《The Matrimony Book#2 (Completed)》Chapter 16-Lies Of An Addict


For The Past Weeks I Been Partying Non Stop I Haven't Ate Nor Sleep In Days

Ayden Was With August And I Was With Alcohol,Drugs And Sex

I Was Dead Inside And Had Competely Lost Myself

I Wasn't Me Anymore I Had Become Someone Else But I Hadn't Realized It Just Yet

I Was Under The Influences Barely Standin Straight At August Door Ready To Pick Up Ayden

He Opened The Door Wearing A Silk Red Versace Robe

He Looked Like He Was Peacefully Sleepin

"Why You At My Doe At 3 In The Morning"He Asked Wipin His Eyes

"Im Here To Get Ayden"I Said

"You Is Not Bout Take My Son Out The House At Three In The Morning What You On"He Said

"You Can't Tell Me What To Do With My Son!"I Said As I Walked In Uninvited

August Grabbed Me By Arm And Said "Hol Up He Sleepin"

"Im His Mother He'll Be Happy To See Me"I Said Sniffling My Nose

He Than Got Angry "Don't Wake Him! You Ain't Been Here Taking Care Of Em Now You Wanna Come Wake Em Outta His Sleep Nah Thats Not How Its Goin Down"

"He's My Son!"I Yelled Extremely Loud

Than I Heard Mircale Voice Behind Him "Whats Goin On Why Is She Here August"

I Turned Around And Looked At Mircale

"Bitch Im The Mother Of His Child Im Gon Be Around"I Yelled

"Stop Yelling Before You Wake My Son"August Said

"I Told You About Having My Baby Around This Bitch Didn't I Tell You Not To Bring This Clown Ass Bitch Around My Son"I Yelled Even Louder

"You Ain't Call Ayden,You Ain't Been Around Him I Been Working And Takin Care Of My Son And Im Doin A Good Damn Job You Can't Tell Me Who I Can Have Around My Child"August Said To Me


"Im Takin Ayden Home With Me Now"I Yelled As I Walked Up The Stairs

"Move Out My Way Hoe"I Said To Miracle

"Like Seriously Could You Be Anymore Immature"She Said As I Walked Up The Stairs

"Seriously Could You Use Anymore Make Up Who Sleeps With Make Up Only Little Ugly Insecure Bitches!"I Sais As I Stormed Up To Ayden Room

But Before My Hand Could Touch His Door Knob August Shoved Me Against The Wall Knockin My Purse On The Floor

Everything In My Purse Were Scattered All Over The Floor

"See What You Made Me Do"I Said As I Got On My Knees

I Began Pickin Up Everything As August Tried To Help

"What Are You Doin"I Asked

"Tryna Help You"He Said

"I Don't Want Your Help Just Leave Me Alone August"I Said To Him

Mircale Picked Up My Ziploc Bag Filled With A Half Of Bag Of Coke

"Shes On Drugs Now It All Make Sense"She Said

"Lemme See That"He Said As He Snatched The Ziploc Bag From Miracle

"What The Fuck Is This"He Asked Me

I Didn't Answer The Question I Just Continued To Pick Up All My Things Off The Floor

"You Can't Hear Me Now!"He Yelled

"August Lower Your Tone Ayden Is Sleeping" Mircale Said

August Snatched Me Up Once Again And Push Me My Back Against The Wall And Looked Me In Eyes And Said "Is This What Gotcha Actin Out Ignoring Ayden You Strung Out On This Shit"

"Let Me Go"I Said Calmy

He Was Furious With Me "I Lost Alot Of People To This Shit,I Ain't Tryna Lose You I Love Ya"

"Oh Please"Mircale Said As She Rolled Her Eyes

"You Love Me Now? Thats Too Bad Cause I No Longer Need Your Love Couldn't Get It When I Needed It The Most So Fuck Yo Love"I Said Smiling


He Stared In My Eyes Speechless

I Tired To Hid My Addiction From August But Like My Grandmother Told Me Many Times Before What Ever Is Done In The Dark Will Soon Come To The Light

By This Time I Really Didn't Give A Fuck What August Or Mircale Thought Of Me All I Care About Getting High As The Clouds And Lifted In Space

Speeches, Lectures,And Preachin Was All So Useless I Was Already Down That Road Of Self Destruction

Next Thing I Know I Passed Out On August Floor

The Next Morning I Woke Up Not Remembering What Happen Not Even Sure What Happen

I Woke Up In August Bed With August Sitting Next To Me

"How Did I Get Here"I Said Starting To Feel An Terrible Feelin

"You Apparently Drove Here You Passed Out By Ayden Door In Middle Of Me Talkin To Ya"He Said

"God I Have A Headache"I Said Holdin My Head

He Looked Me Shameful And Said "You Need More Help Than I Thought"

"No I Don't Im Fine August!"I Said Being Defensive

"Ya Do Aziah,I Got The Money I'll Pay Whatever To Get You Into The Best Rehab In The World"He Said

"Whaaat?? Im Not Going To Rehab No"I Said

"I Don't Wanna See You Die From This Shit"He Said To Me

I Folded My Arms And Said "No August I Don't Need Rehab Im Not An Addict I Can Stop Any Time I Want"

"You Know How You Sound Right Na....?Like The Typical Ass Addict"He Said

"Im Not An Addict Aug Its Me Aziah I Can't Be A An Addict" I Said Tryin To Convince Myself

"Aziah....Either Go Rehab Or Im Taking Ayden From You Permanently"He Said

"Your What"I Said I Couldn't Even Repeat His Words Without My Heartbreakin

"You Wanna Kill Yourself Go Right Ahead But My Son Is Not Gon Be In That Environment I Will Die Before I Let My Son Go Through What I Went Through I Will Do Anything To Protect Ayden You Wont Break His Heart Like You Breakin Mines"August Said With Teary Eyes

Than He Quickly Got Up And Walked Out

While Im Sitting Ther Feeling The Worlds Most Worse Mother Ever

I Get Up And Walk Into Ayden Nursery

He Was Up Just Smilin Bitin On His Fingers

I Haven't Seen Him In Weeks So I Felt Like I Didn't Deserve His Bright Smile He Had On His Face

"Hey There Ayden"I Said As I Picked Him Up

I Sat Down In A Brown Rockin Chair While Holdin My Beautiful Baby Boy I Look My Son His Beautiful Eyes And Said "You The Only Thing I Did Right Ayden,Your The One Thing In My Life That Make Sense"

Than I Looked At Him "Right Now Mama Ain't Right But No Worries Your Goin To Stay Here With Daddy He Will Take Good Care Of You"

I Start Tearin Up And Said "I Love You Ayden"

And I Kissed His Forehead

Than August Walked In

I Looked At August And Said "He Stay With You But Only Temporarily Untill I Get Myself Together.....August Don't Take My Baby From Please"He Said

I Know My Lifestyle I Was Livin Was Terrible But I Didn't Want Lose Ayden

I Know August Was Pissed But I Hope He Doesn't File For Full Custody And Take The Only Love I Still Had

Ayden Still Loved Me In His Eyes I Wasn't A Bad Mother Or An Addict,I Was Just His Mama

Atleast Someone Still Loves Me

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