《what's this? an azurlane X malereader!?》prologue


Third pov:

In Vankor ( von-cor) in its main harbour can be seen the most powerful ship ever created by man, VKS guardian. With its 10 50cm (19.6 inches), triple barrel main armaments, the 8 15cm (5.9 inches) and 16 8cm (3.1 inches) second armaments. Although there was AA was great in numbers it lack choice and only 2 types of AA, 30 45mm AA and 12 60mm artillery AA (aaa?). The length of it was a truly terrifying and amazing sight to see, 522 m (Sheesh, almost X2 as long as Yamato, sorta idk) of pure steel. The workers there where discussing about how this is just a huge target and how over kill of how much cannons it had.


Random worker: "Sheesh don't you think adding 10x3 cannons on one ship is over kill, that's too much if you ask me."

Sorry for being blind and not seeing that it has 10 main armaments and not 8, that also counts for the second armaments and aa, ALSO this changes the rigging, so imagine with it REAL number of armaments and aa.

Random worker #2: "Yeah but this is our last defence against the sirens."

Random worker: "true I guess."

Random worker:"*sighs* why couldn't they build another slim class battle cruiser OR a white class light cruiser plus the beacon class line isn't that great except the legendary VKS cannon!"


Narrator: wait author wont the readers be confused about all this?


Narrator"author are u alri-"



It was true beacon class warships where expensive and time consuming to make.

Random worker #2:"I guess but who knows this might be a new NaVeL lEgEnD!"

(Yes I do watch that shut you're mouth)


Suddenly out of nowhere random worker #3 appeared.

Random worker #3:" yeah I mean look at that fire power."

Random worker:"..."

Random worker #2:"..."

Random worker suddenly karate chopped the top of random worker #3.

Random worker #3:"OUCH!!!"

Random worker:"sorry you scared us."

Random worker #3:"well that's still not an excus-"

Suddenly alarms went off throughout the building.

Random worker #2:"sirens!"

Third pov:

Siren aircraft fly to the main harbour bombing any ship they could including VKS guardian, the famous white/slim class ships and many other ships. Many of the ships in the harbour armed there aa and aaa guns and start firing (fireing?) At any siren aircraft as they could, a few ships were sunken before they could arm there aa.

VKS guardian took off to sink the siren aircraft carriers and so did many others. While they where sailing there they where meet with resistance by other siren ships (dem little shits) and do you know what guardian















Narrator:"da fuq!?"


Narrator: "that much shots in one salvio? salvo? Saliva? Whatever!"

Author:"*adjust glasses* well for the main armaments it can only shot 8/10 of its main armaments on each side, and for the second armaments it's just half on each side."


2 hour timeskip*

Third pov:

HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!

Excuse me I was watching clone wars and THEY KILLED FIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

Holy shit.............................................................................................................VKS guardian destroyed 400+ siren ships (Narrator:"shit really!?") But during this guardian took a lot of damage(author:"hehe"), barley any of its armaments where working and with one torpedo from a siren aircraft, guardian went down................

???:"well this looks interesting~~"

GOD DAMN that took long to upload. Well sorry for the long wait and considering the word count ain't big it didn't take long to read or enjoyable to read.

Tell me if you want longer chapters (if so the haha U gonna have to W A I T)

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