《False Hero (Kiritsugu M Reader x Shield Hero)》Chapter 6: Hero vs Hero


So happy I got her when I had JP. Gave it to someone who would put my account to better use than I would. (Hardly used JP other than to grind my free SSR [Waver of course])


If you saw a notification for this book, it's because I changed our MC's age to something that seemed a little more appropriate for what I want to do.


Y/n: "..."

Naofumi: "Still can't wield other weapons.. How the hell am I supposed to beat this guy?!"

I was simply looking at the ground angrily. Naofumi noticed this and walked over to me. He put an arm around my shoulder and looked at me.

Naofumi: "Don't worry. We'll get them back"

Y/n: "I'm hoping so"

The doors began to open up as I could see our opponents ahead of us. We slowly walked out as we could see a crowd over us. The king began to introduce us as well as give a speech as to what was on the line. I looked at my girls and gave them a small smile.

Y/n: "I promise I'm getting you both back. I promise!!"

Red: "Master!!"

Schwi: "Master will always be Master to Schwi"

King: "Look at them, brainwashed so much they are blind to the shackles they've been enslave to. Worry not young ladies, once the heroes have defeated those scum, you'll he set from from your chains"

Red: "I am not enslaved to no one!! I CHOSE TO FOLLOW MASTER!! I AM HIS SWORD!!"

Schwi: "I am Master's companion and will continue to be"

Y/n: "Naofumi?"

Naofumi: "Y/n?"

Y/n: "I'm going to go after Ren. Don't even bother to get in between us"

Naofumi: "I'm expecting the same from you regarding Motoyasu"

Y/n: "Of course. I'm going to crush his skull in"

King: "Begin!!"

They charge at us as I wait for the hero to arrive. He swings down at me and dodge it easily.

Y/n: "If it comes down to this, I'll be the villain. I'll tarnish myself as evil if that means I can take them back"

I pull out Calico and start firing at him while keeping count of my shots in my head.

Y/n: "89.. 84"

He skillfully dodges my attacks as I prepare for every scenario that could happen. I keep squeezing the trigger as he continues to dodge the bullets. Between moving to the side or simply cutting the bullet, he continues to deflect my attacks. Calico clicks as my ammo runs. I look at it giving Ren the opportunity to attack. He charges at me and drives his sword through my side. It only grazes it but it still hurt like a bitch.

Ren: "I'll free her from your- AH!!"

He falls to a knee as the crowd looked stunned. He looks and sees a giant bullet wound on his knee.

Ren: "When did you-?!"

It hit him, my left arm was holding onto another weapon.

Ren: "When did you grab that?!"

Y/n: "I know my weapons. I also skilled at plans. I let myself get attacked by you. What happened oh champion of heroes? Done for the count?"

He rises up and lifts his sword up.


Ren: "Not until you let Red go you bastard"

Y/n: "Alright"

I unload the empty bullet inside Thompson's Contender before putting in an Origin Bullet.

Y/n: "If you won't quit the easy way, I'll just have to remove you the hard way"

I load the gun up and pull out my knife.

Ren: "You think you could defeat me with a knife and a single bullet?"

Y/n: "No. I already have. You are to injured to run at full speed, the bullet I shot you with contains a powerful venom inside that will kill you any minute now. Regardless of you do, I'll win anyway"

Ren: "Coward!!"

Y/n: "Yea, I guess you could call it that. I'll win anyway I can"

He rushes at me once again despite the injury to his leg.

Y/n: "You have a minute to defeat me, can you do that before your heart stops?"

Y/n: "As calculated, he will recklessly try to attack me which will speed up the effects of the poison. If he simply took things more calmly, no doubt he would of won. The slower the heart rate, the slower the venom will travel through his body"

All I had to do was evade his attacks and until he collapses to the ground. It would be an easy victory in which-.

Motoyasu: "Lightning SPEAR!!!"

I turned and saw Naofumi attacked with a powerful blow, it sent him to the ground as Motoyasu looked over at me.

Motoyasu: "One more"

Ren: "You've left yourself open"

I tried turning as quick as I can but it was to late.

Irisviel: "TIME ALTER!!"

I looked down to see his sword was about to connect. I had no idea why he wasn't striking. I turned everywhere and saw everything had stopped.

Y/n: "I see.. looks like my good charm worked huh?"

I turn to the incoming attackers and grab my knife. I rushed at Ren and slized at every point I could that would severely limit his movements. Once I was done, I pointed Thompson's Contender to his head. I brought it back down and stopped myself.

Y/n: "It's not worth it"

I look at Motoyasu and change my Origin Bullet out for a different one. I aim it at his stomach and pull the trigger.

Y/n: "This will only hurt a little. Chrono Rose"

Time returns back to normal as the effects of what I did happen. Ren falls to the ground bleeding from multiple areas as Motoyasu also falls to the ground with a bullet through his stomach.

Y/n: "My victory"

Crowd: "How did he win from an absolute winning blow? There's no way two heroes lost to a dud. I couldn't even see him"

I could hear the public in shock from the rabbit out the hat move I did. I simply put my gun down and look at the king.

Y/n: "Is this your best?! Now pay up your end of the deal. Release them!!"

The guards looked furiously at me as I disrespected their king with my tone. The king simply closed his eyes and stood up.

King: "Dud hero. I demand you tell me what exactly you did"

I look back to see Ren checking and gasping for air as the venom takes effect.


King: "Give him the antidote!! I demand-"

Y/n: "There is no antidote"

The king's eyes widen as soon as he heard my response.

Y/n: "I might be lying of course. After all, I am a cheat and liar. My blade was submerged in the lethal venom as well just to let you know"

Motoyasu: "*cough* You.. bastard"

He begins to cough up blood as well as I don't take my eyes of the King.

Y/n: "You aren't in a place to demand anything. I'll give you an option, you free my girls and Raphtalia and I might just give you the antidote to save them"

I was entirely serious the whole time.

King: "Enough of this-"

Y/n: "You're running out of time"

The King was reluctant but ultimately gave in and released both my girls to me. I dug into my pocket and threw a blue elixir at the two pale heroes. They each grabbed and drank from it as their skin slowly came back to their natural color.

Y/n: "Enjoy that I had pity on the two of you for your actions"

I looked up and saw that Raphtalia was in his possession.

Y/n: "What's the deal? We agreed-"

King: "We may have agreed but Naofumi still lost. We are here by removing her seal now"

I turned to see Naofumi on the ground. I was about to go over to him but Red held my hand. She shook her head and smiled. I had no idea why she was doing this though.

Irisviel: "Don't worry, She is loyal to Naofumi from the heart not because of the crest"

I began to analyze everything and it hit me.

Y/n: "She won't betray him"

I said to myself as the began to remove it.

Motoyasu: "I couldn't save Schwi and Red today, but I will another. Atleast I saved Raphtalia for now from that scum Naofumi"

Raphtalia had her crest removed as she walked over to Motoyasu. She slapped him and berated everyone for their treatment of Naofumi. She walked over to me and gave me a light bow.

Raphtalia: "Thank you for never abandoning him"

Y/n: "No problem. I knew he was innocent"

She walked over to him. Naofumi tried to fight her off but Raphtalia never gave up. She consoled him regarding everything that has happened to him and promised to be by his side no matter what. Naofumi fell onto her chest in tears as I bowed my head lightly.

Y/n: "Glad to see he doesn't feel alone anymore"

I felt a tug on my shirt as Red was looking down.

Red: "I.. I want to be by master's side too. It was scary.. the thought of being away from master. It hurt thinking of being alone again"

I could see tears falling to the ground from her face.

Red: "Please never dessert me master. I don't wish to be without master"

I put a hand on her head and gave it a little rub to calm her down.

Y/n: "Even if you were to fall ill, break something, I won't abandon you. If you stop being useful to me as my sword, I'll find something to use you for. Whether it be tracking... or a source for comfort. I'll never abandon you"

She jumped into my arms as she let her emotions out. I noticed Schwi walk behind her and gave her a hug.

Schwi: "Schwi won't abandon you either. I'll convince master to keep you even if I have to punch him in the knees"

Y/n: "I won't and why my knees?!"

Schwi: "Just because"

Red let me go and hugged Schwi. They looked like genuine sisters. I looked at them like something more than just tools like I've said. Maybe it's because I never wanted to express my true feelings that I kept it to myself, but I viewed them like my daughters. At my age, I never really thought about having children since I hadn't found the right one but.. I wanted to give these girls everything.

Schwi: "Master?"

Y/n: "Hm?"

Schwi: "You're smiling"

I put a hand on my face and felt it. It was because of them that it had happened.

King: "Dud hero"

My face went back to its regular form as I turned to him.

Y/n: "Can't you call me by my name or something else?"

King: "I want to remove the crest of the 2. To prove that they aren't-"

Y/n: "Not happening"

The other 3 heroes looked at me disappointed with my response.

Y/n: "You want to view me as a villain for this, than that's fine. I don't care about your opinion. I'll be taking my girls now since I've passed your trial. If you may excuse me your highness~"

I say the last part with a sarcastic tone.

Motoyasu: "Y/n-!!"

Schwi: "Schwi isn't a slave. I do not have a crest. Look"

She pulled her jacket down a little to show him her chest. As she said, nothing was on it.

Schwi: "Schwi is following master out of her own volition"

Y/n: "Schwi, let's get going. Pervert"

I say to Motoyasu who had a bit of blood coming from his nose. He immediately cleaned it up in a flustered manner. I walked up to Naofumi and Raphtalia. I offered him my hand as he took it.

Y/n: "No matter what, I'm here for you Naofumi"

Naofumi: "Thank you, as you do as well. Me and Raphtalia are willing to help you with anything we can"

I put a hand over Raphtalia's head and smiled at her.

Y/n: "Keep him safe will you, he'll need you"

Raphtalia: "Absolutely!!"

I remove my hand and continue on my way.


In a village

Flames engulfed the village as it became attacked by a strange beast. The cries of the people could be heard everywhere as a young girl ran for her life from some monsters. She continued to get away until she tripped and fell down a hill onto a tree. It was big enough for her to hide inside and not be caught. She crawled in, in time to avoid one of the beasts attacks.

??: "Help"

The wolf looking monsters continued to pursue after her. They inched their way closer to her as she cried into her knees. Suddenly, one of the beasts was pulled out. The others followed as a cry was heard before dead silence took over. She looked out to see it completely calm. She slowly crawled out to see a mountain of a man standing with blood everywhere.

??: "W-Who.. who are you?"

The man didn't say a word as he looked at her. She stretch a hand to him and took his hand.

??: "Um.. do you need a friend?"

Illya: "I'm Illya. I don't have a mom or dad but I can be your family if you're okay with me.. I'll call you.. Berserker"

Berserker nodded before picking her up and walking with her.

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