《Taming My Husband》The pre-wedding jitters


A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my bestfriend . I love you partner. And thank you for your encouragement. This was not possible without you.


Ever since I was young I liked to look at the moon and the starry sky at night. It made me feel calm and happy. Tonight was no different. A gentle breeze was blowing and rustling of leaves could be heard. It was very serene. Tomorrow will be a full moon night - my wedding night. Though I am quite sure nothing will happen. I may be madly in love with my future husband but I was not going to consummate my marriage till I extracted a confession of love from him. This was one of the rules I made for myself before I met him. I might have bended many of my rules for him but no compromises on this one.

'Does he also like to stare at the moon? Does he like the quietness of the night?' I wondered. Is he also looking at the moon right now and wondering about the same things that I am in my mind?

My thoughts were interrupted by my sister, 'Noor, it's time for your haldi, come on everyone's waiting'. 'Just a second sis, I'll be there in a minute', I replied.

The wedding preparations have been going on for as long as I could remember. Afterall, both our families were very excited for the wedding. They wanted us to get married as soon as possible, which in my case meant, within 3 months. The past 3 months have been a roller coaster ride with my family getting emotional everytime we went out to shop for anything related to my wedding attire to constant fights on choosing the theme, the guest list, the wedding hall, the menu etc. Everyone in my family was overly enthusiastic for my wedding. I was, after all, the pampered child of the family, who got away with almost anything. Everyone loved me and I too loved my family to the moon and back. Everyone has been eagerly awaiting for the day when I would marry and leave for my husband's house. They had made a lot of crazy plans as to how they would celebrate my wedding. On the insistence of my siblings, the pre - wedding celebrations have been going on for a week. Every night of the week was a party. But still everyone was as energetic as day 1 of the celebrations. God, they were really excited for my wedding. I was in favour of having a simple wedding in the presence of just close friends and family but nobody listened to me. My brother said and I quote 'Noor, you are getting married only once, so let us enjoy as much as we want and anyway your idea of wedding is boring, I wonder how your husband will tolerate your boring ideas all his life'. Well, that definitely shut me up.


I entered the area where my haldi was to take place. As soon as I entered my best friends Nissa and Roon tackled me into a bear hug. But soon I felt something on my cheeks and then I realised they both had put haldi on my cheeks. They had a bet as to who will apply haldi on me first. But now since it was a draw, they will ask me to make the decision on who won the bet. Before they could say anything I said,' It was a tie'. They both made pouty faces which were soon replaced with mischievous smiles. Oops, they have definitely planned something nasty for me. Before they could take me anywhere, my sister asked me to sit on the platform made in the centre for this ceremony.

My family members, turn by turn, applied haldi on my face. In the end all my siblings came together and attacked me at the same time. At the end of it, I made sure I wasn't the only one soaked in haldi from head to toe. After that I went to take a bath and I came back to the smirking faces of my besties. 'Noor this is going to be the best night of your life'.

They blindfolded me and took me to a place close to my house judging by the time it took to reach there. After that they opened the blindfold and what I saw made my jaw fall on the floor. There stood two life-sized dummies of Theo James and Jamie Dornan half naked. God, I loved these two hot hunks. They were the only guys that could turn me on. All my friends and siblings were present and cheering. 'Since this is the last day of your singleton, we thought why not let you drool over them for one last time' said my besties. 'Thank you, thank you, thank you. I would definitely miss drooling at these hunks after marriage. This is a wonderful gift but I know there is something more coming up' I said. 'you are definitely right. This is your bachelorette party so be ready to go absolutely insane' replied Nissa.


The party continued with all of us dancing like some possessed witches, doing all our classic moves that we had perfected with our years of practice in college. After that came the cake, my favourite red velvet cake decorated with a bride with a bow and arrow in her hand and the arrow piercing through the groom's heart who was lying down at her feet. It was basically the sick twisted version of how my friends imagined me forcing a cupid's arrow in my to-be-husband's heart. They knew everything he told me and my plans of making him fall for me. They initially thought it was stupid, but when they saw my love for him in my eyes, they gave me the permission to marry him. But they also warned me that they won't hesitate to break his bones if he hurt me. As if I would let them hurt a single hair on his head. I loved him too much to allow them to hurt him. My friends can be nasty when need be. They both were brown belts in karate so I prayed that my husband better behave for his own good.

The last part was opening the gifts. Well I got everything from handbags, perfumes to sexy lingerie. And what Nissa and Roon gifted me made me blush so hard that I thought that my cheeks would burn. They gifted me a pack of condoms because according to them they were too young to be aunts, a negligee which was actually negligible, my favourite perfume chanel no. 5 and a pregnancy test just in case I got too carried way to use a condom. These two love to tease me. But seriously, I love them and can do anything for them. They are my soul - sisters.

We went back home by 12 at night because I had to get up early in the morning for getting ready. I am feeling excited and nervous. Tomorrow I will be his wife. I will spend my entire life with him. I love him so much. Please God make him fall in love with me too.

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