《Taming My Husband》Aditya's POV


I am sure all of you must be waiting for Aditya's POV. So here it is. SURPRISE !!


She is so beautiful. I never thought I will end up marrying such a beautiful girl. She is definitely feisty. I smile thinking about the cute frown on her face when she said that she was waiting for me in her obnoxious dress. She definitely has a way with words which I absolutely love about her.

No, I don't love her. I don't believe in love. I have seen what love does to people. I still can't get over what Riya did to me. She left me after using me. I don't want to think about it. I shift my focus to Noor and ask her to come out soon.

She is a nice girl. I never wanted to marry after what happened but then my parents were insistent on getting me married. My mom doesn't know what happened. I never told anyone about it. Only my best friend Jai knows about it. My mom thinks I am too serious and closed off and will always be alone, that's why she fixed my marriage with Rathore uncle's daughter. I was never a cheerful or a social person even before Riya happened. I like to keep my friends and family close and I limit my contact only to them. I talk to other people only when needed. My father has a doubt that something happened 5 years back but he never asked anything about it. He respects my wish to not share my past with him and I respect him for that.

I agreed for this marriage because my mom is in love with this girl. She thinks she is an angel sent from heaven just for me. And I can't help but agree. When I saw her for the first time, I knew she is the one that I am going to marry. I still remember her awed expression on seeing me. I will never forget that.


I think she is in love with me. Because no girl, in her right senses, would have said yes to marrying me after what I told her before our engagement. She deserved to know that I am not going to love her because I don't believe in that nonsense anymore. I thought I knew about love but it wasn't true.

Love is an illusion that people create to justify their selfish actions. There is only convenience and lust. Nothing else. I never loved Riya but she was hot as hell and was also a nice girl, or so I thought. There is no love in this world except the one that I have for my family. I can do anything for my family without any if's and but's and I know they will do the same for me. That is true love. Not the one that people preach.

Anyway, I married Noor because I am a selfish person. I know she has feelings for me and that will ensure that I am in control of our relationship. She will never be able to hurt me or betray me because I will be in control. Noor is beautiful, kind, polite and she is also a doctor. That makes her my perfect match. I am going to have a very real, practical relationship with her. It is going to be bit difficult to control her but I know I can do it. That is the only way anyone can have a successful marriage.

I am going to make her mine tonight so that she can never leave me or betray me.


A/N: Please do share your thoughts on this chapter. Your feedback is valuable and appreciated greatly.

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