《Since I Met You (Sun x Lillie)》6 - Tapu Village


Underlined text is actual dialogue from the game

Sun's POV

I was separated once again from Lillie. It feels like I get to see her time and time again, only for her to be taken away once more.

On the way to Tapu Village, I ran into Hau and even Gladion again. Gladion was trying to warn us about Cosmog, or Nebby. He told us to protect it with our lives, something like that. If Nebby is in danger, that means Lillie may be as well... I need to meet her again as fast as possible... Something about Gladion, Lusamine, And Lillie... Is it the hair? And the eyes, too. They all have those emerald eyes, and that choppy blonde hair... Could they be... Related? I'll have to ask Lillie at some point...

I made it to the Aether House with Hau, and afterwards went with Acerola to do my next trial.

As I exited, I saw her. Lillie. She was being threatened by a Skull thug, from the looks of it.

"What do you think you're doing?! Stop it! Stop it right now!" I heard Lillie cry out. Immediately I run in front of her to halt the assault, taking a protective stance.

"Step. Away. From. Her. Or I'll make you regret it." I said, staring down the Skull grunt. I had my hand on my Pokeball, ready to beat this grunt. Seeing someone assault Lillie like that... I couldn't stand it. I was enraged.

"Sun!" I heard Lillie say from behind me. She sounded relieved that I made it in time.

"Oh, so we're following that script, are we? A Trainer dashes forward to save the girl, huh? I'm not gonna let you be the hero in this scene!" The Skull grunt said, sending out his Drowzee.

Instantly, I send out Incineroar.

"Darkest Lariat." I say, in a concise, low voice. In a split second, Incineroar crouched, with it's hands glimmering. It sped towards the Drowzee, knocking it out in an instant. The battle had ended faster than it had begun. The Skull grunt looked in awe.

"I said you'd regret it. Now run away." I said. The grunt did exactly as I said. Once he was out of sight, I turned back to Lillie.


"I just wanted to go for a stroll on my own, to see what it must feel like to be a Trainer... So and I went our separate ways... but then Nebby tried to get out of my bag..." She said. I cut off her sentence and just hugged her.

"S-Sun???" She said, sounding confused and nervous.

"I'm... I'm glad you're OK, Lillie."

S-Sun is... H-Hugging... Me...

I could feel my face getting hotter by the millisecond. We were so close to each other... I felt like I could faint. Sun just saved me... Like a princess. It was like sonething out of a book I've read. The knight saves the princess and...

And now he's... Hugging me... My heart is beating so fast... I feel as though I could faint...

I hear the door of the Aether House open.

"Oh! Lillie!" I heard Acerola say, giggling. Sun let go of our hug quickly.

No... Don't let go! I want to hug more...

"What's the matter? You look all worn out. Do you want to rest at Aether House awhile?" She said, grinning all smug like at me. I wanted to tell her to shut up, but was too caught up in hug-withdraw.

"Oh, Acerola... Thank you! I think I might take you up on that." I said, nervously. I looked back at Sun to see that... He was blushing too?

"And you, Sun! We can reach my trial site from Tapu Village. Come on, follow me!" She said, beginning to skip down the path.

"I'll, um, see you later, Lillie!" Sun said, waving.

Sun's hug... It felt so warm... So nice... I want to feel it again...

I went to the trial site with Acerola. She kept giggling and grinning the whole way there. Did she know something I didn't? She asked me what I thought of Lillie. I answered and she giggled even harder. I hope she didn't see our hug...

The trial was pretty weird, and spooky. I battled a few ghost Pokemon, and was met with a Totem Mimykyu. The little guy was difficult, but in the end I beat it. Acerola gave me a Ghostium Z, and let me catch Pokemon at the trial site. I caught myself a little Mimikyu, filling up the last slot in my party. My party was officially full!


We began to make our way back to the Aether House. to find Team Skull grunts standing outside of the house. What are they doing back here? As I walked closer, I saw Plumeria standing there as well. Hau was already there from what I saw. Me and Acerola walked up and engaged in battle with them. I was up against Plumeria.

With my fully decked out team, she didn't stand a chance. When we finished, she told me to come to Po Town, alone.

Instantly after, I ran inside of the Aether House to see Lillie. I saw her standing with Nebby, completely fine, thank goodness.

We came to find out that Team Skull actually came and stole one of the children's Yungoos. I couldn't forgive Team Skull. Not after what happened with Lillie. I went to go raid Po Town. I got a Sharpedo from a guy named Grimsley registered on my ride pager, and went my way to Po Town. On the way I met a guy named Nanu, he said he was a police officer.

He helped me get into Po Town, and soon I was on my way. I took out Skull Grunts with ease. These idiots didn't even stand a chance. Finally, I made my way up the mansion and met with Guzma, and the Yungoos they had stolen. Me and Guzma then had our rematch, but it ended the same way. With Guzma's Pokemon defeated, he ran out, and I took a Buginium and the Yungoos back.

Exiting the mansion, Acerola showed up and took back the Yungoos, and Nanu showed up as well. Both left afterwards, and I had to meet Acerola back at the mansion.

I paged Charizard and flew back as fast as I could.

I landed right outside the Aether House and ran in. I saw the kids whining at Hau, and no Lillie... Just what was going on?

"Wha... What's going on in here?!" Acerola asked

"Sun... I'm sorry! I...I can't even make myself smile right now..." Hau said, with a huge frown on his face.

"But why? What happened?" Acerola responded.

"Hau... Where's Lillie...?" I asked in a stern voice. I felt anger growing in me. What happened while I was gone?!

"Miss Lillie..." One of the kids said.

"She's Gone!" The other child said. Gone? Gone?! What the hell happened?!

"That Plumeria lady came back as soon as Acerola had left... I'm supposed to be a Trainer! I've got all these Pokémon with me! But when it came down to it, Lillie had to protect me... Lillie, who's not even a Trainer to begin with!" Hau said, almost crying.

"Hau! Your a trainer! And you just let Lillie and Nebby get taken?! What the hell, Hau?!" I was getting angry, but I shouldn't be upset at Hau. I should be upset at the Skull grunts who took her. Just then Gladion barged in through the door.

"Did I hear that right? It was Lillie who took Cosmog?!" Gladion said, visible upset.

"Geh! You know who Lillie is?!" Hau said, confused. It seems my suspicions were correct... Gladion, enraged, forced a battle between me and him. I made quick work of his team and the battle ended soon enough.

"That was wrong of me... I shouldn't have dragged you into a meaningless battle like that... But I told you both! I told you that Cosmog would bring disaster to all of Alola! I have to get it back from them!" Gladion said. He turned to me.

"We'll leave from the ferry terminal. You're coming with me whether you like it or not, so the only question is, are you ready to come now or not?" Gladion asked.

"Of course I'm coming." I say, determined.

Me, Hau, and Gladion all meet at the docks. There, Nanu appeared before us and revealed his role as Kahuna of Ula'Ula. He let me take on his grand trial right then and there, resulting in my victory. He handed me a Darkinium Z, and let us get on our way.

Soon, we were on the boat that was branded as Team Skull, heading on our way to the Aether Paradise.

I'm going to save Lillie, no matter what.

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