《Doom rising》Unexpected visit


Y/N-I come from hell

Knights-This is kidnapping of the princess


Noufumi-Yes Mel this was a set up

Y/N-And it's about to be a blood bath if they don't leave

Just then a knight pulled out a crystal ball while the others charged in

Noufumi-You better stop

Knight-Why would we listen to the devil of the shield

Y/N-Cause the devil of the shield is trying to save from the devil himself

Filo-Don't kill them master

Y/N-Ok filo,You heard it right ,that was your guardian angel so you won't die but you will be hurt so stop


You punched him in face then kick one of them into the rest but there's one more

Y/N-How sent you here

Knight-I will never tell the devil

Y/N-Hell for you

You opened a portal right under him

Y/N-Tell the devil he's next

Time skip

Noufumi-This well be our hide out for tonight

Y/N-You and the others can go to sleep I will go make sure we are ok

Mel-Please be careful

Y/N-Ok I will

In the woods

Y/N-Damn I i'm lost

Suddenly a portal opened

???-I can't believe I'm doing this

Y/N-Glass you came

Glass-Shut up I didn't come here for you I came to see the progress of that boy

Y/N-Yeah whatever you say

Glass-(Whisper)I also came to see you to

Y/N-What was that

Glass-Nothing so were is the boy

Y/N-I don't know I'm kinda lost

Glass-Well do you have something to find him

Y/N-Grab on malady

Glass-What are you doing

You jumped into the to the point you're touching the clouds

Y/N-Like the view

Glass-I do actually it's very pretty up here

Y/N-Not prettier than you

Glass blushed while you looked for noufumi and the others

Y/N-They're over there

Glass-Why are the heroes fighting each other

Y/N-They're jealous jack asses that set up the shield hero

Glass-I see ,well can I you know come with you

Y/N-Got to say please

Glass-I hate you but please

Y/N-Yes you can

To the others

Motoyasu-I knew you scum but to go this far

Noufumi-It was a set up get it through your head

Ren-You disgust me

Mel-This a misunderstanding the shield hero didn't kidnapped me

Malty-The shield hero brainwashed my dear sister

Motoyasu-Is that a ability of the shield


Y/N-You all are getting annoying

Ren-Were you in on it too

Y/N-Just stop if I kidnapped her we wouldn't be here and the others didn't kidnap nobody

Malty-You're lying

Y/N-You want to talk with our friend again he's waiting for you

Malty-I have the heroes with me so go ahead

Y/N-If you want to fight come get me

Everyone looked at each other then back at you

Y/N-What cat got your tongue

Glass-If you fight each other you will not be strong enough to stop me from killing you

Motoyasu-What is she doing here

Y/N-Hey eyes on me

Mel-Why are all fighting end this now

Malty-I only came to get my dear little sister back

Y/N-Says the person trying to kill her

Itsuki-What do you mean

Y/N-You all are so stupid it's killing me

Glass-So you're calling me stupid too

Y/N-What no no I'm calling them stupid not you so don't get mad please

Glass-I want something good to eat so after this go get it

Y/N-Ok,now back to what saying

Malty-I would never hurt my sister

Y/N-Then who sent the knights to kill her because your father be out of his mind to do something like that and why would your mother send her if she was just going to kill her


Ren-He does have a point

Malty-This is all his fault he brainwashed him

Noufumi-I didn't brainwash nobody and if I did we wouldn't be here in this

Motoyasu-So that's how it's going to be then I'll take Mel back by force

Y/N-I'm losing brain cells so I'm going to give you two options go away or die

Ren-I will die getting the princess back

Y/N-I had enough of this

You pulled out your chain gun then shoot all the knights

Noufumi-Let's go Y/N


Glass-What about me

You pick her up

Y/N-Don't worry I saved a special sit for you

Noufumi-Bye bye

You and the others run into the Forest leaving the hero's behind

Time skip

Filo-Master i hungry

Y/N-Ok filo I will go get something but for now how are

Raphtalia-Were did you come from

Mel-Wait that's one of the shadows that's under the queen direct control

Y/N-Well what do you want

Shadow-Sir shield hero and sir slayer I have came to tell you that you have been requested to meet with her majesty the queen


Y/N-Ok but what for

Shadow-To get to the bottom of this commotion


Noufumi-Where did she go

Glass-She left a while ago

Raphtalia-What's that smell

Y/N-It seems like she want to smoke us out

Mel-She's mad

Noufumi-Now you noticed that

Glass-Y/N I will take my leave here

Y/N-Wait I haven't given you nothing to eat yet

Glass-Yes I now but next time I come I want double no triple

Y/N-Yes ma'am

Glass leaves while noufumi was looking for a way to meet the queen

Y/N-That woman is going to drive me crazy with this

Filo-Which one

Y/N-Both of them one wants to be a pain in the ass and the other is going want everything when she gets back

Noufumi-I feel your pain

Time skip

Raphtalia-You're alive keel

Keel-How are you

Raphtalia-Do you remember after the wave when I said we should rebuild the village you was the person to agree with me

Keel-Raphtalia it's really you but who are they

Raphtalia-There friend's who came to help and I brought the shield hero with me

Keel-Really I just wish Rifana could see him

Raphtalia-Where is she

Keel said nothing then raphtalia run to her cell and started crying

Y/N-Raphtalia it isn't your fault it's people like him who makes my blood boil

Ragnar-And this is happening all over the country

(Is that how you spell his name)

Raphtalia-She was a more graceful than me and always said she wanted to meet you

Noufumi-Then let's give her and the others a proper send off so they can rest in peace

Raphtalia-You're right

Time skip

Fat man-God give me strength to banish the devil

The ground shakes then something rose from

the pillar

Y/N-That's a damn T-Rex

Noufumi-This doesn't look good

Everyone started to run while you stayed

Filo-Master what are you doing

Mel-I know you're the doom slayer but that's and ancient evil

Y/N-Go I don't need you in the way because

The t-Rex heard your voice then turned to look at you

Noufumi-Good luck and don't die

Y/N-Ok now get out of here

They ran away

Y/N-Hey you look cool and I don't want to kill you so calm down

???-Only if you beat me

Y/N-Did you say that

???-You're and interesting one but doesn't mean I will go down easily

Y/N-So you speak telepathically ok I could work with that

???-Come on let's fight

Y/N-Before we begin what your name

???-Its been so long I forgot it but you can call me P/N

(You choose a name)

Y/N-Let's begin

You charged at P/N with your fist

P/N-No weapon

Y/N-Like I said I don't want kill you

You grabbed his tail picking him up then slamming him on his back

Noufumi POV

Noufumi-You think he's alright

Raphtalia-I mean he survived hell so I guess

Noufumi-Let's go back but don't interfere and don't get caught


Your POV

Y/N-Damn just go down

P/N-This is getting annoying

You threw him into a house then punched him in the stomach

Y/N-I'm going to finish this

You jumped into the sky then came down with a right hand but before you could do that you hear

P/N-Ok I give up

Y/N-good call

You double jumped out the way before you could hit him

P/N-So what should I call you

Y/N-I don't know just call me Y/N

P/N-What about the others

Y/N-Oh them we scare the crap out of them

P/N-I like that

Noufumi-To bad plan busted

Y/N-I told you to get out of here

Noufumi-Yeah but we had to make sure your not dead

Mel-It's seen us run

Y/N-Calm down his my friend now

P/N-Friend I never had one of those

Y/N-Well I will be your first then and by the way can you transform into something thing smaller

P/N-Why is that

Y/N-Because people are going to freak out when they see you

Raphtalia-Are you ok Y/N

Y/N-Yeah why

Mel-Because your talking to yourself

Y/N-No I'm talking to P/N

Filo-Who's that

You point to P/N

Noufumi-Oh okay

P/N-I will try Y/N but it might not work

Y/N-Ok give it a shot

A cloud of smoke appeared then disappeared

Imagine it's black

P/N-This is the smallest I can go

Y/N-That's okay so what can you do

P/N-A lot really

Mel-Can you turn invisible

P/N nods his head the disappear

Noufumi-Where did he go

Y/N-Right behind you

Noufumi turns then screams

P/N-That was funny

Y/N-You should have seen his face

Noufumi-That's not funny so stop laughing

Filo-I have to take a bath because I'm dirty

Time skip

Filo-Now I'm all clean

Y/N-That's good filo

P/N-Y/N do you feel that

Y/N-Yeah like something big is coming

Raphtalia-What's coming

Y/N-Don't know

Just then filolial's run out of the woods circling you and p/n

Y/N-What's this

???-Why are you here

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