《Rise Of The Black Dragon The Rising Of The Shield Hero X Male Reader》Reuniting With Naofumi! The Dragon Hourglass And The Other Heroes!


As you and Teres walked out of the building the two of you decided to get some training in as you walk around the plains you hear growling as you see four porcupines and ten balloon monsters as they surround the two of you

Y/n:*Draws blades and gets in a stance* Looks like we got company Teres

Teres:I know master hey let me show you what I can do

Y/n:Yeah I'm interested show me what you got

Teres:With pleasure

She walks up to two porcupines as she raises her fists they begin to be engulfed in flames as her pupils glow yellow her flames glow red and black as this surprises you

Teres:Oh flames of the fire dragon decipher the laws of nature and heed my call cast these foolish sinners to their deaths and give my god entertainment

Y/n:Wait by god does she mean me?!


She dashes towards them as the flames burn the grass to ash as the porcupines growl at her she pulls her arm back and punches the ground causing a flame tornado which causes all the enemies around them to be burned to a crisp as the flames die down her eyes glow back to red as she grins and turns around

Teres:Well master how was that?

Y/n:That was....AWESOME!!!!!!!!

She smiles as you raise your swords in the air as they get engulfed with fire and ice


???:Y/n do you have to burn almost everything down?

You recognize the voice as you turn to see Naofumi and a racoon girl

Y/n:Naofumi what's up my man?

Naofumi:We were just grinding our level for the upcoming wave and we saw that fire tornado

You two fist bump as you grin

Y/n:Well it wasn't me who did it

Naofumi:Who was it then?

Teres walks up to you as you wrap your arm around her

Y/n:My partner here Naofumi meet Teres

Naofumi:Teres huh?

Y/n:Yup she's a dragon demi human

Naofumi's eyes widen in shock as you chuckle a bit the racoon girl looks at you but you know who it is

???:Master Naofumi who is this?

Naofumi:Raphtalia this is Y/n he's also a Cardinal Hero

Raphtalia looks at you as her eyes light up


Y/n:Yup I'm the Dragon Hero Y/n L/n nice to meet you Raphtalia

You kneel down to her and shake her hand and smile as you notice Naofumi give off a small smile you grin

Y/n:Ah Naofumi your smiling

Naofumi:Shut up Y/n

You wrap your arm around Naofumi's head and ruffle his hair as he groans in annoyance as you grin at him you let him go as he steps back a bit and fixes his hair

Y/n:Anyways I'm going back to the castle to upgrade my equipment

Naofumi:Same as us

Y/n:Well let's go together we need to catch up been a while

Naofumi:Yeah sure whatever

Time skip brought to you by a chibi Y/n and chibi Naofumi walking in the castle while chibi Teres and Chibi Raphtalia talk to each other


Your now in Erhard's shop as he sees Raphtalia

Erhard:Wow I hardly recognized you you've turned into a pretty little lady

Naofumi looks at Raphtalia as you grin

Erhard:I haven't seen you in a while what have you been up to?

Raphtalia:I finally learned correct table manners from the innkeeper I want to eat my food properly like master Naofumi does

Erhard:Hm is that so huh? You have really grown up nothing like the pipsqueak you used to be

Raphtalia pouts at Erhard as you grin as Teres looks around the shop

Naofumi:You think?

Erhard:Well someone's a little hard to please aren't they?

Y/n:Tell me about it

Naofumi:I'm actually pretty surprised myself this whole country's full of lolicons I can understand finding little girls cute but jeez you people take it too far

Y/n:Ya know he's not wrong

Erhard:*Leans closer to the two of you* Alright kids listen haven't you heard the stories about what demi humans are like?

Raphtalia:Excuse me can we forget all about that stuff we're here to buy armor for master Naofumi you have some recommendations don't you?

Y/n:And Teres needs some armor as well

Teres:I'll be fine master Y/n

Y/n:God I won't get used to that

Naofumi:What are you talking about? We're here for your equipment

Raphtalia:*Leans to Naofumi* I appreciate the thought master Naofumi but it's time you protected yourself first for once you just got hurt in the plains or did you forget that?

Naofumi:Of course I haven't forgotten but you need a weapon as well-

Raphtalia:Master Naofumi stop messing around with your life*Draws sword* Or you will die


Raphtalia:Boss this sword seems really sharp

Erhard:Yup that's magic iron do you feel like trying it out?

Raphtalia:What kind of discount can you give us?

Erhard:Don't worry about that miss anything for you

Raphtalia:*Giggles* Thank you so much while your at it could you show us some armor too?

Erhard:Of course

Raphtalia:The most we can pay is 180 silvers

Erhard:Well in that case*Turns to see a heavy duty knight armor* How about something like this?

Naofumi:It's not really my style actually

Raphtalia:It'll take away all of master Naofumi's individuality

Y/n:Plus he doesn't need to look even more edgy then he is now

Naofumi smacks you upside the head


Erhard:No problem I can whip up something special that's made to order

Raphtalia:Made up special?!

Erhard:And for Y/n as well I can make something up for you


Erhard:If you don't mind me using whatever materials I've got on hand I can finish by tomorrow

Raphtalia*Grabs his his hand* Please please do!

The four of you walk into the bar

Raphtalia:Wasn't it nice of him to give us a discount on this sword?

Naofumi:Uh huh

The four of you sit down

Raphtalia:He was so sweet to help us like that don't ya think?

Naofumi:I'm not convinced

Y/n:Wow Erhard was right you are hard to please

Teres and Raphtalia's stomachs growl as they blush in embarrassment


Teres&Raphtalia:That wasn't me I swear it

Naofumi:It was us

A waiter walks up to the four of you

Waiter:Are you ready to order?

Naofumi:Me and Y/n will have the cheapest lunch set that you got and she's gonna have the children's lunch set

Y/n:Teres will have what we're having

Raphtalia:Master Naofumi I'm not a kid anymore and that's the last I want to hear of it!*Turns to waiter* So I'll get the cheapest lunch set too and make it quick!

Waiter:R-Right away

He runs off as Teres tries to hold in her laughter

Naofumi:You really don't need to force yourself to act grown up

Raphtalia:*Slams table* I'm not forcing it!

Teres:Man Naofumi you got a handful huh?

Time skip brought to you by a chibi Y/n stuffing his face

It's now morning as Naofumi has his new armor on

Naofumi:Doesn't this make me look like a typical villain?

Raphtalia:So cool! It's really perfect you look amazing!

Erhard:I call it Barbarian Armor you rock kid you look like a real bandit

Naofumi:I'm supposed to be a hero ya know

Raphtalia:It's dashing!

Teres:You do look cool

Naofumi:Well you did make it for me it'd be a shame not to wear it

Y/n:You think you have it bad Naofumi?

He turns around as he sees you his eyes widen

Y/n:I look like an edgy anime antagonist damn it

Naofumi chuckles as you sigh

Y/n:Thank you Erhard

Horses neigh in the background as you both turn around to see knights around the town

Raphtalia:It's clear that everyone in town is on edge now

Naofumi:Sure the wave's nearly here if only I knew when and where the damn thing was gonna begin I could come up with some kind of plan

Erhard:I can't believe it you mean nobody's told you two about the clock?

As Erhard explained what it was you and your group walk to the church as your in the church you follow a nun as she stops

Nun:Come this way

As you stop walking you spot the dragon hourglass

Naofumi:Woah could this be the dragon hourglass the king was talking about?

Y/n:"Thoughts" Damn it's so much bigger now that I see it in person I mean sure it was big in the show but holy shit

Naofumi's shield glows as does your swords you two look at each other and nod as you raise your sword to the hourglass and a blue and red light shoots out from your swords as a green light shoots out of Naofumi's shield and it hits the hourglass it glows as a timer shows up on your hud

Naofumi:Is it...is it really counting down to the wave?

???:Is that Naofumi and Y/n I see?

Both your eyes widen as you turn around to see the other heroes

Motoyasu:Hey what's this? Your not still fighting with that flimsy equipment are you?

Raphtalia:Do you know who these people are master Naofumi?

Naofumi grits his teeth and begins to walk away

Myne:Hey sir Motoyasu is talking to you Naofumi!

He then turns to see you as he sees your new armor as you let out a dark growl

Motoyasu:Oh Y/n you look like a monster instead of a hero you know hey have you killed anyone else yet?

Y/n:And look at your armor playboy with that on you look like even more of a fucktard

Motoyasu:What was that?!

Y/n:You heard me hey how's your crotch and that arm doing?

Motoyasu:Hey I could kick your ass without even-

You draw your sword and growl

Y/n:Try me bitch I'll kill you if you take one more step

Naofumi stops walking as he then spots the other heroes as they glare at you but you walk over to Naofumi

Motoyasu:Hi there

You turn around to see Motoyasu holding Raphtalia's hand

Motoyasu:I'm Motoyasu Kiramura the Spear Hero nice to meet ya

Raphtalia:Your a hero?

Motoyasu:Wow your cute

Myne:Why are you praising a demi human sir Motoyasu?

Motoyasu:A girl as adorable as you shouldn't have to wield a sword allow me to protect you from now on

He then sees Teres as he checks out her body

Motoyasu:Wow your a hottie just like this girl here hey why don't you ditch this loser Y/n and join the winning side?

Teres:Go fuck yourself you so called hero

A dark aura begins to surround your body as black scales start to grow across your face

Y/n:Get your filthy hands off of her you pedophile

Motoyasu looks at you as he shivers a bit as Naofumi growls and begins to walk up to her

Raphtalia:*Takes her hand away from Motoyasu* I'm sorry it's my sworn duty to fight side by side with master Naofumi and helping Y/n and Teres!

Motoyasu:Are you kidding?! That's insane is you stay with Naofumi and Y/n you'll be in danger

Naofumi growls at Motoyasu as he grins smugly at him

Motoyasu:Tell me I'm not right or don't you have the guts?

Myne grins at Naofumi who glares daggers at Motoyasu as you walk up to him as you tap his shoulder he turns around as you stab him in the arm as he grunts in pain


Naofumi then turns to grab Raptalia's hand as you grab Teres

Naofumi:We're outta here

Motoyasu gets up and holds his shoulder

Motoyasu:Come on your not gonna tell me you heard any of those rumors going around about them

Raphtalia stops walking as Naofumi stops as well


Naofumi grits his teeth even more as he walks out you follow him

Itsuki:See you when the wave hits

Ren:Just stay out of our way

Teres:Motoyasu was it?

Motoyasu:Yes my sweet-


Myne:How dare you glare at a Cardinal Hero you bitch!

You summon an ice dagger as you throw it at Myne as it cuts her cheek

Y/n:Insult her again and I won't miss next time

Motoyasu:YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!

You scoff and follow Naofumi outside the church

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