《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》One.


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"That's the new kid?"

"He's hot!"

"But he's hanging with Freaklinson, he's probably a loner."

"A hot ass loner, though," Noelle shrugged. "Look at him."

"I know," Vova smirked. "He's pretty cute, I'll admit it. But he looks like he's into Liam or his brother."

"Oh well," Noelle shrugged and shut her locker. "I'm gonna go talk to him."

Vova watched as her friend walked across the hall towards the trio. She took a quick look at Harry and bit her lip, looking to the side to see he was hanging out with the twins.

Freaklinson? Really? Crossed Noelle's mind as she heard Harry talking to him.

"Aren't you the newbie?" Noelle asked with a bitten lip. "Harry?"

Louis bit his lip and glanced at Liam. "Uh...I'll just--"

Harry grabbed the boy's wrist, shaking his head. "Um...yeah, I am. Why?"

"Just wondering," Noelle shrugged. "People have been talking about the new kid -- just so you know, you're pretty cute."

"Uh, thanks?" Harry rose an eyebrow. "I gotta go. C'mon, Lou."

- - - - -

"Duck-Duck-Goose, transvestite in the room!" A student cat called, getting snickers from others in the room. Niall repeated the same thing, smirking.

Louis rolled his eyes, sitting down beside Harry and flipped Niall off. Harry's been here for a week now, and he's gotten used to the schedule he has and accepted Louis for the way he was. He and Liam instantly became friends after that because, for real, no one really accepts his brother for who he is and Louis needs a friend.

"Why does he do that?" The Chesire lad asked, getting a shrug in return from Louis.


"Probably because...you know," Louis shrugged again and motioned to his outfit. "I'm a crossdresser."

Harry nodded, leaning back in his seat and crossed his arms.

"Crossdresser? Or tranny?" Niall smirked. "He probably thought you were a girl at first. Now he might be disgusted like the rest of the school."

Louis bit his lip and removed his backpack, putting it on the floor beside him and pulled out what he needed silently. All the time he gets told to ignore the comments but they don't know how it feels. Especially with these bullies, the teachers gave up. They've tried detention, silent lunches, in-school-suspension, it doesn't work.

"Niall, has anyone ever told you to shut the hell up?" Harry snapped. "Leave him alone. He's perfect the way he is."

"Language!" The teacher snapped. "If I hear another word it's a detention!"

Harry threw up his hands and Louis blushed as he opened a notebook, hiding his face behind his hair. He twirled a pen in his hand and started writing something down.

"We got another faggot, too?" Zayn sat beside Niall. "Sucks."

"Actually," Liam barked from beside his twin. "I'm one, too."

Harry and Liam shared a look then looked back at Zayn and Niall. Louis looked up and Liam ruffled his hair, grinning at him.

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"So," Liam plopped down beside Louis, bouncing due to the springs in the couch. "You like Harry, don't you?"

"What?" Louis spluttered, looking at his twin in shock. "Since when did you think this?"

"Since the first day you met, actually."

"We just met, Liam. It's not possible."

"It's called love at first sight, dear," Liam patted his cheek. "You totally like him."


"No, I don't."

"Quit denying it!" Liam whined. "Everyone can tell!"

Louis pouted, shrugging. "Liam, not every guy I meet is automatically gay. I have to keep that in mind. Besides, he's probably straight but just accepts me."

"Ha, no," Liam smirked. "He told me he was bisexual, like I am. Just -- just wait, Lou. Get to know him and give him time and then ask him if he may like you. Because from what I've seen, he's tried to ignore Noelle."

"Seriously?" That actually surprises Louis. Noelle is basically what Louis wants. Not as a girlfriend, but she has the perfect body -- Louis has a poochy tummy, Noelle is slim and fit. Noelle has perfect slick black hair, Louis' is messy and a normal brown. She's popular, and a bitch. Louis tries to be nice to everyone but all he gets is mean words thrown at him because apparently clothes are for specific genders.

If Harry is bisexual, then he likes boys and girls. Of course, all of the boys like Noelle. Except Liam, he has a girlfriend named Sophia and they've been dating since the eighth grade.

Louis sighed, trying to get the thoughts out of his head and asked, "When did you know you liked Soph?"

Liam pursed his lips, thinking for a moment. "Seventh grade...championship basketball game. She was the captain of the cheer squad, I was captain of the ball team. We won and she took a chance to kiss my cheek and--"

Louis cooed at how in love his brother looked. "Aw, Li! That's so cute!"

"I know," Liam sighed with a dopey grin and turned his attention back to his sibling. "You like him, don't you?"

- - - - -

Louis sighed, looking at his outfit once more and picked up his eyeliner pencil. He lit a lighter and put the tip of the pencil into the flame, warming it up and blew on it after putting the lighter down. He dabbed it on his lip before coloring on his eyelids. He done his mascara next and rubbed some chapstick on his lips. He wasn't one for lipstick, he liked the natural light pink color of his lips. They were pretty.

Louis put his makeup away and fixed his hair by running his fingers through it and made sure his jumper was covering his bottom before tying his Van's and padding downstairs. Stupid dress code. He hates it.

"Aw," Liam cooed. "You look adorable!"

"No I don't," Louis rolled his eyes. "Not that I really care anymore..."

Liam kissed his forehead when he sat down and patted his cheek. "Boo, it'll be okay. You know if crazy old Pops was here he'd be telling you to keep your pretty head up, right?"

Louis nodded silently.

"Keep your head up, princess," Liam watched how his twin tried not to giggle at the phrase, "Your tiara is falling. And I don't know what I'm gonna do when it breaks."

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