《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》Two.


"Ooh, gimme," Louis whined, extending his arms out and made grabby hands. Liam chuckled, giving his twin the Arizona Tea he wanted and Harry chuckled. He shook his head, a small fond smile on his face and he patted Louis' knee, then squeezing it.

"Lou, hon, you are one special child," he teased, smirking.

"I'm not special," Louis pouted. "I'm just unique."

"You're not lying," Harry and Liam replied at the same time. Louis giggled, laying his head on his brother's shoulder.

Thank heavens Harry was okay with gay people. After a crazy long talk with Harry (he will admit, he got emotional), Louis' nerves have calmed down. The conversation was in gym one day, when Louis got a little upset that Harry laughed when Niall said something. It wasn't towards Louis, but what Niall said made Louis think it was. But they talked, clearly, and Louis wouldn't stop blushing or hiding his face when Harry comtinued to call him beautiful and gorgeous.

"I might have to switch one of my classes," Liam gave his brother an apologetic look. "Sorry, Lou."

"Which one?" Louis pouted.

"Art," Liam sighed. "They want me on the varsity team so I have to skip first period for practices and big team things."

"Sports?" Harry asked, seeing Liam nod. "Which one?"

"Basketball," Louis sighed. "Junior varsity, right?"

"Yup," Liam nodded. "I'll still be in my regular classes though. Just not first."

Liam was the co-captain of Alton High's basketball team. It's the only sport he will play -- Louis would play multiple sports but Liam stuck to basketball.

Harry nodded, squeezing Louis' jean clad knee again. "I'll make sure he's okay," he teased. "Don't want little princess to get hurt."


"Oh hush, you," Louis punched his shoulder. "You look like a princess more than me."


"Uh-huh," Louis hummed. "You have longer hair than I do, your figure is a little feminine and your wrist flick is sassier than mine!"

"That's saying something," Liam smirked.

It was true. With the glow of Harry's cheeks, his smile and his hair, he looked like a princess. Put some makeup on him and he'd look like a taller version of Snow White.

"But you're so small and adorable," Harry defended. "And I just wanna pinch your cheeks!"

"Stop it!" Louis squealed. He sat back up and smacked Harry's hand away, blushing, and rubbed his cheek. "That hurts!"

"Aw, Lou," Harry cooed. "Want me to kiss it better?"

"No." Yes

- - - - -





Kill yourself!

Someone -- cough cough, Noelle -- vandalised his locker in the locker room and embarrassed him in front of the whole class when the teacher stepped out in the hall. After the girls left, Louis had scrubbed the Sharpie off of his locker with red cheeks, a wobbling lip and threw everything around him, giving up.

Harry found him sitting on his knees, staring blankly at the locker in front of him. Louis didn't look up or anything but closed his eyes when he felt large hands on his shoulders, rubbing them.

"What happened?" Harry asked quietly, reading the words on the locker. Louis couldn't remove them and it pissed him off.

"Who do you think?" Louis snapped, sighing through his nose and rubbed his face. "I'm sorry, Haz...she's just getting on my last nerve."

"She did this?"

"Yeah," Louis mumbled. "Vova didn't do anything, she just watched."


Harry bit his lip and thought for a minute before looking around. He stood and walked over to the whteboard, picking up a dry erase marker and crouched beside Louis.

Opening the marker, he scribbled over the writing and wiped it off with a paper towel. He erased everything by doing that and put the marker down, moving Louis' hair out of his face and sighed.

"We can for sure take this to thw principal," he said.

"They won't do shit," Louis replied. "I've tried, and tried, and tried, Harry...the only other option is either dropping out or switching schools."

"And if you do that, that'll just say that Noelle is stronger than you," Harry replied. "It'll just tell her that she can bring you down easily."

Louis sighed, playing with the marker and Harry took it, opening it with a smirk.

Noelle is a bitch and Louis is cute! - HS x he wrote, watching Louis grin lightly.

"Did she say anything else?" Harry asked.

Swallowing, tge crossdresser replied, "She said that you weren't a fag, you liked girls and you were only being friends with me out of pity..."

"Lou, listen," Harry murmured, licking his lips. "I like boys more than I like girls, okay?"

Louis silently nodded, blinking.

"I don't even like Noelle, or Vova," Harry shook his head. "But that doesn't mean I don't like just boys, y'know?"

Louis nodded, sighing. "Liam's the same way...he likes boys and girls...but he likes girls a little more than boys."

"See? Kind of the other way around, right?"

Louis nodded again. "Kind of, yeah."

"Besides," Harry kissed Louis' forehead. "There's this boy I think I like, but I wanna get to know him more before I make a big move."

"Who?" Louis asked quietly.

"It's a secret," Harry smirked. "But you'll find out soon, hopefully, alright?"

Louis nodded, looking up at the teen suspiciously. "Alright."

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