《Taming My Husband》The friendship day


A/N: This is equal to two chapters. Almost 1800 words. Enjoy!

(Next update will be delayed)


Noor's POV

I wake up to find myself in our bedroom. For the first time Adi is lying next to me but no part of our bodies is touching. I guess this is how it feels when lovers get separated. He is so close to me yet so far.

Yesterday was the best day of my life. Adi confessed his love to me. Finally. How long have I waited for this day. I felt like I would die out of happiness that I felt at that moment. And now even when we are together, we are not. I love him and I truly believe him when he says that he loves me too. But that doesn't mean I can forgive him. He has to understand how hurt I felt when he questioned my loyalty to him. He has to understand that trust is more important to me than love. The day I can trust him to not hurt me again is the day I forgive him.

I have to go to Nissa's place and take her for shopping for a party apparently happening at my place. I place a quick kiss on Adi's cheek and leave to get ready.

Aditya's POV

I woke up when I felt Noor kissing my cheek. So she still loves me as much as she did before. I suddenly remember the last time she kissed me when she thought I was asleep, it was when I forced her to come back early from her parents home on the day of pag phere because I was upset due to her relationship with Arjun. The next morning she kissed me on my lips and proceeded to make my favourite dishes for breakfast in spite of the fact that I deserved every bit of her anger. She has always been an angel even when angry. And I am the devil in my anger. I know she loves me but I wonder under what twisted fate did she land up with me. She deserves so much better. And she will get it. It is true that I will always love her till my last breath but I won't force her to be with me when I know she deserves better. She has accepted my apology but I still have to get her forgiveness. Time to go to stage 3 of my plan.

Noor's POV

I am going to kill Nissa anytime now. This girl has been wandering in the mall for 3 hours and she still hasn't gotten her dress for the party. God knows how Arjun will put up with her after marriage. May God bless his poor soul. He will need all the luck. And I wonder if Nissa knew it was her engagement party, how much longer will it take her to get a dress. Probably days. Right now she is in the changing room trying a beautiful lehenga with peach ghagra and a golden short choli. I really hope she will end up buying this one. Soon I hear the door of changing room opening.


Oh my God! 'Nissa! You look beautiful'.

'Really. I think this is the one I will buy. But don't you think it is too much. I mean it is a party at your place and I am wearing this pretty lehenga as if it is my sangeet function or something', says Nissa.

Well honey you are quite close to guessing. 'C'mon Nissa this lehenga was made for you. We are definitely buying this one. And I told you that I am also wearing a lehenga so it will be fine. And I swear if you make me roam around anymore for shopping you will be charged with murder of Noor Chauhan. Just imagine the headlines : A friend kills another by forcing her to shop all day. Epic!'.

Nissa looks at me like I have grown two horns and says,'Noor only you will die of shopping all day. You are a disgrace to the girl community'.

'Yes yes. I am not a normal girl who wastes time in shopping. Now can we please buy this and go back to our respective homes', I say pushing her back into the changing room.

'Oh. So someone is dying to go back into their hubby's arms', she teases me.

'I swear Nissa if we don't get out of this shop in 5 minutes I will leave you here alone'.

'C'mon Noor don't say that. Do you know how lucky you are to have someone like Aditya who loves you so much. I wish I had someone like that'.

This is surprising. She does have Arjun.

'Nissa have you never met someone who made you feel special and loved?', I ask trying to know what is going on in her mind. I don't want her to say No when Arjun proposes her. He really does love her a lot. That brings a familiar look on her face - one that says she loved someone and got hurt. I place my hand on her shoulder comforting her,' You can tell me Nissa'.

'Noor I am in love with someone. But he hurt me. A lot. And now he wants me back but I can't find myself to trust him again. I doubt if he ever loved me'. Well Arjun did some serious damage. He is definitely getting a blue eye from me after the engagement.

'Nissa, you want to tell me what happened. You don't have to tell me who he is'.

She sighs and sits on the bench inside the changing room and starts,'We started dating a year back. It was difficult because he was always away on business trips but we managed through Skype and phone calls. Then I told him to keep his schedule free for me for one day because it was my birthday and he agreed. And I was so excited. After a long time we would spend time together but he didn't come. Next day he came to see me and said that he had to go somewhere for business and he returned late so he couldn't meet me. Noor he forgot it was my birthday. How could he! It hurt so much to know that I will never be his priority enough to spend just one day with me. I broke up with him because I realized I couldn't stay in a relationship where the guy doesn't even care enough to send a simple message of happy birthday to me, let alone spend time with me. I haven't seen him ever since. He tried calling me but I blocked his number. And I told my security guard to not let him in. But I still love him Noor. And I don't think I can ever stop loving him. It hurts so much'. I take her in a hug and let her cry on my shoulder.


I can't say I didn't know this already. Arjun told me about all this that night and went on and on about how much a fool he was for not treating the love of his life right. I told him it would be better if he talked to her but like she said she didn't let him. I am helping him on the condition that if he ever hurts Nissa again he will lose a body part and I am very serious in my threat. He may be my best friend but I won't let him hurt my other friend like this ever again.

Nissa stops crying after a while and I tell her,' Nissa all relationships go through ups and downs but that doesn't mean you give up at first difficulty. I know what he did was wrong but instead of locking yourself up and crying, you should talk to him. Like you said you love him. Don't you think your love deserves one chance. You will never stop hurting unless you talk to him because you know he has something to say and you will always regret that you didn't give him a chance at having a future together'.

'You are right Noor but I am scared. What if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore. I didn't let him come near me before because I was too hurt to be near him. Now I can face him but I am scared'.

'It's alright to be scared but remember you can't let your fears make you lose your one true chance at happiness. You always have to take chances in love. Have faith in the love that you two share. And go talk to him'.

'OK. I will talk to him after this. Can you drop me at my place?'.

'Yeah sure. Now go change. I can't see you sad anymore'. She smiles and goes inside the changing room.

Well Arjun has a lot of making up to do. I should call him.

He picks up and says,' Hey Noor. Has Nissa chosen her dress or will it take time?'.

'She finally got a dress after 3 hours and she shared with me the details of your relationship except your name'.

'Oh. How is she?'.

'Bad. I am really going to do my boxing practice on you after your engagement. You really broke her heart, you idiot! '.

'I know. I deserve every punch you will throw my way and I will accept it. How is she coping up?'.

'Well I convinced her to talk to you. So she might call you today. You should meet her once and explain before throwing the engagement bomb on her. Also, I don't think she will say yes'.

'She will say yes. I know her. Anyway I was planning to sneak in to her room tonight. Guess I won't have to do that now. I will tell her what I feel and get her to agree to be in a relationship with me again. After that according to plan, Roon will bring her over to my house and I will propose to her in front of everyone'.

'Do you really think she will say yes. I know I wouldn't'.

'Noor she is different than most people. Why do you think we love each other. We both are crazy and that's why we understand each other and compliment each others craziness. Once she realises the depth of my love, she will say yes'.

'OK. You know better. I should leave. She is done with the billing. Bye'.

'Let's go', I tell Nissa. I drop her off at her place and go back to my home only to get a big surprise.

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