《Taming My Husband》The wedding night - Part2


Aditya started walking towards me and with each step that he took, I took a step back. Finally, I reached the wall. He traps me by keeping his arms on both sides of my head. I gulped.

He put his head in the crook of my neck and said,'You have no idea how tempting you look right now. I can't wait to make you mine baby.'

I could feel his lips moving against the skin of my neck just brushing my skin lightly while he spoke. Oh God, what am I going to do now. This is my first time so close to a guy and on top of that this guy is my sexy half-naked husband. I am so turned on right now.

He places a soft kiss on my neck which made my heart soar and then took his face out of my neck and placed his lips on mine. His lips are so soft and have his unique taste. I couldn't help but move my lips against his. He pulled me closer and I wrapped my arms around his head and put my fingers in his hair. This suddenly made him change the pace of our kiss. His kiss became possessive and intense, just like him.

Soon we pulled back to take a breath. 'That was my first kiss', I said trying to catch my breath. He smirked and with a possessive glint in his eyes said,' I am glad. I am the only one who has the right to touch you now. These lips are mine. You are mine'.

With that he picked me up and carried me to the bed. I love him so much. I am ready to give my all to him. After all he is my husband, he has every right to my body. But what about love. He is possessive about me but that is not the same thing as love. I can't do this. I cannot give myself to him till I know that he loves me. He gently placed me on the bed and hovered upon me with his arms at my sides. He was about to kiss me when I turned my face and he placed a kiss on my cheek instead.


'You are so cute ', he said. I turned my face towards him and looked into his eyes and said,' I love you. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. You are the one that I have been waiting for all my life'. He seemed pleased with my words and placed a kiss on my lips and said,' I know baby'. I continued,' But I cannot consummate our marriage tonight'.

Suddenly his expression changed to one of anger. I immediately added,' I love you. But you are still a stranger to me. I am not ready for that kind of intimacy yet'. That seemed to raise his anger to another level,' You love me and yet you say you are not ready. You married a stranger and you trusted him to be your life partner but you aren't ready to be intimate with him. You do realise that what you are saying are two contradictory statements'. 'It's not about that. I really do love you. But I don't know you. I want to know you and be closer to you before being intimate with you'. I said. He seemed to calm down a bit by hearing that. I can't tell him that I want him to fall in love with me. That will just ruin everything at this stage.

He takes a deep breath and says,

'Okay, I understand. I respect you and I won't push you but I can't wait too long. I want you to be mine in every way possible. And it will happen sooner than later'. He kissed me more intensely this time like he was branding me as His. When he pulled away, I whimpered. I didn't want the kiss to end so soon. I am already getting addicted to his kisses. He pecked me one last time and layed by my side. He placed my head on his chest and went to sleep. I snuggled closer to him thinking about what he said. I can't help but smile at his possessiveness. He wants to consummate our marriage because he wants me to be his. He doesn't even realise that I am already his for the rest of our lives.


Just wait dear husband, you will fall in love with me in no time and soon we will be making love like we should. With that thought I dozed off to sleep with his heartbeat as my lullaby.


A/N: This is my favourite chapter. Please share your thoughts on this one and tell me if you would like more intimate moments between the couple.

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