《TomGirl - Larry Stylinson》Intro.


"Hey, Tommo the Tranny! Care to give a little?"

Sighing, Louis ignored the boy and opened his locker. Tommo the Tranny was a nickname people called him, not in a good way either. He was bullied badly, being a crossdresser and all, and being openly gay on top of it makes it harder.

"Niall, cut it out," Liam huffed. "Leave him alone."

"Aw, Li," Niall cooed. "No."

Sighing, Louis grabbed the items he needed and followed his sibling to advisory.

- - - - -

"We have a new student coming today," Liam told his twin. Louis nodded, shrugging and laid his head on his desk. He didn't really care. They always had new students.

"Don't we have a new teacher, too?" Louis' eyebrows furrowed. "She's the new Art teacher, I think."

Nodding, his brother replied, "Her son is the new student. She has another but he's in either ninth or tenth."

The twins were Juniors, eleventh graders. Liam was the older twin and Louis was the younger one.

The bell rang, signalling class was over and Louis sighed as he lifted his head. He stood with his brother and adjusted his skirt, picking up his binders and left the room.

On the way to his third period, Niall knocked into him on purpose, making him drop his books.

"Oops," Niall snickered, walking away. Louis huffed, crouching down and put his papers back in his books.

"Here, lemme help you," he heard a deep, slow voice say and another figure sat beside him. Louis looked up, blushing and told the lad he didn't have to.

"I saw what that kid did," the boy told Louis. "He looks like a jerk."

"Oh, he's worse than that," Louis picked his books up and he and the boy stood. "Thanks, for that...I'm Louis."


"I'm Harry," the opposite lad grinned. "I'm new here."

Harry was atleast three to five inches taller than Louis. Louis was 5'9, Harry looked clearly above that. Maybe 6 even? He was taller than Liam, for sure. He had a mixture of light and dark brown hair, creating a medium look that went to his shoulders. His hair was supported by a head tie and he looked like one of those kids who would end up becoming rebellions.

Maybe he wouldn't end up like Niall (who was one of those kids). He looked more like...a cupcake, Louis would say. When he smiled at him he had dimples that could be filled with Skittles or M&M's and he...he was gorgeous. His eyes were a bright green, too. They made him look like a God.

"So I've heard," Louis chuckled. "Can I see your schedule?"

Harry gave his schedule to the crossdresser and Louis looked at it.




History (Lunch Period)


General Music

Physical Education

"You have...five classes with me and one with my brother," Louis grinned, giving the paper back and called for Liam. His brother walked over and looked at him smugly before smiling at the new student.

"Are you twins?" Harry asked and Louis nodded. They didn't look alike, but they were related for sure.

"Yeah, we're kind of known around here," Liam shrugged. "I'm Liam. Liam Tomlinson."

"Harry Styles," Harry shook his hand. "Do you know Mrs. Eden?"

"I have her for first period," Louis replied. "Why?"

"She's my mom," Harry chuckled. "I think you'll like her, though. She's sweet."

Nodding, Louis told his brother Harry had Math with them next and the three walked to the said class.

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