry blushed as he took it from the crossdresser and Liam shook his head beside him.

"Jesus, get married already!" He huffed, his head on his desk. "I better be best man!"

"Wait, did Harry literally just get Freaklinson's number?!" Vova screeched. Noelle's head snapped up and she looked over to a smirking Louis, who done the secret handsign code from The Little Rascals and giggled.

"First off, stop giggling. It's too cute for me to handle," Harry put his hand over his heart. "Second, I was thinking that maybe you two and I could hang out sometime? We don't have to--"

"Liam, when are you free?" Louis quickly glanced at his twin eagerly.

"Uh..this weekend, actually," Liam chuckled as he replied.

"How's that?" Louis asked with a bitten lip. Harry tapped his chin in dramatic thought and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, kissing the top of his head.


- - - - -

Friday rolled around and Liam ran down the hall towards his twin, picking him up and spun him around. Louis gasped, squealing and Liam cheered behind him, "I got accepted!"


"Put me down!" Louis squealed and Liam lowered his twin, playing with his hair.

"You made varsity?" Harry leaned against his locker and Liam nodded. Harry patted his shoulder, smirking, and congratulated him.

With the acception of the offer, Liam also had to try out. He surprised the coaches and madethe team, luckily.

"When are your tryouts?" Liam asked Louis, arms still around him.

"Monday," Louis sighed. "'M nervous."

"Oh, don't be nervous," Harry moved some of Louis' hair out of his face. "What're you trying out for?"

"Volleyball," Liam replied for his brother. "I gotta take him to get a physical later before we meet up with you."

"Volleyball?" Harry whistled. "Damn. I heard it's gonna be rough this season."

"From who?"

"Momma," Harry shrugged. "She's the new coach -- but she said she's picking the best players and all."

Louis nodded, sighing and they walked to class.

- - - - -

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