《Full Sun || Haechan》31


"y/n open the door right now!"

It was my father pounding on my bedroom door once again. I continued ignoring him by popping my earbuds back in and listening to music. It was the second day that I haven't come out of my room.

My dad finally stopped knocking on the door and left. I knew he would return in an hour or so, that had been the cycle since yesterday morning. It was now sunday night which meant Minho and his Parents would be going back to Busan anytime now.

It turned out the reason for their visit was to tell me about and discuss the arranged marriage between Minho and I. Of course it didn't exactly go as planned due to the fact that I found out earlier than intended. Since then I refused to talk to anyone or do anything.

Like clockwork , the loud banging on the door began again.

"y/n its me." This time it was Minho's voice. "I know you don't want to see me but can you at least eat something. I brought you soup and your favorite snacks."

After a moment of hesitation I finally opened the door slightly and peeked through the crack. Minho was holding a tray with soup, gummies, and fruit juice.

I opened the door all they way and let him into my room.

"Thanks." I barley mumbled as I received the tray.

"y/n I'm sorry you had to find out like that."

I quickly hushed him.

"If you say another word I will kick you out of my room right now."

He agreed and stayed quiet while I ate all my meal.

"So what are we going to do about this?" I asked him when I was done.

"Do about what?"

"This marriage Minho! What else do you think I would be talking about." I stared him straight in the eyes. "We clearly can't get married."

"Why not?"

"You can't be serious." I sighed out in frustration. "Minho I'm barley going to turn 18, I can't be forced into a marriage I don't want to be apart of."

"But you will be with me." He grabbed both my hands. "I'll be your husband and you'll be my wife. I will take care of you every minute of every day. You won't need anybody but me, I will give you everything you want."


I pulled my hands away from him. "Jesus Christ Minho are you listening to yourself? This is crazy. How are you not against this?"

"Because I already told you that I have liked you since middle school. This is our chance to finally be together."

I couldn't believe the words exiting his mouth.

"There is no 'we' Minho. You are my friend, a close friend that I deeply care for but that is all, there will never be a 'we'."

His expression darkened. "It's because of that guy isn't it? If he hadn't interfered then you would have given me a chance."

"Minho that isn't the point."

He stood up angrily and raised his voice. "Then what is? Tell me y/n!"

I don't think I have ever since him act this way in all our years of friendship.

"Well if you really want to know then I'll tell you the truth. I've known about our arrangement since last year. As badly as I wanted to tell you I wanted to win you over myself before any of this. I even went as far as forcing myself to support your relationship with that stupid guy. But I'm sick of it."

He pushed me back and pinned my hands down on the bed.

"Yah! Let go of me."

"Why should I? You are my fiancé after all. Nothing you do will change the fact that you are mine whether you like it or not. You aren't his, you are mine and I will make sure that once we are married you will never see him or any of your little friends again."

I spit on his face out of anger.

"You don't own me, I'm not your property."

"Oh but baby I do." He crashed his lips onto mine.

He forcefully slipped his hands under my shirt while I tried to fight back.

"Yah Minho." A familiar voice yelled and pushed him off of me.

I quickly caught my breath and sat up to see Hyunjin standing in front of me with his arms out.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" He yelled at Minho.

"Hyunjin stay out of it. This is between me and her."

"Get out." He replied in a stern voice. "You know damn well y/n is like my sister and you're and idiot if you think I would ever let you put your hands on my sister."


Minho looked at Hyunjin with rage.

"We'll see about that later." He said before taking off.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Hyunjin questioned himself.

He turned back and examined me. "Are you okay."

I hugged Hyunjin immediately. "Thank you for coming Hyunjin-ah."

"What is going on y/n you need to tell me everything." He wiped away the tears that had blurred my vision.

"I don't know what to do Hyunjin-ah, my life is falling apart."

"Calm down, its okay, everything will be okay." He hugged me close.

"I'm tired of everyone telling my that. Nothing is okay, everything is a mess. "

"Breathe, just breathe." He sat down next to me.

Once I calmed down I questioned Hyunjin's presence. "Why did you come?"

"I was worried about you. Your father called me and told me that you hadn't come out of your room for two days, not even to eat. He asked me to come but I didn't expect to walk in to such a situation."

"Everything is a mess Hyunjin-ah." I sighed and lied down on the bed.

I began to tell him everything. From the arranged marriage to my current situation with Heachan. I even told him about what happened at the cinema between Minho and Eunji. He himself couldn't believe what I was saying.

By the time we were done talking it was 1 am. Hyunjin slept over because it was already late and we had school in a few hours.

We woke up extra early so that we would have time to stop by Hyunjin's house and pick up his things.

"Where do you think you are going?" My mother asked as we were about to exit my house.

"I'm wearing my school uniform, were do you think I'm going." I answered sarcastically.

"Hyunjin darling, our driver will be outside to take you to school in just a minute. As for you y/n, you have been withdrawn from school and will be finishing the semester via online classes."

"What! No." I couldn't believe it. "Why would you do that?"

"I think we need to talk about this matter privately." She said referring to Hyunjin.

Hyunjin nodded his head. "Thank you aunty." He told my mom then looked at me. "I will visit you after school."

He looked back one last time before reluctantly leaving me behind.

"What's this all about." I tossed my backpack on the living room couch.

"After the way you have been behaving, your father and I have decided that we need to keep a closer watch on you. Your behavior issues are a result of us giving you to much freedom."

"What behavior issues?" I groaned. "I have done nothing wrong. You and Apa on the other hand are suffocating me. You two are ruining my life."

"We are doing what is best for you!" She raised her voice.

"Doing whats best for me? Or are you doing whats best for yourselves?" I cried. "Don't lie, you don't care about me one bit. All you car about is money and power. You're greedy and I wish I was never born as your daughter."

My mom slapped me with all her strength.

"You ungrateful child! That boy has done nothing but ruin you."

"Keep Heachan out of your mouth." I gritted my teeth.

"You are not allowed to see him again or any of those school friends. I made a mistake allowing you to be schoolmates with such bad influences."

My mom grabbed my backpack and began searching through the pockets. She pulled out my phone and put it in her purse.

"You wont be needing this anymore."

"No! Give me back my phone."

"I said what I said, end of discussion.I will not allow you to throw everything away and disgrace our family name."

My blood was boiling. "I hate you!"

I ran out the front door but was stopped by two large men carrying me back inside.

"I thought you might try that." My mom had a smug expression plastered on her face. "From now on these to security guards will be monitoring who enters and leaves this house while me and your father are working. Only Hyunjin and Eunji will be allowed to visit you."

"You can't do this!"

"I can and I will." She raised her voice. "Now go upstairs and get ready for your online classes."

"Don't you dare call me your daughter ever again. You have no right to be a mother."

"Stop being over dramatic."

I ignored her and walked upstairs to my bedroom. I refused to talk to her ever again.


oof I almost forgot to update 😣

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