《Full Sun || Haechan》33


"Oh my, honey you look beautiful." My mother teared up as I tried on another wedding dress.

"I hate it." I stepped off the the viewing area.

"But it's beautiful." My mother tried to convince me.

"If I'm being forced to get married I should at least wear a dress I like don't you think?"

"Y/N please stop with the rudeness, I am getting sick of it."

Minho stepped in between the two of us. "She is right auntie, please let her find a dress she likes."

My mom sighed."What did I tell you Minho-yah, you can call me eomma now."

She looked back at me. "Go ahead, you are lucky Minho is a patient nice boy. I hope you learn to be more grateful."

I rolled my eyes and went back to the dressing room.

The two ladies who had been helping me out came back with three more dresses. "Is there a particular one you want to try on first."

I shook my head no. "Surprise me."

They helped me into another dress of their choosing. When they were done tying the back one of the girls squealed.

"I don't think I've seen anyone wear this one better than you."

The other girl agreed with her statement.

I smiled awkwardly not knowing how I looked like. "Uhh...Thank you."

As soon as I stepped out, Minho stood up and watched as I walked up to the viewing area.

My mouth dropped as I saw myself standing in front of the mirrors.

The dress was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. I felt like a princess as I watched the sparkles shine underneath the ceiling lights.

Tears filled my eyes when I saw Minho's reflection standing next to me. It was the perfect dress but for the wrong wedding.

"You look stunning y/n." I noticed his eyes squint as they traveled down my face to my neck.

I quickly wiped my tears. "I think it's a little much." I stepped away from him.

I looked at my mom. "I think you were right, the last dress was beautiful, I want to take that one."

"Are you sure this one is-"


"I'm more than positive." I interrupted her and returned to the dressing room as fast as I could.

I changed back into my hoodie and jeans and followed my mom to the counter.

"The final fitting will be 1 week before the wedding date in which any final alterations will be made, pick up will be 2 days later."

My mom smiled and handed the lady her credit card. "Thank you so much."

"Our pleasure, have wonderful day."

I kept a small distance behind my mom and Minho while we walked around the mall.

"Lunch sounds good right about now doesn't it?"

I was pulled out of my thoughts.

"I am feeling hungry now." Minho agreed with my mother.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Whatever, It's not like I have a choice with what I do with my life anyways."

My mom let out a deep sigh. "Stop behaving like a child, you are almost 18."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm actually not feeling hungry so why don't you two order without me."

I left them at the center of the food court and found a table to sit at. I blanked out while staring at a plant that I hadn't noticed when Minho showed up at the table.

"We need to talk." He said and grabbed my wrist.

"Don't touch me." I tried to pull away from him but he only gripped my wrist tighter.

He pulled me behind a large advertisement board for one of the skin care shops where no one else could see.

Without hesitation he pulled down my hoodie and exposed the dark mark on my lower neck.

"I knew I had seen correctly! When did you see him? Tell me now!"

I pushed his hands away from me."I don't know what you are talking about."

I tried to leave but he forcefully pulled me by my hoodie. He slapped my face and forced me to look at him.

"If you want to act like a whore I will treat you like one."

He wrapped his hand around my neck almost suffocating me.

"Stop!....I.....can't....brea-" My lack of respirations caused an overwhelming headache. "Minho...please..." I cried.


He let go and my weakened knees dropped to the floor as I gasped for air.

"I'm going to tell you this once so listen closely." He knelt in front of me and tilted my chin up. "If you think you can mock me and laugh at me behind my back then worst things will be coming your way y/n. Go ahead and have your fun while you still can because as soon as we get married you will be on a plane to America where you will live with my grandmother."

"No! You can't make me go."

"As your husband I can make you do whatever I want." He smirked. "I won't have a disobedient whore for a wife so you better start getting used to it."

The anger in my body over took any reason I had left in my brain. I saw an opportunity to get away from him and took it. Without any hesitation I tripped Minho onto the floor and quickly began to run. I bumped into multiple people as I ran through crowds trying to get as far away as possible.

"Y/N!" I heard my name in the distance but didn't turn back.

I didn't care anymore. I couldn't live like this for the rest of my life. I had to get away no matter what.

When I was positive no one was following me, I pulled out the small flip phone Haechan had given me for emergencies.

I got onto the first bus I saw and immediately called Chanyeol to pick me up at a small park located a few kilometers away from the mall where I had been.

"Whats the plan?" Chanyeol asked when I got in his car.

"I've already talked to Renjun and agreed that it would be best if I stay with him."

"Why not with us." He questioned my decision.

"Because the first place my parents will send their men to look for me is yours or Chenle's house."

"Fair point." He agreed and changed the direction of his destination to Renjun's house.

"Oppa you have to promise me that you wont tell Haechan were I am staying."

"Why not?"

"Because I know him. He will run to Renjun's house right away to see me but that is the last thing he should do. I know for a fact that those men will be watching his every move until he leads them to me."

"Why do I feel like I'm a criminal accomplice in some mafia movie?" He sighed out. "The running away, powerful family, arranged marriage, and even dangerous body guards? This isn't normal you know."

"I forgot what normal was a long time ago." I admitted.

"I hope I don't regret helping you."

I shot an intense glare at him.

"I'm kidding," He chuckled. "This is the least I can do after what I did to you and Haechan."

"You don't need to feel like you owe us anything." I answered truthfully. "You have already done more than enough."

"Even though I tried to deny it ever since our parents got married, Haechan is my brother. I regret that it took such a long time but now I want to be there for my brother. Not only my brother but also for my future sister in law."

My heart jumped at that word."Sister in law?"

"Yes, sister in law." He smiled. "Now lets work on getting through this as a family."

I felt my cheeks blush at his words. I was surprised by how much he had matured in the time I hadn't seen him. His built in anger he had disappeared and he was back to being the same cheerful and positive Chanyeol I remembered.

Life had a funny way of working out. Just one year ago I was convinced that I would reunite with him, my long lost prince. But one year later and here we were, sitting in his car as he helped me runaway from an arranged marriage. All so that me and his brother, the boy I was madly in love with, could be together.

Renjun was already waiting for me outside as we pulled up to his apartment.

"Thank you Oppa." I hugged him close before saying good bye.

"Lets go in before anyone sees us." Renjun wasted no time.

I nodded and followed him into his apartment where I would be staying from now on.


Happy Birthday to the BESTEST BOY ever!!!!

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