《Discontinue- The Dagger Hero Angelica》Chapter 16


"Right, now that you know each other let's discuss the problem at hand." Vanessa said with a hint of worry.

"Of course, now follow me." Eric said and started walking away, we followed Eric to a one-story house. It had dark brown paint that was ether peeling off or covered in dirt or dust, a giant hole on the left side of the roof that looks like it can fit a medium size bolder, two shattered windows and four very cracked ones, a hole on the right side of the house that was big enough for a person to walk through it, and a broken door that was leaning to the right.

Compared to the state of other houses we've seen, this is actually a decent house. Eric walked towards the rundown house and opened the broken door "Well? Aren't you guys going to come in?" He ask seeing us just standing there like a bunch of idiots.

"O-oh right, hehe sorry about that." I said and chuckled nervously "Come on Vanessa." I said and grabbed her hand "R-right." she said and followed me inside the house along with her brother. "So what exactly are we doing here?" I ask Eric as I looked around "Well, we are here because this is where we'll plane our attack on the Earth Goblin King to lift the curse that he has placed on our peaceful village." Eric confirmed while walking around looking like he knew where he was going.

"I guess that makes sense." I said to myself, we then stopped in front of what looks like the dining room, well what's left of it that is.

A table long enough to fit seven people was covered top to bottom with wooden pieces of the roof, the three chairs in front of us were on the floor and the chair in the middle hadded three slash marks on the cushion that look a lot like claw marks and a missing leg, the chair on the head table was also laying on the floor but it was so shredded you can't even call it a chair anymore, and finally there was a hole on the roof that we recognize as the hole we saw outside the house.


Me and Vanessa gasped at the scene before us scanning at what use to be the dining room "What happened here?" I ask curiosity getting the better of me.

"An invasion happened." Eric said sadly as he recalls the memory, when I saw his face sadden I started to feel guilty 'Great job Angelica you just reminded him about how his village nearly burned to the ground.' I scolded myself. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to sture up some unpleasant memories." I apologize.

He shook his head and gave me a sad smile "It's fine you were curious and had to ask, I understand. Besides I have to tell you what happens here in the village eventually, so there's no reason to be sorry." he said and look at what used to be the dining room. "It all began a week ago." Eric started and looked at the hole on the roof as if he was remembering everything that has happened over the past week.

"One of the villager's named Jackson Black, he wanted to have his own garden of herbs. Hoping he can not only sell the medicine from these plants but too also experiment on them so he can make new and improve medicine and sell them or give them to people who really need it the most."

"However all the planting fields in the village were already taken by people who were just a step ahead of him. That's when he came with an idea if all fields in the village were already taken then there must be an available field that no one using just outside the village, but little did he know that the very same idea will doom us all." "He soon came across a field just a mile away from our village, but it wasn't your ordinary field. Instead of being filled with grass and some flowers here and there, it was filled with nothing but rich soil, soil so rich it can cure even the sickest plants if you plant it there." Eric said


"Really?" I said with surprise "I didn't know such a place exists." Vanessa said with owe "Non of use in the village knew, though I wish it stayed that way." Eric said with regret "Why is that brother?" Vanessa ask " I'm getting to that right now." he said.

"When Jackson saw the soiled field he thought it was the perfect place to plant his herbs." Eric continues "However what he failed to notice was a red flag that was covered with the very same soil until it was too late." Eric said "What did the goblin symbol look like?" I ask.

Eric fumble through his pockets for a bit until he found what he was looking for and gave me a piece of paper.

What the Goblins symbol looks like.

"What happened to Jackson." I ask looking up from the piece of paper, Eric cringed a bit when he heard my question "You see after finding out he planted seeds on Goblin territory without the Goblin Kings permission, he begged for forgiveness but the king wasn't willing to hear him out so he.....he killed him, he killed him in front of everyone's eyes and no one can do anything about it." Eric said while clenching his eyes and fist, anger and sadness clearly showing.

"Not only that but as a lesson to never invade a Goblins territory again, he attacks our village with his army of goblins and his three plant monsters because ' he felt like it.' He cursed our soil to kill any and all seeds that we have ever grown or planted so we can never plant again." Eric said and his voice was so full of hate and disdain I can't help but want to hug this boy and tell him everything was going to be okay when I know damn well it's not.

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