《Full Sun || Haechan》32


I intensely looked at myself in the mirror. My once soft dark hair, had now become greasy and stringy looking.

I hadn't showered in 4 days. Normally I would feel disgusted if I didn't shower every night but lately I had no energy to do anything. I had no motivation to even get out of bed. I felt so trapped by my parents to the point that I'd rather much die.

My loneliness was mentally killing me but my parents didn't care. I didn't actually matter to them, I wasn't their daughter, I was just a pawn in their game.

After a few minutes of trying to detangle the knots in my hair, I decided that it would be easier to just shower and finally condition my messy hair.

After a nice long bath, I changed into a large t-shirt and sweats and got back into bed. It was only about 6 pm but I wanted to go back to sleep and dream of better things. It's wasn't like I had many options anyway.

Before I knew it, it was 7 then 8. I watched as the clock ticked forward with no hope of slowing down.

A small noise coming from outside my window soon caught my attention. I quickly got up and focused my ears closely on the strange sounds.

I walked closer to the window until a large jolt of the glass caused me to jump back. My fear filled eyes brightened up when I saw the source of the sound.

Tears formed in my eyes not believing what I was seeing.

"Aren't you going to say anything?"

"I'm so glad I brushed my teeth."

A confused expression spread across Haechan's face as I ran up to him and pressed my lips against his.

He frowned and traced his thumb under my eye after the kiss. "You look like you haven't slept in days."

He took a step back. "And why do you look so skinny? Have you eaten anything?"

"I didn't know you came to judge my appearance." I pouted my lips. "This is the best I have looked in days." I admitted.

"I only have a few minutes so we'll talk about this later."


"A few minutes for what?"

Without warning, he picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bed.

"To show you how much I missed you."

My heart rate increased as he gently lied me down and pressed his soft lips onto mine. His sweet lips left mine and began to trace light kisses along my jaw down to my neck

I closed my eyes as my hands gripped onto his back.

He paused for a short second and rested his forehead on mine.

"I'm never going to stop fighting for you y/n." His sweet whispers filled my ears.

Without any warning, his attitude changed revealing a more dominant and demanding side of Haechan.

His teeth dug into my skin as he unexpectedly bit the sensitive area of my neck.

I faintly groaned in pain. "Yah what are you..." I couldn't finish my question as the pain soon was overcome with pleasure.

I felt his lips turn into a smile of satisfaction.

"Call me selfish but if that guy ever tries anything on you, he's going to see who you truly belong too."

He took control of my hands and pinned them down over my head.

My breathes became heavier as his lips explored places they've never explored before.

The door flung open causing me to scream and Haechan to fall on the floor.

"Your ten minutes is up." Hyunjin walked in while shutting the door close behind him.

I quickly put on a hoodie to cover any marks Haechan might have left.

"You couldn't knock you idiot." He rubbed his elbow which had took the most impact from the fall.

"I said ten minutes, it's not my fault you weren't paying attention to the clock. Anyways it was getting hard to keep the body guards distracted."

"Explain to me what's going on." I asked as Hyunjin casually laid back on my bed and pulled out his phone.

"The only way Heachan was able to sneak up to your room is by having me distract those two bone heads outside. Don't forget that I'm one of the few people allowed to step anywhere near you."

He paused and got closer to me. "Your hair smells good, did you finally take a shower?" He asked while sniffing my hair.


I grabbed the closest pillow next to me and threw it at his face. "Shut up."

My cheeks were burning if embarrassment while Haechan laughed at the situation.

He sat down next to me and wrapped me in his arms. "Here." He said handing me a cellphone. "It has everyones number including Yeri and Chanyeol. They are all rooting for us, we will get through this."

I began to cry at the thought of everyone. I missed all of them. Chenle, Jeno, Renjun, Mark, Jaemin, and little Jisungie. I felt so lonely without them.

"How Haechan?" I was beginning to become frustrated. "How exactly are we going to get through this."

"I- I don't know yet."

"Do you know I'm supposed to go look at wedding dresses tomorrow with my mom!"

Hyunjin cleared his throat. "I'm going to get something to drink downstairs."

Haechan waited for Hyunjin to close the door. "What are you trying to say y/n? Are you trying to give up on us?"

"No." I muttered. "I don't know, maybe you were right when you broke up with me Haechan."

"Don't ever say that again, you are not allowed to give up on us. I was wrong then, and you are wrong now if you think that I was ever right."

"But its the reality, my birthday is in 1 week and the wedding is 4 weeks right after graduation. This is all starting to feel too real Haechan."

He tilted my chin up and wiped my tears away. "I told you that we are going to get through this. I don't have a plan yet but you just need to trust me."

"I trust you Heachan, I do. Who I don't trust is my parents or Minho, you don't know what they are capable of."

Just then Hyunjin quickly ran into the room. "Your parents are home and are coming up to talk to you. I'll go distract the body guards but you need to hide until I give you the clear."

I pushed Haechan into my closet. While Hyunjin grabbed his backpack.

Not a minute later my parents walked into my room. I was laying in my bead casually holding a bag of chips.

"Oh hi Aunty," Hyunjin greeted my mom.

"Movie night?" She asked while I flipped the channel of the tv.

"Yea, we just finished so I was about to head home." He got up and stretched his arms as if he were laying down for hours.

"Do need our driver to take you home?"

"No thank you I'm fine," He smiled and bowed his head. "I'll see you soon."

"Make sure to stay safe then Hyunjin-ah, it's dark out side."

He nodded his head and left me and my parents alone. Well technically not alone since Haechan was still hiding in my closet.

"Tomorrow you need to be ready by 6 am." My mother immediately demanded.

"Why so early?" I groaned.

"Because we need to pick Minho up at the train station, he will be joining us to choose your wedding dress."

"What? Isn't that bad luck or something?" Not that I actually cared but wasn't the groom not to see the bride to be in her wedding dress.

"When has our family ever been superstitious?"

She had a point.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "I'd rather have bad luck and have this wedding turn into a disaster anyway."

"y/n so help me I will-"

"Darling calm yourself." My father calmed my mother down.

"6am." She stated once again and they both walked out.

A grim expression set upon my face.

Haechan came back out. "That was the okay from Hyunjin, I need to leave now."

He pulled me into a warm hug and kissed my forehead. "Don't look so sad, you will get frown lines."

I giggled lightly at his cheesy comment. I pressed my lips on his one last time and watched as he climbed out of my window. I breathed a sigh of relief when he landed on the ground safely. He carefully snuck into the night until I couldn't see him no more.


Hii Everyone!!! Omg we are coming close to the end of the book I'm actually sad 😔 How do you think it will all end??

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