《Full Sun || Haechan》30


"Haechan slow down!" I yelled at him as I began to run out of breath. "You're hurting my wrist!"

He finally stopped and loosened his grip. "I'm sorry." He gently rubbed my wrist with his warm hands.

I sat down on the curb to rest my legs for a few minutes.

"I know you know something I don't so start talking. Whatever nonsense Minho said back there has something to do with what my father told you 3 months ago doesn't it?"

I tried not to believe it but his face was telling me otherwise.

"He's your arranged fiancé y/n." He sighed and sat down next to me.

"No it can't be." I began to shed tears.

I was feeling an ocean of mixed emotions. Anger, disbelief, sadness.

I looked at Haechan and my blood began to boil. "I don't believe you!"

I pushed him and stood up.

"y/n wait!" He tried to stop me from leaving.

I turned around and looked at him with broken eyes. "Haechan you promised me that you wouldn't let anything come between us yet you did. How can I believe you now."

"You heard him say it himself y/n, I'm not lying."

He was right, Minho said it clearly but I didn't want to believe it.

I couldn't stop crying. How could my parents do this to me.

"You knew about this the whole time?"

He didn't answer which was more than an answer for me.

"How could you not tell me!" I yelled at him.

He stayed silent.

"I hate you Haechan, I hate you!"

I slammed my fists against his chest out of anger.

"You gave up on me....why did you give up on me?" I cried with angry tears.

He strongly wrapped his arms around me to calm me down.

"I was wrong." He held me even tighter. "I made a mistake. I was convinced that leaving you was the best for you."

"Why would you ever think that you idiot." I sobbed into his chest.

His voice got shaky. I looked up to see he had also began to shed small tears. "I didn't want to hurt you more. I rather would have had you hate me and forget about me than to make things more painful when the time came. Your father convinced me that you would soon forget about me anyway after you married your childhood friend. Call me what you want y/n, tell me I'm selfish, tell me I'm an idiot, but please don't tell me you hate me. I don't know what to do, all I know is I'm a stupid selfish idiot who wants you and only you."


He kissed my forehead and rested his chin on the top of my head.

For the first time I had hugged him back. I wished that we could stay that way forever. But I knew it wouldn't last. I knew that once I returned home everything would change.

"I broke this promise once but this time it will be the last thing I ever do." Haechan made sure that I was staring him in the eyes. "I promise that I won't let anything ever come between us again. Please forgive me y/n."

I kissed his cheek and snuggled my head into his chest. Even though I didn't say it, my actions had let him now I forgave him.

The warmth of his arms gave me a sense of security in the cool night.

After a long walk we arrived at Haechans house. I was scared to go in after my last experience that happened there months ago.

"Its okay." He noticed my hesitation and interlocked his fingers with mine.

We entered slowly into the dark house. I followed Haechans lead as we climbed the stairs without the sense of sight.

Suddenly the hallway light turned on revealing Chanyeol who was standing at the top of the stairs staring down at us.

I began to panic internally.

"Dad is going to be home so hurry up." He warned and let me and Haechan pass by.

I was confused by his change of attitude towards us.

When we entered Haechan's room I looked at him with a questionable expression. He knew exactly what I was thinking because he answered me right away.

"I know it's weird. Our relationship isn't perfect but it's gotten better."

He walked towards his closet and pulled out a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants.

"There's clean towels hanging in the bathroom." He handed me the clothes and I used his bathroom to take a warm shower.

By the time I finished, Haechan had already fallen asleep on his bed.

I sighed and packed up my dirty clothes in a plastic bag. I sat at the foot of the bed while scrolling through my cell phone notifications. I had hundreds of missed calls from my parents, Minho, and even Hyunjin. I decided to turn off my cellphone and avoid life all together.

Without realizing, Haechan had woken up and hugged me from behind. He rested his chin on my shoulder.

"I thought you were sleeping."

"I was waiting for you." He placed a light kiss on my neck.


I sighed and looked back at him. "What's going to happen Haechan? Graduation is a month away."

"Let's not think about that now." He gently lied me on the bed next to him and pulled the large blanket over us. "Just try and get some rest." He spoke softly and hugged me tight.

My eyelids quickly became heavy as I repeatedly trace the outline of his palm with my thumb.

I wanted to freeze time forever. Nothing made me happier than lying perfectly in Haechan's warm arms. I counted the seconds as I fell asleep hoping somehow, someway, the clock would stop ticking.

When I woke up Haechan was still sleeping. I looked out the window into the barley visible sky. I couldn't have been any later than 5:30 am.

I carefully removed Haechans hand from my waist and stood up without making a sound. I bent over and kissed his soft lips before grabbing my things and sneaking out the front door.

I was almost out the door when someone had stopped me. I looked back and saw Chanyeol.

"You don't plan on walking all the way to home do you?"

I didn't answer knowing exactly that was what I had planned on doing.

"I'll drive you." He whispered and silently exited through the front door as I followed behind him.

"I'm not the same person I used to be, you don't need to be scared of me." He finally spoke up as we drove away. "I'm sorry for hurting you in the past."

I silently nodded my head.

"Also I know all about you and Heachan."

My eyes widened in surprise.

"He doesn't trust me enough to tell me but I overheard him talking to my mom about it. He's been hurting all this time y/n. We don't exactly have the best sibling relationship but I hope one day me and him will. I also hope that when that day comes you will be apart of it."

"Thank you Oppa." I faintly smiled. "I know you don't owe me any sort of explanation but I am happy that you have been working through your problems along with Haechan."

He pulled into my driveway and I stared at my house with dread.

"Everything will be okay." He reassured me. "And if you feel the need to, you know you can always come back to our house."

"Thank you." I said one last time and watched as he drove away.

I quietly snuck into my house hoping not to wake anyone.

"Where have you been all night!" My mom who was sitting on the living room couch suddenly yelled.

My heart rate increase out of fear.

"Nowhere." I mumbled.

"Nowhere?" She got up and walked towards me. "I'll show you nowhere." She said before pulling my hair.

"Owww Eomma! Let go of me." I cried.

"Tell me where you were!" She continued yelling at me.

I refused to answer her no matter how badly she pulled my hair.

"You were with that kid weren't you?"

I stayed silent.

She slapped me right across the face leaving a burning sensation.

Her knees got weak and she feel onto one of the couches. "Where did I go wrong? How did I raise such a whore?"

"Eomma." I cried at my mothers hurtful words. "It's not like that."

I heard the rush if my fathers footsteps coming down the stairs followed by none other than Minho.

"What happened?" Minho tried to help me up.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled at him.

"She spent the night with that boy Minseok." My mother immediately turned to my father.

"Is this true?" He looked at me with angry eyes.

"I told you it wasn't like that!" I yelled in frustration.

"Be quiet." My father raised his voice. "You're lucky Minho's parents are still sleeping and didn't hear any of this foolishness."

"What foolishness Apa? And why should I care what Minho's parents think of me and what I choose to do."


"I won't." I raised my voice at my father for the first time in my life. "Don't think I don't know what you have planned for me. I wont do it!"

Minho grabbed my hand. "Y/N you need to calm down."

"I said don't touch me!" I pushed his hand away from me.

My mother grabbed me by my hair again but this time my father stepped in and pulled her away from me.

"You are never allowed to see that boy ever again!" She yelled at me.

"I don't care what you say."

I ran up the stairs and ignored my parents call.

"Y/N come back here right now!"



My name was the last thing I heard before locking myself inside my bedroom.

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