《The Matrimony Book#2 (Completed)》Chapter 20-Back To Me


That Next Morning My Mother And Cathrine Checked Me Into A Local Rehab

It Was A 90 Day Program

It Was Hard My First Weeks Detoxing Had My Body Goin Through The Worse Withdrawls I Ever Had In My Life It Was Times I Wanted Go Get High So Bad But I Kept Thinking About That Sweet Little Baby Boy Named Ayden Who I Held Close To My Hearted The Entire Time

I Couldn't Give Up Not On Ayden Not On Myself....So Every Time I Wanted To Run And Get High I Just Thought Of Livin A Life Without Out My Baby Boy And How I Much Rather Be Dead Than To Have My Baby Tooken Away From Me That Thought Alone Keep Me Motivated

Rehab Wasn't Easy But No One Ever Told Me It Would Be So I Kept Pushing I Kept Pushing And Eventually I Learned To Adjust Without Drugs I Finally Was Done Havin Withdrawls

I Was In A Therapy Session With An Therapist By The Name Of Janie Mae

She Was Darkskin With Dreads In Perfect Shape With White Teeth

"You've Came A Long Way Your Skin Looks Brighter"She Said

I Smiled And Said "I Feel Better I Thought Those Withdrawls Were Gonna Kill Me"

"But Here You Are With Your Bright Smile And Brighter Skin...Today I Wanna Talk About Goals,Setting Goals And Sticking To Those Goals"She Said

"Okay"I Said As I Sat Back On Her Nice Comfy Couch

"You Have Any Goals When You Leave Here"She Asked

"Umm...Yeah Staying Sober"I Said

"I Think Thats A Great One"She Said Writing In Her Notepad

"Getting Ayden Back"I Said

"Getting Your Son Back"She Repeating Me As She Continued Writing Down In On Her Notepad

"And Loving Myself"I Said

She Looked At Me And Said "Thats Right We Talked About That You Can't Truly Love Anyone Else Untill Aziah Loves Aziah For Aziah"She Said As She Wrote That Too


Than She Looked At Me And Said "How About Career Goals"

"I Used To Want To Be An Doctor Like My Father But When I Thought I Needed Him...Im Not Sure What I Wanna Do"I Said

"Well Its Important That You Figure That Out Finding Something You Love Doing...Take My Word Its Nothing Like Making Your Own Money Doing What You Love Doing"She Said

"Well I've Been Interested In Owning My Own Businesses Maybe My Own Boutiques Going Back To School Getting Some Degrees"I Suggested

"Goin Back To School I Like That One"She Said

August Had Been Taking Care Of Me For So Long That I Forgot How To Take Care Of Myself I Got So Adjusted In His Lifestyle I Forgot About My Own Dreams

I Wanted To Be Successful Again Without A Man Before August I Was Doin Just Fine And I Will Be Fine Without Him

Im Gonna Be Independent Make My Own Money And Make My Dreams Come True

After Leaving My Therapy Session I Went Downstairs When Lady Who Worked At The Front Desk Rose Stopped Me And Said "Oh Aziah You Have Someone Waiting For You In The Visitor Room"

"I Do...Oh Its Probably Just My Mama"I Said As I Walked To The Visitor Room Down The Hall

When I Walked In It Was August Alsina Sitting At An Table

He Smiled At Me And I Stood There Smiling At Him

I Was Getting Butterflies Just By Looking At That Pretty Ass Smile Of His

I Couldn't Believe He Was Here To See Little Ol Me

I Walked Over And Sat Down Across From Him

"You Came To Visit Me"I Asked While Blushing

"Of Course...Unfortunately You The One Person In The World Who I Can't Stay Mad At For Long"He Said To Me


"August..Im Sorry"I Said As He Stopped Me And Said "You In Rehab Right ?? All Is Forgiven..How You Feeling"

"Clean Again"I Replied

"You Look Better"He Said Smiling

"I Feel Better Hows Ayden"I Asked

"He's Crawling Now"August Said Smiling

"Are You Serious"I Asked Being Excited

"Yes He's Getting Good At It Too...Especially When You Holding Out A Piece Of Popeyes Chicken He Crawls Faster....Im Not Filing For Full Custody Anymore.."August Said

I Smile And Said "...I Appreciate That I Miss Him So Much"

"I Know You Do...You'll Be Home In A Few Weeks"August Said

"Thank You August For Being A Father To Ayden And Thank You For Not Taking Him From Me"I Said To Him

"I Did Some Things To You...You Did Some Things To Me But Im Here For You Aziah No Matta What"He Told Me

I Held His Hand And Said "I Love You"

"I Love Ya More...You Gon Get Ya Self Together Than We Both Gon Figure Out This Thang Called Life Together"He Said Holding My Hand Tighter

"Hows Mircale"I Asked

"Thats Been Over...After You Smashed Her Windows Out She Made Up Her Mind That I Still Had Feelings For You Because I Gave Ya Mama The Money To Bail You Out"He Said

"I Didn't Know That...Thanks.. So Do You ......Still Have Feelings For Me"I Asked

He Looked Me In My Eyes And Said "Truth Is I Never Stopped Loving You Even After All This You I Still Cant Get Over You"

He Kissed My Hand

"So What Now"I Asked

"Now...We Get You Right...Than We Can Worry About Getting Us Good Again I Failed You Once Aziah I Won't Fail You Again"He Sais

I Smiled And Said "Did I Ever Tell You I Love You"

"You May Of Mentioned Once Or Twice"He Said Being Sarcastic

I Giggled And Said "Its So Good To See You"

"This Feeling Is Mutual"He Said

"Feels Like Our First Date Only There's No Pancakes Around"I Said Joked

"I Got That Same Feeling I Had When I First Looked In Those Eyes And Heard That Sweet Laughter"He Said

I Got Lost In His Eyes And Said "We Been Through Aug...You Think In The End We Will End Up Being Together"

He Looked Me In My Eyes "And Said I Know In The End Im Only Gon Want You"

When You Find Someone Who Truly Loves You For You And Accepts All That You Are You Should Hold On Tight To Them

After All We Been Through All He Put Me Through All That I Put Him Through I Still Love Him And He Could Still Look Me And My Eyes Tell Me That He Loves Me

Me And August Been A Rollercoaster We Fought,Argue,And Disagree But Through It All I Still Only Want Him And I Wouldn't Want To Go Through All This With No Other Person But Him

August Hurted Me By Cheating On Me But These Days Im Learin To Forgive Him For His Unfaithful Ways

I Wanna Give Him A Real Chance And I Want That Family I Always Dreamed Of

Sitting Here Talkin To August Felt Like The First I Ever Spoke To Him

It Felt Like We Were Back In Love All Over Again I Wanted To Sit And Talk To Him All Night Long Because I Know He Wanted To Listen To Me Talk All Night Long

"Love Is Easy"...Who Ever Spoke Those Words Were Wrong They Were Damn Wrong

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