《Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)》11: Clothes For The Bird
"Boss!" With a slam, the blacksmith's shop door was opened, revealing Naofumi, with Filo behind him. Beside Naofumi, was You and Raphtalia.
"Master... who is this man?" Filo asked, lifting her hand to point at the blacksmith.
"Don't point at people." Naofumi told her. She dropped her hand as the shopkeeper sighed.
"So, you've come to brag about buying another good slave?" He asked.
"Nope. This is..." Naofumi was stoped when Filo began to sniff the air.
"I smell... food." She stated.
"I got a sandwich in the back waiting for me! Wanna bite?" The blacksmith started to walk into the backroom, emerging with a large sandwich.
"That's not a good idea..." you warned. Alas, it was too late.
"Thanks!" Filo grabbed the sandwich, pushing up the cap you put on her head.
"Wait, Filo-" Raphtalia tried to grab her,
"It's fine missy. How big a bite could she take anyway?" He asked. Big mistake.
With a cloud of dust, Filo grew, becoming a bird.
"Time to dig in!" In one gulp, the sandwich disappeared down her throat.
"It was so-so, I guess." She stated. You sighed, shaking your head.
"Dammit, Filo." You muttered. The blacksmith, in the meantime, was on his butt in shock of the sight before him.
"Sorry about that." Naofumi grimaced, looking at Filo.
Filo began to wander the shop, pecking at various shields and suits of armor.
"So, what's her deal?" The blacksmith asked.
"According to the slave merchant, each flock of Filolials have a king or a queen leading the flock." You got to explaining.
"It's a long explanation, but basically, they have the ability to disguise themselves as not only normal Filolials, but also humans, which none of us expected. And as it turns out, Naofumi accidentally got one." You told him.
"Interesting..." the boss scratched his beard, thinking about it as Naofumi spoke up.
"What's more, they need a special crest to be tamed." Naofumi began to flash back to getting her the crest.
"Once again, I had to rely on Y/n to pay for that. It almost failed too, because Filo was resisting with all her might. And this was all at level 19, mind you." Naofumi pointed out.
"Imagine if she was level 70." You absentmindedly spoke, inspecting another weapon the boss made.
"Anyways..." you nodded to Filo, who was staring intently at a dragon decal on a shield.
"As you probably figured out by now, Filo destroys everything she puts on whenever she transforms. Went through three sets of good clothes before I decided it was hopeless." You told the shopkeep.
"What he said. Do you sell any clothes that can at least change size with her?" Naofumi asked.
"Well, sorry to say, but I'm not a clothing shop." He told Naofumi. Naofumi looked from him to Filo, then back to him.
"Are you saying I have to take a naked girl that can turn into a monster outside?" He asked, bewildered. The shopkeep turned away for a moment, a grin growing on his face.
"I just can't refuse you, kid." He muttered.
"Wait, are you telling me...?" Naofumi sounded hopeful, as the shopkeep spoke up again.
"I'll introduce you to an expert. If anyone knows what to do, it'll be her."
"Wow! She's so cute!" A young, blonde woman wearing a pair of wireframe glasses shouted out.
She kept freaking out over Filo, her wings, and overall, how she looked.
"She's so cute, like an Angel!" She declared, looking back at Raphtalia, who just looked at Filo.
"Wait, she has wings, so maybe she is one?" She asked. Filo turned around to look at Naofumi, with you beside him. Filo was currently wearing a red dress, as was probably the norm for children her size. However, this one was borrowed from the shopkeep, who said it was left by a previous customer.
"Am I cute, Master?" She asked. Naofumi shrugged.
"Don't ask me." You elbowed him in the side, as the seamstress furrowed her brows, looking at Naofumi.
"You shouldn't be like that as the father." Raphtalia looked at the seamstress, shocked.
"Compliments help girls grow even cuter!" The seamstress told Naofumi. He scoffed, averting his gaze.
"Master, are you my father?" Filo asked.
"No, I am your owner." Naofumi insisted.
"So what that make Raphtalia then?" Filo asked.
"Don't ask me. She belongs to him." Naofumi pointed a finger at you, and you rolled your eyes.
"Raphtalia is my apprentice and faithful disciple." You told Filo, who tilted her head in confusion.
"What's a... apprentice?" She asked.
"Don't worry about it." Raphtalia rested a hand on Filo's shoulder, as Naofumi stood up.
"We want clothes that don't rip when you transform and can go back to normal later." Naofumi told the seamstress.
"Oh, that's what your looking for? Did you bring magic thread?" She asked. You looked at her, confused for a moment.
"Magic thread?" You asked.
"Magic thread. It's spun using the owner's mana, and it's always used when making transforming clothes." She explained to you as Filo began looking around the shop, sniffing at the various threads and needles.
"So, they're custom made?" Raphtalia asked.
"Indeed! If you bring me the magic thread, I'll make you the cutest dress ever!" The seamstress leaned back, and your eye was caught by the glare of her glasses.
"Alright, we get the point." You told her.
"Now, where can we get some?" You asked.
"Magic thread?" The old lady from a few nights ago, the one that read into your arcane prowess(or at least tried), asked.
"Well, you could certainly spin it here, but not right now." She looked over to her loom, which lay unused.
"My magic gemstone broke recently." She explained,
"Are they expensive?" You asked, looking at her.
"They are, but the issue is, they're always in short supply. I'll try and procure one as soon as possible, but it'll take time." She told you.
"Hey, what's this?" Filo put her hands on the counter, looking at the crystal ball the lady had. You sighed, walking away from the counter as the lady started explaining the ball to Filo. You walked over to the loom, inspecting it.
It was definitely pretty normal, as looms go. Not that you'd really seen many looms in your lifetime.
"Filo has wind affinity!" Filo was cheerfully singing, pulling the cart along a dirt road, as Raphtalia held the reins. She had definitely improved, at least in terms of her motion sickness.
"My job is to drag the carriage! To wherever Master says! And if I see the Spear Guy, I'll blow him away with a full power kick!" You chuckled at her lines as she drew the carriage, producing an almost rhythmic rumble.
"It's going to be a while before we can get Filo clothes, so in the meantime, we're going to try and get a bit of money." Naofumi announced, looking at the trade pass he got from the village lord to help him when trading.
"Master, there's someone up ahead." Filo told Naofumi. He stood up, looking past Filo, towards a man who was weakly attempting to run. Raphtalia slowed Filo to a stop by the man as he stopped to rest for a moment.
"Is something the matter?" She asked. The man stopped panting to look up at Raphtalia. It took a moment for him to realize that you were all on a carriage.
"P-pleas elect me take a ride on your carriage!" He requested.
"I need to get this medicine to the village across the mountain at once!" He held up a gray vial, probably said medicine. Naofumi stood up, looking towards Filo.
"Filo, how long will it take to get to the village at full speed?" He asked.
"Not long." Was the answer.
"But we can get there even faster without the carriage." She explained. Naofumi looked back to the man.
"I'll take you there for one silver." He offered. Normally, you would've interjected, and offered to do it for free, but Filo wasn't your bird to control.
"Huh? But... I already spent all my money on this medicine..." he told Naofumi, dejected.
"It doesn't have to be up front. It doesn't even have to be with money." You spoke from the back of the carriage, standing up.
"You can pay with goods if that's all you have." Naofumi decided to build off of your statement, instead of go against it, thank goodness.
"But don't you dare even try to weasel out of it." Naofumi warned. The man seemed much more encouraged by this, nodding.
"Y-yeah, that'd be fine." He held you the vial, as Naofumi turned to Raphtalia.
"Give me the reins." He told her.
"Here." Taking the leather straps, Naofumi hopped onto Filo, pulling up the man as Raphtalia undid the harness connected her to the carriage.
"Keep an eye on the carriage, Y/n." He told you. You nodded, giving him a salute as he looked at Filo.
"Go, Filo!" He ordered.
"Yes sir!" Filo bolted off, taking Naofumi and the second screaming passenger with her, leaving you and Raphtalia with the carriage.
"Who do you think that medicine is for?" Raphtalia asked, sitting down beside you. You shrugged, stroking your chin.
"Can't be sure. I hope they turn out fine, though." You commented. This seemed to draw her attention towards you.
"Y/n?" She asked. You looked up at her, as she scooted closer to you.
"Yes, Raphtalia?" You asked.
"Why is it that you and Naofumi are so different?" She asked. You thought over her question, looking at her.
"Could you specify what you mean by that?" You requested. Raphtalia looked away for a moment, steadying herself with a deep breath.
"Well, when it comes to Naofumi, he's always so cold with people, and only does stuff for them for a price, while you're always so gracious, helping without discussing things like price or debt. Even when you two were raising me, you were the one that would hug me when I got scared, and cleaned the blood from my face when I couldn't move." Raphtalia pointed out. You thought back to those days, when Raphtalia was smaller, and less mature.
"And yet..." you looked back at Raphtalia, who continued her point.
"You two stand together like old friends. How do you do that?" She asked.
"I'm sure you've heard the rumors surrounding us, right?" You inquired. Raphtalia.
"Everyone is accusing Naofumi of violating an old comrade, that red haired woman, the princess." Raphtalia answered. You nodded, reaching forward to pinch her cheek.
"Exactly. This undoubtedly means you've heard that I am also a part of these rumors, no?" You responded. Raphtalia struggled out of your pinch, holding her cheek as she answered you.
"Yeah, they think you helped him do it." She told you. You smiled beneath your mask, pulling her to sit beside you.
"And we didn't do it. Naofumi trusts me as much as I trust him, because we've been put through the same things. He knows I don't distrust him because I was also accused." You explained. Raphtalia nodded, as you continued.
"But you, he doesn't know about you, because even if you're a slave, you have your own thoughts and mind. Filo, on the other hand, only knows Naofumi. She literally knows nothing but trust and love for him, as he is a father to her." You finished.
"So, it's bonding by shared trauma?" She asked. You let out a chuckle at the question, surprising Raphtalia.
"It's definitely not trauma, but it's the same concept." You told her. Raphtalia nodded, closing her eyes as she relaxed her head, leaning against you. You patted the side of her face in a comforting gesture, waiting for Naofumi to return.
The next few days passed by pretty uneventfully. Naofumi made the decision to pursue traveling trade as a profession in his downtime, something you could only agree to. Over the course of the week or so, you had helped deliver medicine, give rides to and from certain places, and sell things you procured, mainly medicinal objects.
At this point, you were helping Naofumi provide transport to some rich trader, who was more than excited to be riding with the Shield Hero.
"I can't believe I get to ride with Our Savior Of The Heavenly Fowl." He excitedly stated, facing Naofumi while you rode up front, beside Raphtalia.
"Our Savior Of The Heavenly Fowl?" Naofumi asked. He didn't sound surprised, concerned, or anything. He was getting good at hiding his emotions.
"You've become quite famous around these parts." He explained.
"Traveling in a carriage drawn by the god of domesticated birds, Our Savior travels across the land to treat the sick with his special medicine!" He declared. Filo turned her head back, looking at Naofumi.
"Am I a god?" She asked.
"Hush, Filo." You told her.
"Naofumi told you specifically, no speaking around company." You reminded Filo. She turned her head forward, remembering her instructions.
"Sorry..." The trader looked at the bird, eyes wide.
"She can talk, too? That's the god of domesticated birds for you!" He declared. Up on the road, a small group of people came to your attention. They were all wielding weapons, and all of them looked cocky. You sighed, a new weapon appearing on your back.
"Naofumi, it appears we have company." You told him, standing up.
"Woah now, stop right there!" Filo slowed to a halt as Naofumi stepped to the opening, looking out at the group.
"Strange bird you've got there." One of them remarked, before continuing.
"We heard you have an accessory seller hitching a ride with you. We know you're in there!" He called out. Before you could open your mouth to speak, one of them spoke again.
"Hand him over, and we'll spare your lives, at least." One in a green shirt demanded.
"That means you'll take everything but our lives?" Naofumi asked. You already knew the answer.
"Heh! You're a sharp one, lad!" One of the bandits complimented. The next remark was under his breath, but loud enough for you all to hear.
"That girl's pretty hot, for a demihuman. Looks like we can have some fun, tonight." This drew some laughter from the others, as Naofumi and Raphtalia both looked towards you.
"Y/n, May I cut him down?" Raphtalia requested. You stayed silent, shadows covering your expression.
"Y/n?" Naofumi prodded you. You stepped forward, hopping off the carriage.
"Oh? Looks like this one thinks he can take us on!" One of the bandits shouted out, with a laugh.
"Don't bother, we've got a class upgraded bodyguard." The one who seemed to be the leader declared. Beside him, a man in all black stepped forward, placing a hand on the hilt of his sword. He looked towards you, as you let your eyes land on his.
"You know what?" You spoke aloud, taking your weapon off your back. It seemed to be some bony mace, sporting heavy weight that not anyone could carry. Yet, you held it like it was a matchstick.
"I think I've got this." You stated. With a flick of your wrist, the Amygdalan Arm extended time it's full length.
"Eh? What kinda weapon is that?" One of the bandits asked. You began to step towards them. As expected, the fools rose to the challenge.
The first one hefted a shortsword, raising it above his head as he charged at you, letting out a war cry.
"You're open from the waist down." You stated. A second later, the Amygdalan Arm moved on its own, sweeping the bandit off his feet.
"What the-!?" He didn't get the chance to scream as his head hit a rock, rendering him unconscious.
"How the-"
"He didn't even swing..."
"What is that thing..." several bandits began to step back, discouraged. The swordsman in black, the 'Class Upgraded' one, looked to them, annoyed.
"You idiots, there's only one of him! Charge!" He ordered. The bandits all seemed to grow a pair, charging at you.
You smirked in victory as the bandits all tried to attack you at once, only to be rhythmically cut down by the swings of the arm.
From above, one of them tried to jump down onto you. He was simply batted away, into the ground.
With a shout of pain, the last one was slashed across the chest by the claw marking the end of the whiplike appendage you wielded. He fell to the ground, groaning in pain, leaving only two left.
The bodyguard, and the one who made the remark about Raphtalia. They were both on edge, slowly backing away. You lifted your left arm, as a warm orange glow surrounded it.
"Skill mimic: Winter Lantern." You spoke. The bodyguard was brought to the ground by a spike of blood erupting from his ear, clutching his head and writhing in pain, leaving the one you wanted most alone.
"Hey, listen, we can talk about this, can't we-" you raised the hand carrying the arm, swinging it at full force. The arm wrapped itself around the torso of the bandit. He let out a cry of shock as you yanked him towards you, catching him by the throat.
"No, we can't talk about it." You told him, making dead eye contact. He let out a cry of pain as you tightened your grip on his throat.
"Y/n! Let him go." Naofumi told you. You scoffed, looking back at him, then the whimpering bandit. You dropped him onto the ground, where he was left to try to crawl away from you.
"I'm thinking we're going to be generous with you." You told him. You put the arm on your back, as it coiled itself up.
"In fact, we're so generous, that we'll even let you have your lives!" You raised your arms, announcing. You looked back at Naofumi, who watched you in curiosity.
"Of course, that will cost you...." you turned your gaze back to the frightened bandit, as some of the still conscious ones turned their attention to you.
"...that is, it will cost you everything, except for your lives." You told them. The bandit nodded, getting onto his knees.
"Yes! Thank you!" He pointed to the trader, as the other bandits started to get up, spurred by Naofumi and Raphtalia.
"Some other trader told us to mug you, that you were carrying a guy who was loaded with stuff!" He told you. Around him, begrudgingly, the bandits gathered the items they had on them, watched by your party members.
"So, one of my own sold me out..." the Accessory trader sighed with this information, shaking his head.
"Well, this obviously isn't all your stuff, is it?" You asked, looking at the feeble amount that had been gathered. It was simply their weapons, and about 100 silver in total.
"It's everything we have on hand..." one of the wounded bandits complained, holding his bleeding arm. You grit your teeth, taking the arm off your back and slamming it onto the ground, cracking it(the ground, that is), and frightening the bandits.
"I said your lives were worth everything you owned, dammit! If you won't pay us the proper amount, then we won't give you what you want! Filo!" You snapped your furious gaze towards the bird.
"Yes?" She asked you.
"Are you hungry?" You asked her. This prompted a wave of gasps and shock from the bandits.
- In Serial135 Chapters
Last Flight of the Raven
„Some people live lives with narrative weight. A story woven into the possibilities of everything they do or say. A princess in a golden cage. A baker swept away by circumstance. A father challenged, a mother desperate or a son lost. Twice – Born are those who lived a life of narrative weight and died a death worth telling. Just to do it all over again, for the gods enjoy a good story as much as everyone else. And they want more. Always more.“ - Dio, the Mad King Rather than being thrown to his death by the hands of the demons of the Wyld, eternal foes of his empire, a young man takes his last free choice. The choice to die defiant of the wishes of his enemies, to die on his own accord and to jump. His last desperate act of freedom catches the eye of the gods and so he is reborn as a Twice-Born of the Wanderer, his patron a boundless spirit of freedom. A second life to survive the hell he had jumped down into. A second life to carve a new path to freedom from the depths and darkness. A path to freedom for the lost, forsaken and shackled. A second life for himself in a world he doesnt know anymore. For the Wyld has won and the old ways are gone. He enters the dark tunnels with nothing but a faint hope and the powers of the Twice-Born: to manipulate the class system and tailor to his needs what he thought was destiny. Light on the LitRPG elements. Book 2 will feature heavy kingdom building. I am not a native speaker and try to learn and improve. Please correct me when I'm wrong!
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Even in the afterlife, I still hate mondays ...
Had you asked me if I believed in life after death while I was alive, I would have said no.At the time, I believed that there was simply nothing after death. That the electric activity of your brain stopped, and with it, all that could be called ‘you’ would go *poof* and disappear.As it turns out, I was wrong and the various realm of the afterlife would soon tell the punny legends of I, Cyndric, the eco-friendly bedside lamp !
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Tale of Kaerus - Dropped
Immortality ? War?If the world were just a game for the gods?And one man is reincanated for the fun of the folly?What would be of that man ?*----------------------------------------------------------*Hello hello, if u are reading my story, know that english is not my native idiom... this is my first fiction...My english is very very very poor...Then be patient and kind to me...This story is about reincarnation and war.War not only between kingdoms, not only between mens, not only between swords... but also between hearts, souls and ideologies.WARNING: GORE, SEX, RAPE AND ALL IRRATIONAL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE AND LIKELY TO HAPPEN... BECAUSE I'M THE AUTHOR AND GOD OF THIS STORY AND WANT WHAT GONE HAPPEN... or not - teheee...-Sorry, but i ended it :/
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"I am emberBurning down your empire Glowing brighter than the darkness inside of you" Clary Saltzman is a hybrid, witch and werewolf. Due to her mother thinking it wasn't safe at the Boarding School anymore, she sent her daughter off to her father's; Charlie Swan. With a fight going on back home every week with mythical creatures, and going to a place basically unknown to her, Clary has her hands full. Not only is she living with her biological father and her half sister, she also has to worry about sparkling vampires and werewolves. Will she ever get a break?
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Everdell: A Critters Tale
[Participant in the Royal Road Writathon Challenge] Critters roam the Evertree, the tallest tree in the world and peace has been had for hundreds of years, but not all is as calm as it seems. Prince Fir has been put into the Everguard for disobedience and must train with the guard, but disaster strikes and Prince Fir is sent to establish an outpost on the Outside, having to put up with a Guinea Pig that seems to hate him with a passion. Florence hates nobility with a passion, blaming them for sending his father and mother on a mission that they never returned from. So when he is told he has to train and set up an outpost with a Prince? Lydia, a rat has been tasked with an impossible mission, infiltrate the Everguard and destroy it from within. What happens though when you start to make friends with the enemy? What's a critter to do? ...................... Ideas and concepts taken from the Board Game Everdell, I'm a new author and I don't take this book that seriously and am just using this as practice for third-person writing in a light setting. I don't own the cover art and will gladly take it down should asked.
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រឿង: ព្រោះនាង
គេជាម្ចាស់បំណុល ម្ចាស់ជីវិតរបស់នាង
8 147