《Taming My Husband》Meeting my family


I reached my parents house by 12pm. My brother had come to take me. Adi has managed to charm him within 15 minutes of meeting him and also managed to convince him to let me leave sooner in the evening. Adi really has a smooth tongue.

I got out of the car and started walking towards the door slowly, trying to hold back the tears that came to my eyes, remembering all the things that I did in here during my childhood. My thoughts were interrupted by my brother,'C'mon Di move faster, jiju has asked me to call him as soon as you finish meeting everyone. And here you are walking slower than a snail. God knows how jiju puts up with you'.

I can't believe this. My dear younger brother Veer is acting like he is Adi's brother. God I need to keep Adi's influence on my family members in check from now on.' Okay okay I will walk faster, jiju ke chamche!, I replied.

My mom comes rushing towards me on seeing me. She hugs me tightly and enquires about my well being. I tell her that I am very happy with my new family so far. It takes half an hour to meet everyone present.

Soon after that I am tackled into a bear hug by my bestie's Roon and Nissa. They take me to my room and start enquiring about my wedding night. I start blushing and they start teasing me. Then I remembered about the nightdress they packed. 'Oye why did you pack that tiny piece of cloth for my wedding night. Do you how embarrassing it was?, I asked them.

Roon starts giggling and says, ' It was actually my idea to do that. Now tell me about jiju's reaction on seeing you in that. I bet he couldn't keep his hands off you'. Nissa added,'Of course he couldn't. Don't you see the blush on Noor's face. After all it was my choice. Now tell me Noor, was it good? How many times did you do it? Does it hurt? Did you get the big O? C'mon tell me everything. Don't leave anything to my imagination'.


Oh God why me. Why have you given me such nimbits as friends?

'Guys nothing happened. And even if it did happen I will not share the details of my private life with you', I told them. They both frowned and said,' Noor you are our 3rd musketeer. There is nothing private amongst us. You are the first one to get married so it is your duty to tell us what to expect on our wedding night whenever it comes'.Hmmph. 'Okay guys I'll tell. But this is the last time I am sharing such dets with you two. Next time your emotional blackmail won't work'. 'Yes yes we know. Can you please move on to the juicy dets please', they both ask excitedly. I tell them about everything like how many times we kissed and also my refusal and his stubbornness regarding it. Everything was going fine until they both started fangirling over Adi.

'OMG jiju is so romantic; he is like those dominating men we read in novels who are so possessive; I also want a man like him; you bitch you are so lucky etc etc'. God as if Veer wasn't enough, now I have to deal with two more Adi ke chamche and Adi managed to get these two without even meeting them. And here I thought I could control his influence. I thought dejectedly.

Veer called Adi at 7pm exactly when I came out of my room with 2 Adi fan-girling lunatics. Adi reached within 15 minutes. I have a feeling he was already close to my house waiting for Veer's call. I don't know whether to find that endearing or scary.

He was chatting with my family when my friend Arjun came to see me. I ran towards him and gave him a hug. 'How are you Arjun? How dare you miss my wedding? You know I missed you', I said. 'Really, well honeybun, I am really sorry but I had to go to Belgium to fix an important deal. But I got your favourite guylian chocolates'. 'Really. You are the best. I love you so much', I told him giving him a hug.


Soon we got interrupted by my parents who started enquiring about Arjun's parents from him. I was about to eat my chocolates when Adi said we have to go back. I told him I wanted to stay there for a while but he gave me a look that told me I won't like the consequences if I didn't shut up and follow him. We hurriedly left my parents house to go back.

'Why did we leave in such a hurry Adi? You know it was a bit rude that you didn't spend much time with my family ', I asked Adi in the car. 'You said you will be back home by 7 but it is already 9. You didn't keep your word,' said Adi angrily.

I don't know what to say. Why is he behaving like this? This is not the reason why he looks so angry. 'Adi I know that is not the reason, please tell me why are you so angry', I ask him slowly.

'Who was that guy that you were hugging and professing your love for', asked Adi angrily.

'Oooh. Someone is jealous', I tease him. 'I am not jealous', replied Adi sternly. 'You know it's good to be jealous sometimes. It makes me feel like I am special to you. But there is no need to be jealous with Arjun. He is my childhood best friend. In fact we are very close. My parents treat him like their own son', I say smiling at him.

'I don't like your closeness with him. And I don't like him. Anyway he looked like a monkey in that hawaiin beach shirt that he was wearing. Who wears that these days. I don't want you to talk to him', ordered Adi.

I can't believe this. Is this happening for real. He did not just make fun of my best friend and asked me to end my friendship with him just because he is jealous. I don't give him any answer as I am too furious to reply. God and this is just the second day of our marriage. He is already behaving like a dictator.

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