《Doom rising》Why


Mel-Mother it's time t-

Mel walks in to see you along with Glass,P/N,and Mirellia naked in bed

Noufumi-Hey what's the hold-

Y/N-I will let you live if you erase this from your brain

Mel-Done let's go noufumi

Noufumi-Right behind you

They leave

Y/N-I'm the strongest thing in this universe but overpowered by these three and my only question is how

Glass-Because I always get what I want

P/N-Good morning love


Y/N-Morning to you all

P/N-So what's the plan for today

Y/N-We're going to the kingdom to end all of this but I would've stopped it by now

Glass-Yeah by murdering him

Y/N-In hell you ask no questions just kill and move on

Mirella-By the way what's hell like

Y/N-We got demons,Lost souls,Titans,and everything is on fire but i won't say everything because it will mess your head up

P/N-Ok cool so when are we leaving

Y/N-Let's go right now I don't want to be late

You tried to move but felt something in your hand

Glass-Not now big boy~

Y/N- How can you fit those in your dress

Everyone gets dressed and make there way to the others



Y/N-Hey filo you ok


Y/N-That's good now come let's go

Glass-Sorry Y/N but I must go I can't stay here forever

She slowly becomes transparent

Y/N-Your planet must be very far away from here

Glass-It's not like I'm an alien but it's like this just more Japanese looking

Y/N-Well I don't want you disappearing so go on

P/N-Bye Glass

Noufumi-I'm going to be ready for our next fight

Glass-We will just have to wait an see

Glass leaves

Y/N-So where is Raphtalia

Raphtalia-Right here

Filo-When did you get here

Mel-She was always here just standing there very quietly

Time skip

(??? POV)

Knight-Isn't that the two devils how come you let them


Civilian 1-No body likes them there monsters to all

???-Do you know them personally

Civilian 2-No and I don't care

???-Ok fine I'm going to meet them

Knight-Ok just be careful around them

???-I don't need your words(Mind) So I finally found you slayer


Noufumi-Y/N, Mel and filo wanted to see you for a second

P/N-Mel i brought the white and pink paint

Mel-Thank you

Y/N-Why do you need paint

Filo-Master close your eyes


(A couple of giggles and laughs later)

Mel-And done

Raphtalia-He looks beautiful

P/N-Wow amazing

Noufumi was laughing his ass off

Mel-I present to you my favorite masterpiece Unicorn Y/N


Filo-We got tried of looking at that green and brown so we made you more lively

Y/N-I'm going to have to get used to this but at least answer this one question

Mel-That is

Y/N-Can I wash this off

Mel-Yes it says i-

Y/N-Why did you stop

Mel was sweating

Mel-Well it's permanent

Noufumi was laughing even harder now

Filo-Are you mad at us

Y/N-No I'm not mad about this because I needed to give it a new color anyway but at least I can kill demons with style

P/N-I love this

Raphtalia-I agree

Ren-Noufumi come on we ha-

Ren stopped and was trying his hardest now to laugh

Motoyasu-What's so funny

Itsuki-What happened to you

Y/N-Two angels gave me the power of a unicorn

Filo-So do like it

Y/N-No,I love it

You enter the throne room and see Malty and Aultcray on a podium

Mirellia-Welcome hero's and unicorn

Noufumi-I can't take it anymore

Filo-It's not nice to laugh at people

Noufumi-I know but you turned a murder machine into a unicorn

Y/N-Ok let's get this over with

Mirellia-The trial starts now

Y/N-(Thoughts)This is going to be boring

You sat down and tapped the side of your helmet to you vibing while killing demons


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

You paused and looked up at Mirella

Mirella-I sentence both of you to death

You seen right through Mirella and knew that she was going to kill herself for those two

Small skip

Everyone was watching

Mirella-May the execution being

The knights were about to cut the ropes on the guillotine then you shot your shotgun into the air as noufumi yelled "Wait"

Y/N-Death would be to good for them

Noufumi-You should seen her she was begging to the person who life she ruined

Everyone was laughing while you looked at Mirella who put the knife down and smiled at you

Noufumi-Let's give them names how malty first

Y/N-Yes her first

Noufumi-Her name will be bitch and her adventure name will be whore

Y/N-You read my mind

Everyone laughed again

Noufumi-Would you do the honors and name that sack of shit

Y/N-That would be a lovely name "The old sack of shit"

Everyone started to laugh again while you broke the bars holding them

Mirella-From this day forward Malty name will be Bitch and Aultcray name will be Sack of shit

Everyone Cheered for you and noufumi

You walked to Mirella and Mel while the hero's walked down

Y/N-Mirella why where you about to do that

Mirella-Because I-I-

You took your helmet off and kissed her

Y/N-Just forget about it

Mirella-You're right it's done I will stop worrying about it

Y/N-That's good

Motoyasu-Y/N,did you just kiss the queen

Y/N-You have a perverted mind anyway you should get to that party

Ren-You should come too you earned it

Y/N-I haven't eaten anything in centuries maybe even for a millennial

Everyone was shocked

Filo-For that long and you're not dead

Y/N-Actually I don't need anything

Mirella-Well come with us and at least try something

Y/N-Ok I will try something

Raphtalia-You must be striving

Y/N-No it feels like I don't even have a stomach at all

Y/N(Mind)I thank you all for showing me how to live again except Motoyasu and Bitch because their bitches

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