《The Alpha's Girl》Bonus Chapter
"Are you sure they are going to be okay? What if something goes wrong? What if they're missing me too much right now? Maybe we should turn back. There could be an uproar happening in the pac-"
Chance put his hand to my mouth. "Love, please be quiet. The kids are going to be just fine. The pack will be intact once we get back. Our kids are in good hands. Our parents, your grandparents, Ryan, Hannah, and Simon can handle everything. Ryan is the Beta for a reason. We can't turn around because we are currently in a plane. My brother and wife are right next door and he promised to check in and make sure the pack is running smoothly. Ryan knows how to run that pack, better than me sometimes."
I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. I held Chance's hand and squeezed it tightly, not wanting to ever let go. I shut my eyes and leaned back into my seat. When I reopened my eyes, Chance was staring at me, a small smile sitting on his kips. Slight scruff was growing on his face and his eyes were bright and aware. "I'm just nervous, Chance. This is the first time we left the house without any of the kids. We've never been away from them for this long before. I'm just scared something bad might happen and I'm not there to help."
Chance nodded, knowing I was just being a paranoid mother right now. "Bails, nothing bad is going to happen to our children. Just try and focus on us right now because we deserve this honeymoon."
"Alright," I said, agreeing with Chance. Us agreeing together was nice. "Everything will be just fine."
"Just sit back and relax. Take a nap because we still have a long way to go."
"Okay, but maybe I should just call home really quick to make sure the kids are fine."
Chance growled playfully and unbuckled my seatbelt. "You just called home ten minutes ago and nobody was hurt and the pack wasn't on fire. You will not be calling home. Instead, let me take your mind off of some things."
Chance had a cheeky grin on his face and I rolled my eyes. I let him pull me onto his lap, kissing me feverishly.
Let's just say I didn't take a nap the rest of the plane ride.
Chance and I landed in Aruba a few hours later. The ocean was crystal clear and the people here were very friendly. I loved it already. Chance and I never got to have a honeymoon because right after we got married, I just kept having kid after kid. After having Jamie, Jace, and Ben, I didn't think I'd ever have anymore kids. However, when Ben was two, I fell pregnant again with triplets. The pregnancy was very high risk for the four of us and to be honest, I didn't think I would ever make it out alive. The pregnancy did not end well and I lost two of them. Noel and Nick were born on Christmas and died before thy even hit the air. It was the saddest moment of my entire life, not hearing the cries of an unborn baby as I lay on the operating table. I was expecting to hear more silence when they pulled the third baby out but I didn't. My beautiful Lily had survived. She was very premature and they told me to be prepared for her to not make it but she did. She's three now and the kid I worry about most.
After the pregnancy, I decided to get my tubes tied because the doctor told me I couldn't have anymore kids after that. With Jamie being nine now, Jace eight, Ben five and Lily three, Chance and I finally decided to have our honeymoon.
"What?" I asked, looking over to Chance who was waving his hand in my face.
He tapped a finger to my head. "Is there anyone in there? You zoned out."
I looked towards the ocean. "I was simply enjoying the view and thinking of everything that happened to make this so delayed. I wouldn't change a single thing though." Everything was so quiet here. With four children, it was hard to have an ounce of quietness.
Chance gave me an offended look. "Excuse you but I am the beautiful view that you should be enjoying. Take me all in."
"Whatever you say, Alpha." I laughed because Chance always got mad when I called him that.
Chance growled and I laughed some more, waiting for him to chase me as I ran away from hm. I ran toward the ocean, letting my wolf take over a little bit so that I could run even faster. Before I hit the ocean, Chance's arms wrapped around me and he took us both into the warm water.
"You want to call home, don't you?"
Chance and I were laying in bed. It was a little past midnight. We went swimming in the ocean and had dinner on the beach. Then we came back to our honeymoon suite, showered (together of course, you know to save water and all) and then hopped right into bed, exhausted from the day we had. These last few months have been a little rough for Chance and I. We were bickering a lot to where he slept on the couch most nights. Our relationship was falling apart. It had been the moment we lost two of our babies. Though we are mated, Chance and I can still fall out of love but our wolves will be linked forever. It scares me.
We needed counseling to get to where we are tonight. We need this vacation together, just the two of us. We need this vacation to help us fall back together again. I can't lose Chance, not after everything we have been through.
"I do."
Chance's fingertips were drawing lazy circles on my back. I was laying with my head on his chest and my legs intertwined with his. "Then call. I know it will make you happy. It's midnight and you know all of our children will be wide away anyway since we're not home."
"Okay, I'll put it on speaker so the both of us can listen and talk. You probably will want to talk pack stuff with Ryan after."
Chance nodded his head. I moved away from his body and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. I then sat up and dialed out house phone number.
"Hello?" Simon answered, sounding tired. For being an immortal warlock, he was always tired. He has all the time in the world to sleep, literally.
"Hey, Si, it's Bailey and Chance."
"Who? I'm sorry, but Bailey and Chance left us with their demon children. I don't know of those people anymore. I'm certain these kids are the spawn of Satan himself."
I giggled a little bit, Chance rolling his eyes playfully. "My children are not demons, Si. They just choose to act bad whenever mommy and daddy aren't around."
I heard Simon laugh. "I'm just messing with you. They have actually been angels. Lily is sleeping right now in her room. Jamie is with Hannah and the kids at a sleepover. Ben is passed out in your bed. Jace is the only one awake. He claims to have had a bad dream but I think he just wanted to stay up with me and watch the football game."
Chance and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows. We were surprised that so many of them were actually asleep. "Can we talk to Jace?"
"Of course, let me go get him." I heard Simon walk away from the phone and call Jace's name.
Jace's voice instantly lifted up my spirits and made my heart ache. I missed all of them so much and I've only been gone a few hours. I saw all of them this morning. "Hi, baby, it's mom and dad. How is everything going?"
"Hi, Mom! It's all going great. Grandma and Grandpa Hayes let us swim in the pool and then Grandma and Grandpa Scotts baked cookies with us."
He sounded so happy and I couldn't stop smiling because of it. Jace is eight but has the most outgoing personality of the four kids. He says hi to everyone in the pack and just wants to be friends with everyone he meets.
Chance leaned over my shoulder and kissed my neck. He smiled deviously when he saw my face flush. "You're being good though, right? You're not giving anybody any trouble?"
I heard Jace gulp. Chance always knew how to scare them. "No, dad, I'm being good. I've been playing with Ben and Lily. Jamie went to Aunt Hannah's house for a sleepover. They went to get their nails painted today."
"That's good, son. I'm happy you're being on your best behavior and being the man of the house while I'm gone. Tell everyone we miss them, okay? Love you, bud."
I leaned forward and blew a kiss into the phone. "I love you, Jace, Be good for everyone."
"I will, mom, always. I love you too."
Once we heard the click on the phone, we knew he had hung up. "I guess I'm not talking pack business tonight."
I laugh, "I guess not," I said, and then I started getting serious. "Also, we need to talk, Chance. You need to stop being so hard on Jace all the time."
Chance scoffed and sat more upright in the bed. "I'm not hard on Jace. He's going to be the next Alpha and needs to know how to act. He's too sweet."
Here goes another fight, the same one we've been having for months now.
"Chance, I really don't want to fight with you right now. This week is supposed to be about us. I'm only going to say this once more; Jace is not the next Alpha of this pack, Jamie is. She is the rightful kin to the pack when you and I retire. If she doesn't want to be Luna then the pack goes to Jace."
Chance shook his head. "That's not how it works, Bails. It goes to the first-born son."
I huffed, getting extremely frustrated. "I'm not sure how many times I have to tell you this, but it doesn't. No where in the law does it state that it has to be the first-born son. It just so happens that for centuries the first child was a boy or the first child was a girl and didn't want it. I even went to the Werewolf Council to figure this out. Our first-born child is a girl, Chance. I know it's rare but it happened. Jamie wants to be Luna of this pack and when she finds her mate, he will rule beside her. She has been prepping for this for years."
Chance laid back in the bed and rolled over, facing away from me. "I don't want to have this fight again or anymore. It's been the same one for months, Bailey."
I didn't say anything. I just turned the opposite way in bed and turned off the lamp that was on my nightstand. I cried myself to sleep again.
Chance acted like nothing had happened the next morning. He cooked me my favorite breakfast and laid it all out for me on the table that was in our room. This is what bothers me the most. He acts like we never fought, that the issue is solved, because he doesn't want to admit that he's wrong and I was right all along. He's just so unbelievably stubborn.
"Bails, love, breakfast is ready."
I slowly got out of bed and walked over to the table. "Thanks."
"What's wrong?" He asked, after I denied him from giving me a kiss.
"Morning breath."
Chance furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Bails, we've been together for over ten years, a little bit of morning breath has never stopped either of us."
"I don't want a kiss."
Chance sat down in front of me. "Alright, what's wrong?"
I put my fork and knife down on the plate and looked at Chance. Is he fucking stupid? "'What's wrong?' What's wrong is the fact that we fight about the same thing almost everything night and it never gets solved. The next day you act like nothing ever happened. You think a little homemade breakfast will make up for it but newsflash Chance, it won't."
"I'm the Alpha, Bailey."
I was fuming, if this were a cartoon, smoke would be pouring out of my ears. "And I'm the Luna! I'm your wife! I'm the mother of your children. What does you being the Alpha have to do with anything? I am your other half. We run this pack and family together."
Chance's eyes flashed gold and I knew his wolf was getting angry as well. I was questioning his position, his leadership. "I'm the Alpha so I decide what happens. Jace gets the pack and that's final. You don't have a say in it, Bailey."
I scoffed. "I don't have a say? I am not some random person in our pack. We make these decisions together. If you try to make Jace the Alpha without actually asking Jamie first when she's 18, then I'm going to the Council."
"You would go to the Council over this? They will put me on trial! I could be banished!"
"Exactly! You know the consequences yet you don't even care. I would do anything for my children. They come first. They come before you, before this pack and before me. Jamie deserves this pack. She wants it, Chance. It's all she ever talks about and you're just going to rip that away from her?"
"She wouldn't be a normal Luna. Jamie would be an Alpha. Does that even sound right to you? A female having the title of a man?"
I threw my hands in the air. "Yes! That sounds perfect to me! She would be an amazing Alpha. She's nine and does so much for this pack already. She wants this and she deserves it. You can't rip this away from her. Girls get treated like shit all the time in the werewolf community. You would do this to your own daughter? She can change things, change the norms and the rules. How are you going to tell her that can't be Alpha but her brother does, the second born child in our family? How are you going to break her heart like that? I sure as hell am not."
Chance stood and ran his hand over his face. "I can't break my daughters heart."
"Then don't, Chance. Give her his pack when she's eighteen and make her the Alpha. This pack isn't Jace's. Do not fuck her over."
I was about to protest, keep arguing for the sake of Jamie, but I stopped. Did he just agree with me? "That's it?"
"What do you mean?" Chance asked, looking over to me from where he stood in front of the sink.
"We've been fighting about this topic for months and all it took was for me to tell you not to break her heart? Are you fucking kidding me? Here I was, crying myself to sleep every night thinking you didn't love me anymore because this and the babies was driving us apart."
Chance came over to me and got onto his knees in front of my chair. He put his hands on my knees. "I heard you crying and it pained me every night. You were always so mad at me so I stayed in the living room. Bails, darling, I could never stop loving you. You are everything I have ever wanted in my life and so much more. You are the person I was searching for since I was younger. You came into my life when I needed you the most. You are the mother of my children, my other half, and the love of my life."
There were tears in both of our eyes. "Then please don't be the one to break her heart. She is the rightful heir."
"Okay," Chance nodded, wiping the tears from underneath my eyes. "It will go to her. I'm sorry for being like this. You don't deserve this and neither does Jamie. The pack belongs to her when she is the rightful age."
I nodded, this time wiping the tears away from Chance's eyes. "I love you."
"And I love you more."
He laid his head on my lap and I ran my fingers through his hair. We stayed like that for a while. Chance lifted his head up a little while later. "This is our week, our free time that we deserve." Chance looked down at his watch. "It's almost noon. At one I had swimming with the dolphins schedules. I would understand if you aren't up for it or if you're still mad at me but-"
I cut Chance off because at the mention of dolphins, I was instantly happier. Chance knew how much I always wanted to swim with these creatures. "You're joking! Oh my, let's go get ready! Of course, I want to do this."
I quickly ran into the bathroom and put my bathing suit on. I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a bun. Dolphins are my weakness and Chance knows how long I have been wanting to do this. Chance and I needed this closure and I suddenly felt like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders after the talk we just had.
"Are you two ready?"
Chance and I are wearing body suits and a life jacket. We just went through the safety rules and instructions for what we are about to do. The dolphins were in the ocean behind us and a rope was halfway down the ocean so that the dolphins couldn't technically leave and so we knew how far to go out. It also prevented any sharks from coming into the area.
"More than ready." I said, excitement coursing through my body. I couldn't stop smiling.
"Let's go then."
We followed out instructor to the dock where there was a ladder for us to use to get into the ocean. Our instructor, Josh, called the dolphins names. Two fins were poking out of the water, swimming quickly towards us. "These two dolphins are sisters. We rescued them from a boating accident that happened to them when they were babies. We won't release them back into the ocean fully because they were babies when we found them and all they know is this place. Usually we release the animals we rescue back into the ocean if they are only with us for a few months. The one on the left is Jane and the other is Lily."
I looked at Chance and smiled. "Lily is our daughter's name."
Josh smiled. "Then I guess you and Lily will get along just fine. You two can follow me into the water. They will come right up to you so don't be afraid. Here is some fish that you guys can feed them."
I took the fish from Josh's hand and went into the water. Lily and Jane came closer to the three of us and I fed Lily the fish while Chance fed Jane. We stayed in the water for two hours and swam around with the dolphins. It was the best experience of my entire life and a memory that I was cherish forever.
"Before we wrap this up, would you guys like a picture?"
Our time was almost up and we were about to get out of the water. "Yes, of course. Thank you so much."
Lily and Jane came up closer to Chance and I. Chance wrapped his arm around me and we smiled at the camera, a dolphin on our sides. Once the click was heard, the dolphins swam away, lifting their fins out of the water as if to say goodbye to us.
"Best day ever." I said, looking over to Chance.
Later that night, Chance and I decided to relax in the hot tub that was on our deck of our suite.
"I like this." Chance commented.
"You only like this because we're both naked."
Chance shrugged one shoulder. "I always wanted to go skinny dipping in a hot tub and now here I am, skinny dipping in a hot tub with the hottest girl ever. Another thing to be checked off my bucket list."
I laughed and finished the remaining bit of beer that was in my bottle. "Could you get me another drink, please?"
"Of course, love," Chance said, standing up and giving me a view of his backside. He reached over to the table beside him and grabbed me another beer from the cooler. He turned around, giving me a view of his naked front side, and handed me the beer.
"Thank you. I really needed these drinks. I haven't had this shit in a long time."
"Me either. It feels good to be kid free."
I laid back in the hot tub and hummed, agreeing with Chance. I let the jets hit my back and let the hot water soothe me. I felt a hand slide up my leg and I opened one eye to see Chance smiling widely at me. "What are you trying to get at here?"
Chance inched his way over to me. "You know exactly what I'm trying to get out."
I smiled and moved closer to him and before Iknew it, his lips were against mine and his hands were all over my body. I was happy. I was more than happy. This wasthe happiest I have been in a long time. I smiled into his kiss and let Chancetake all of my worries away.
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