《Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)》15: Crown Princess


"We return to the Capital tomorrow." Naofumi declared. Currently, the party was walking down a forest path after a quick job Naofumi had decided to take. Despite the begging of Raphtalia, you refused to let her convince you to let her fight. Treatment came first.

"Are we wrapping up the trading trip?" Raphtalia asked. Naofumi nodded, stopping for a bit. You took a quick look around as Naofumi started speaking, noticing a variety of colors in a nearby field.

Hold on... You stepped through the tree line, into the field. Right in the middle of it, closer to you, a human girl in a blue dress was sitting down, lingering with a group of filolials.

As soon as you stepped forward, all of the birds looked straight towards you, and you couldn't help but notice a strange detail about them.

Filolials have front facing eyes. Of course they'd be predators.

When you took another step forward, all the filolials ran away from you, leaving the girl to watch them leave, before turning to you. This wasn't just any girl. No, you knew those features. You had seen them in Mirellia, and again in Malty/Myne.

"Melty Melromarc." You greeted. Her violet eyes widened at the mention of her name, as she gazed at you.

"Are you..." you held a finger to your lips, shushing her. You nodded, looking back at your group.

"The one your mother summoned? Yes." You answered with a whisper. Melty nodded, immediately walking to you.

"Hey Y/n? Who's that?" You looked back towards Naofumi, as Melty noticed Filo, taking in a slow gasp.

"Oh... my..." her eyes began to shine at the sight of the bird in front of her.

"So, this is Melty." You stated, patting the young girl's back.

"Are you a filolial?" Melty asked Filo, clearly not expecting a response. However, Filo lifted a wing to her beak, speaking in response.

"Who, me?" This prompted another gasp from Melty.

"You can talk, too?" She asked, amazed.

"Yep." Filo answered. This entire time, you, Naofumi and Raphtalia stood silent, watching the exchange. Melty held her hands to her chin in barely contained excitement.

"I've always dreamed of talking with a filolial!" Melty exclaimed.

"Huh?" Filo looked a bit confused by this, and Melty took in a quick breath, reaching into a pocket.

"Here, this is for you." She took a piece of dried meat, holding it out to Filo, who began to approach her, aiming for the meat.

"Thank you!" Filo said, reaching down for the morsel. As she chewed it up, Melty reached a hand out, feeling the downy feathers that covered her body. A delighted smile covered her face the whole time, one you were actually quite happy to see yourself. You may have been ordered by the queen to protect this little girl, but you wouldn't stop her from having her fun as well.

"What's your name?" Melty asked Filo. You pulled your cane out, leaning against it as Raphtalia and Naofumi spoke to each other in the background.

"I'm Filo, and you are now Mel!" Filo declared excitedly. Melty's face lit up at the nickname, and she reached into her pocket, pulling out more dried meat.

"Here, you want some more?" She offered.

"Yes, please!" Filo took it happily. Naofumi sighed, looking at you, then Filo.

"Filo, we still have business in the town. Until we're done, you two can play under Y/n's supervision." Naofumi told the two.

"Yay!" Filo held up her wings in celebration, before a puff of smoke surrounded her, reverting her to her humanoid form.


"Wow, you can transform too?" Melty asked, once again amazed. You were kind of surprised that the revelation didn't shock Melty, but either way, you now had a task from Naofumi.

"I'll make sure Filo's back by sunset, alright?" You asked. Naofumi nodded, giving you a slight wave as he and Raphtalia turned to walk away, leaving you with babysitting duty for the day.

Of course, you spent the day watching the two speak and play wherever they wished. You didn't intervene much at all, except to warn them when they were getting too far from the village. As expected, the Princess was very well mannered as well. If you were completely honest, you were kind of surprised that a royal child could be so... comfortable outside of their home city, where they were likely to be snatched up by bandits or beasts.

Well, to be fair, the only other royalty you met before Mirellia was the last of a dying race, bound to her throne. You really couldn't expect much from her.

"Hey, Filo." You spoke up, looking to the setting sun. Filo looked at you, a happy smile covering her face.

"Yes, Y/n?" She asked.

"I need you to go see Naofumi while I speak with Melty for a bit, alright?" You asked. Filo nodded cheerily, as happy as she always was.

"Sure thing!" She took off, running through the town, leaving you with the crown princess. You sat down beside her, as her gaze began to shift, showing some more concern.

"I don't think I need to ask, do I?" You questioned. Melty shook her head, letting out a sad sigh.

"I was on my way to the royal capital, to see my father, when I got separated from my escorts while playing with that herd of filolials." Melty explained. You nodded, before Melty spoke again.

"I'm sorry to ask this of you, but could you take me there? To the capital?" She asked you. You gave her a warm smile, nodding your head.

"Of course. I would never go against what your mother asks of me. Would you like me to bring you to the castle personally, or will finding your escorts suffice?" You asked.

"The escorts will be appreciated, Sir Y/n." Melty told you. Her eyes were downcast, bummed out by her blunder.

"Well, come along." You stood up, offering a hand for Melty to grab. She looked up at you, swallowing nervously before grabbing it. You helped her up, before letting go of her hand, and instead letting her walk beside you.

You stepped inside the building everyone was residing in after a bit of a walk, making your way to Naofumi's room.

"Hey Naofumi, I'm taking on a bit of a chore." You spoke up to Naofumi, who looked up from bandaging Raphtalia's burns, immediately noticing Melty at your side.

"Melty was headed to the capital with a group, before getting separated. I say we should help her get there with us, if you don't mind." You proposed. After a bit of thinking, Naofumi shrugged.

"I feel like you'd veto me if I said no, so I guess." Naofumi grumbled. You smiled at him, crossing your arms.

"And, since I know you love it so much, maybe Melty can find a way to get a reward to you?" You suggested, glancing at Melty. She looked up at you, before looking to Naofumi, nodding.

"I'll do my best for that, Sir Naofumi!" She added. That seemed to brighten up his mood, thankfully.


"Well, I guess that's settled. Come, Melty. I'll let you use my bed for the night." You offered. Melty looked to you, a bit surprised by that.

"But what of you? You're not gonna simply sleep on the floor, will you?" She asked. You shook your head, guiding her out of the room.

"You're an important person, I shan't let you go unguarded for a second that you remain under my watch." You told her. Melty cast her gaze downward, nodding a bit.

"I understand. Thank you for accommodating me." She told you. You patted her shoulder, getting her attention with a bit of surprise.

"Don't worry, this is for me as much as it is for you." You told her. Melty nodded as you reached the room you had rented out for the night. You opened the door, letting her in.

"Make yourself comfortable, and call for me should you need me. I'll be there." You told her.

"I will. Good night, Sir Y/n." With those words, she walked into the room for the night, leaving you in the hall outside. You would wait for her to fall asleep before entering the room yourself, so that she could sleep peacefully.

When the morning finally came, and you were helping Raphtalia get stuff loaded up, Melty was also joining you in the ride to the Capital.

"You may sit down with Naofumi for this ride, Raphtalia. I will ensure Melty's safety." You told Raphtalia.

"Understood." Raphtalia gave you a nod, standing behind Naofumi's seat as he got Filo going.

The course of the next day was a quick one. Melty got to see several wondrous sights, like Filo kicking a plagued up deer to death and you cutting up another diseased animal with the Saif. Later on, while the sun was starting to set, Melty took a dip into a river with Raphtalia while Filo caught a fish for use with dinner.

That dinner had been cooked, and eventually, everyone began to fall asleep. Raphtalia leaned against your shoulder, eventually using your lap as a pillow while after some coaxing, Naofumi eventually used a pillow and blanket to lay down, finally falling asleep. Melty had decided to lean against Filo for her comfort, quickly becoming enveloped in her down. You couldn't help but smile at the sight, giving Raphtalia a pat on the head as she stirred slightly in her sleep.

You stared down at the fire, still as a statue, before a quick motion caught your eye, and you looked up just in time to see Melty's blue dress fall to the ground.

Did Melty just... you sighed, shaking your head as you took a large stick, using it to stoke the fire. A few loud crackles erupted from it, before a burnt log fell, most likely breaking from being too burnt. The sound of it caused Naofumi to stir, before completely waking up. You looked over at him, continuing to poke the logs.

"Did I wake you, Naofumi?" You asked. Naofumi shook his head, looking at the fire, then you.

"No, don't worry about it. Let me keep watch while you sleep." He told you, sitting up.

"No need. I'll be fine." You answered. Naofumi sighed, before looking towards Filo, and noticing the lack of Melty's presence.

"Hold on, where's Melty?" He asked. You pointed at Filo, and Naofumi noticed the dress.

"Wait, are you saying..." Naofumi looked between Filo and Melty's dress, definitely getting the wrong idea.

"No, I am not. Allow me to demonstrate." You pulled the crow feather cape from behind your back, folding it into a pillow for Raphtalia, before shifting her and walking over to Filo.

"Observe." You lifted your hand, pushing it into Filo's down, reaching up to your shoulder before you were stopped.

"Huh... that's..." Naofumi stopped himself, reaching down to pick up Melty's dress.

"So, Melty is-"

"Sleeping in Filo's feathers. Try not to disturb her." You suggested, walking over and taking the dress out of Naofumi's hands. You folded it up, before laying it down on the grass beside Filo, where Melty could reach it easily after waking up.

"Now, Naofumi. You should go back to sleep." You urged the shield hero. He sighed, before finally returning to the bedroll.

"Fine." He pulled the blanket over himself, turning his back towards you and the light of the campfire. You smiled upon seeing that, before seating yourself on the log you were on before, looking up to the moon.

Of course, the night came to a close, and with it, you all took off once more for the capital. The day was still young, leading to surprisingly empty streets when Naofumi stopped the carriage, allowing you to get out.

"I will personally make sure Melty gets back to her escort." You told Naofumi, raising your hands to lift Melty from the carriage to the street.

"You sure that's a good idea, Y/n? You're just as scorned as I am here." Naofumi told you.

"Please do not worry." Melty spoke up before you could respond.

"If anyone tries to stop him, I'll make sure to inform them of his good intentions." She told Naofumi. He clearly didn't buy that, giving her a bit of a skeptical look.

"Make sure to get the reward then, Y/n." Naofumi told you. You nodded to him, turning away.

"Let's go, Melty." You told the princess. She nodded to you, and you both walked off, leaving Naofumi with Raphtalia and Filo.

"Farewell!" She shouted, waving back to the three." You gave them a short nod, lowering your hat.

"So, Princess, May I ask you something?" You questioned. Melty looked up to you, giving you nod.

"Yes? What is it?" She asked.

"Are you aware of the order your mother has given the knights, concerning me and you?" You asked. Melty paused for a bit, shaking her head.

"I'm afraid all I know of is your... status, as well as the reason for you being here." She told you.

"Then I'll explain. Mirellia has willed that all soldiers under her command are to surrender you to me, or give up on attempting to become your guard should I order it. If any knight attempts to force you away from me, under the pretense that I am an evil person, due to my affiliation with the shield hero, then they are not to be trusted. You understand?" You told her. Melty nodded, grabbing onto your wrist. You gave her a look, but she cast her gaze away from you.

"If such imposters are to exist within the ranks, then I must do all I can to stay safe. How do you plan to make sure that the knights you give me to are genuine, then?" She asked.

"Simple. I will tell them that I plan to keep you with me a while longer, and if they agree, I will allow them to bring you to your father. Otherwise, things may need to get ugly." You told her, Melty nodded, before you walked out onto a street, where people were starting to ready their stores for business.

"Princess!" As expected, you quickly found a knight, who rushed over to you two. As soon as he noticed who you were, he skidded to a halt.

"Oh, Sir! I apologize, are you watching over her for now?" He asked you. You looked from Melty to the knight, before nodding.

"Yes. I plan to keep an eye on her until I find a group of knights to escort her to the castle. Are you willing to join us, so that you may be part of this group?" You asked. The knight bowed, putting a hand over his heart.

"To ensure the safety of the princess, I would gladly help." He told you.

"Very well then, good knight. Please, join us." Melty told him. The knight raised, keeping his hand at his heart for a moment, before lowering it.

"Of course." He stood behind you as you began to walk, hoping to find more and more knights.

"I do believe five knights would suffice, no?" You asked. Melty nodded towards you.

"Yes. Thank you for this, Sir Y/n." She told you.

"Drop the formalities, please." You asked her. Melty looked up at you, still holding onto your wrist.

"Then please, refer to me as Melty, not as the princess." She asked you.

"Princess...?" The knight behind you spoke up in protest, before quickly shutting up.

"Never mind, pardon my interruption." He bowed his head in apology.

"No, you are quite in the right to question that." Melty told the knight.

"Y/n here is a good friend of my mother, enough that he should be just as respected as us, even if the country, and my father do not treat him with such respect." She told him. You rolled your eyes at that, before catching sight of another knight.

"There is another knight there, Melty. Shall we?" You asked. Melty nodded in confirmation.

"Yes, please."

Over the course of an hour, you had managed to find another few knights, until a small company walked with you.

"Well, Melty, I believe this is enough." You nodded to her.

"Our time has been short, but now I must return to-" your talking was stopped short by the sound of magic going off in the distance, followed by a plume of dust.

"I must ask you to put that thought on hold, Y/n." Melty told you. You nodded, drawing and extending your axe.

"Very well. Do stay behind me, please." You told her.

"If you insist. Knights, to that disturbance!" Melty ordered.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" You couldn't help but grit your teeth at the sound of Myne's voice, as you approached a corner.

"I officially declare this a duel between the Spear and Shield heroes, by the power vested in me by the crown!" She shouted out. You turned the corner, Melty behind you, to the sight of Myne holding up a document, with none other than Motoyasu behind her, Naofumi standing opposite of her, and knights surrounding all of them, swords drawn. You sped up your pace, before Melty spoke up.

"Put away your weapons!" Melty shouted the order. You smirked at the sight of Myne's sneer as the knights around her all immediately took to a knee as Melty passed by them all, with you at her side.

"We will not allow the heroes to fight amongst themselves." Melty told Myne, her hands at her side. You glanced at Naofumi, tipping your hat to him as he looked at Melty, confused. He gave you a short nod, as Myne's ugly voice filled the air again.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" She asked Melty.

"It's been far too long... Sister." Melty responded. You caught Naofumi's gasp of surprise as Melty continued talking.

"Please don't think your or the hero's privilege can cover up this mess. Spear Hero..." at the mention of his title, Motoyasu tensed up a bit, listening to Melty.

"Look around you. Who would call one who puts others lives at risk a hero?" Heeding her words, you looked around at the street you were in. Walls were cracked, and blackened by the use of magic, with several stalls destroyed, and even some children crying. Noting all of this, Motoyasu let his weapon dip to the ground, sighing in defeat.

"Sister, your fun and games have gone too far." Melty told Myne.

"I am simply doing my job as the hero's aide." Myne's piss poor attempt at defending herself brought a sneer to your face, before Melty spoke up again.

"Is making him fight in a public place your idea of aid?" She asked.

"You dare defy me, your older sister?" Myne asked. Before Melty could respond, you pointed your axe at Myne, stepping in front of Melty.

"And you would dare defy the Crown Princess?" You asked, your voice steady.

"Stay your weapon, Y/n." Melty told you. You narrowed your eyes at Myne, before nodding to Melty, pushing your axe down to its basic form.

"Yes, Melty." You stepped back, staying silent as Melty spoke again.

"If need be, I will inform our mother of this." Melty warned Myne.

"Tch." Watching Myne stay silent after that brought you some incredible bliss. You put your weapon away, watching Melty move to personally apologize to the villagers, before stepping to Naofumi, who was noticeably without Filo or Raphtalia.

"Hey Y/n, care to explain this?" He asked you, motioning towards Melty. You nodded, speaking up.

"I am closely acquainted with the queen of this country, as well as Melty, who stands as the second-born daughter and crown princess of this country. If you do not give me an order, I will follow her command." You told him. Naofumi huffed at that, a small sneer growing.

"Please don't fret. Melty holds no qualms towards you, and would even prefer to accompany you over the other heroes." You added. Naofumi rolled his eyes at that.

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