《Untouched (BWWM)》Forty|Then there were four


"Baby breathe with me. In... Out... In. out. In. Out. You can do it Detka."

"Okay. I'm breathing." Her shallow voice whimpers.

Eureka's forehead gathers more sweat as the minutes go by. We're about four hours in. Doctor Johnson said she needs to be more dilated before she's ready to pushing. I've been by her side, holding her hand, wiping her forehead, doing eveything possible to ease the pain she's feeling throughout this experience.

I don't how I've been able to keep up the strong front I've presented since we started. But I'm anything but strong. Inside I'm falling apart because she has to do this and there's nothing I can do about it. I can't take her pain away. I can't deliver our sons in her place.

"Again baby. In. Out. In. Out. I got you."

"That's it Eureka. We're centimeters left to go. I can almost see the first baby's head."

"Ugh God! It hurts!!" Eureka screams at me.

"I know baby. I know. You're almost there."

Her brown eyes pool with unshed tears. Even at this very second, Detka takes my breath away, literally. I lean in kissing her forehead. Moving a braid out the way. She scrunch up her eyebrows. Breathing in and out hard in fluid motion.

"Whee, whoo. Whee, whoo. Doctor I need them out! Pleaseee!!"

I look up at Doctor Johnson. She's focused in-between Detka's legs. From where I sit I can't see what's going on down there. I'm curious to see but I don't know if I'm strong enough to witness my sons journey into this world.

Detka made me promise beforehand to not look. Saying she doesn't want me seeing her vagina stretched out. Why I have no idea?

It's totally natural. But I respect her wish.

"I need you to push now. Eureka give me a big push." Doctor Johnson's commands bringing me out my reverie. At the sound of this Detka's grip tightens as she starts pushing with the life of her.

"Uhh ohhh. Ugh!!!"

"One more time Eureka. Push!"

"You can do this baby." I tell her as I wipe away perspiration from her forehead.

"Ughh. Ohhh!!!"

"That's it Eureka. I can see the head. Give me two more."

"I can't. It hurts! I can't push!"

Detka looks at me breathing deeply. Tears leaking, tiny drops of pearls trail her dark skin. I hold her face kissing her forehead.

"Yes you can baby. You are the strongest woman I know. You can do this love. Our son's are waiting to see their mother. Squeeze my hand until you cut off my circulation if you need to. Break it I don't care. Do whatever you need, to feel better."

I step even closer so she can see how serious I am. Detka breathes in deeply. Licking her lips looking so fucking strong and gorgeous I become taken over by need. Out of habit not remembering we're in a room full with others, I grip underneath her neck. Leaning in I whisper. "If you do this baby once we're clear I'll fuck you so hard until you can't breathe. Do you want that Detka?" I groan, so only she can hear.


"Mmmh. I do." She whispers back.

"Then you know what to do. You can do this."

Detka out of nowhere starts pushing. Groaning out as she pushed with everything she has. She pushed until the most distinctive weep resonates within the room followed by our sons first cry.

"Good job Eureka. We have a healthy baby boy. Kira, would you like to cut the ambilical cord?"

I remain beside Eureka because I know she needs me. We're not finished yet. She exhales out. "Go baby, go hold our son."

I kiss her lips going to our beautiful boy. He's all pale and wrinkly like a raisin with a full head of brown wavy coils and curls. The smallest nose and lips.

He'd fucking precious. How is he so beautiful?

Perfect. Doctor Johnson hands me a pair of scissors. I snap his ambilical cord wiping some of the blood from under his eyes. His skin is soft. His eye lashes looking full already with his eyes closed. A nurse comes over and quickly cleans and weighs him. He continues crying out.

"5 pounds 7 ounces. Do you want to hold him?"

"Yes of course. How do I hold him."

My chest Squeeze as I watch the nurse instruct me. She places him in my arms and I hold my breath. Immediately he stops crying, making me trimble at how small and fragile he is. My son, our son. I hold him against my naked chest as I unbuttoned my shirt at some point when I was getting hot.

I go over to Detka. Who looks ready to fall asleep. "Baby look. Isn't he so beautiful?"

Brown chocolate eyes crack open. She stares at our son and I place him softly onto her chest. The moment his bare skin touches on top of her, she starts crying while holding him. Our son sleeps with a slight smirk on his lips. Fingers curled into tiny fists.

"He's beautiful Kira. He's perfect."

I know. He's everything and more.

I kiss her head and his. "He is baby. Just like his mother." I say crying tears of my own.

"Eureka it's time for you to start pushing again. The other little one is coming. His head is facing down now." Doctor Johnson breaks our moment.

Detka hands me our baby and starts pushing again. Without me holding her. I hold our baby giving him to one of the nurses so I can support her as she brings our other son home. Like the strong woman she is, she pushed hard.

I watch encouraging her. "You're almost there baby. You're doing great."

Out of the blue our other precious boy greats us with a cry of his own. Sounding so different than his older brother. It might be from the adrenaline but somehow I decifer a difference between his and our oldest. His cry sounds more quiet but still strong.

I must be losing it.

Doctor Johnson lifts him up, handing him to the nurse to repeat the process. Like with our first child, I cut the cord again. Meanwhile I hear Eureka mumbles softly as the nurse from earlier brings to her our oldest child. I hold our youngest once he's given to me. Noting he feels a bit smaller than his brother.


"He's smaller. Is that okay?" I ask no one in particular.

"He's 5 pounds 4 ounces." Calls out the nurse. At the same time writing this down.

"He's fine Kira. It's normal for there to be a slightly smaller baby in a set of twins. Don't worry." Says the doctor.

"Okay thank you doctor." Doctor Johnson smiles. "You're welcome. What about names." I'm walking over to Eureka at this same second. So I turn facing her.

"We've already decided on their names." I reach Detka. Someone must have raised the bed because she's sitting up now breast feeding our son. She turns to me looking happily at our son in my arms.

A nurse, the one who took their measurements comes around the bed, on the other side.

"Can you tell me their names?"

My amber eyes fall on my wife. Even though it's not official yet for all intensive purposes, she is in every sense of the word. Detka nudges her chin up at me. "You tell her."

I smirk loving her a million times more. The nurse has a twinkle in her eyes as she takes us in.

"Our oldest is, Kiren Yakov Bychkov."

"Can you please spell each for me?"


I go about spelling Kiren's names making sure to take my time so there's no mistakes.

"Thank you and the youngest."

"Kai Maxim Bychkov."

I spell his first and middle name. I love their names. Detka and I chose them together. Kiren and Kai, our precious boys. Already they've made my heart swell as they each claim a piece of it with their mother.


Detka is sleeping. Right after she fed Kiren she fed Kai. Being so tired she fell asleep holding him. I had to place Kiren down to sleep in one of the two cots beside her bed. Kai was soon laid to rest after he was full with his mother's milk.

Our boys looks exactly a like. Doctor Johnson informed us they are identical. Both of their ears is dusted with Carmel showing the may get more color with time, and I love that. Kiren and Kai share the same head of wavy coils and curls that is closer to my shade of brown hair.

They have the shape of mine and Eureka's nose combine, my lips and her forehead. They are both uniquely different however in their personalities. Kai seems to be more calm while Kiren crys more. I love both of them equally.

They are asleep. I get up standing over their cots watching them sleep, wearing matching pale yellow oneisies. Kiren's reads oldest while Kai's says youngest in blue writing. They're both swaddled in their matching baby cloths.

I hear shuffling on the left. Turning to see Eureka waking.

"I'm so tired. I feel like I could sleep for a week straight."

She rubs her eyes, pulling the blanket up.

"You must be after delivering our boys." I say once I get closer. Taking a seat beside the bed. I hold her hand.

"You were amazing baby. I'm so proud of you."

"Did you get any sleep? You look tired too."

I nod. "No I can't seem to sleep for some reason. I feel wide a wake."

"You should sleep. Did anyone come by while I was out?"

"Yes mom and dad came and saw the boys. I'm surprised you didn't wake up at mom's gushing over them and I called Julian via what's app. She and Peter saw you asleep. I showed them the boys. Julian says they've booked an early flight. They'll be here tomorrow night."

"Oh okay. Are they asleep still?"

"Hmm. They're both asleep."

"Okay that's good. Come here." Eureka calls to me. She sits up patting the bed.

"I won't fit." I tell her.

"I don't care. Come you're tired. You need to sleep too. Scoot in or put your head on my belly." She says so stern. Taking no bullshit from me.

I lay my head over belly, turning to the right side so I can see her face. Her braids frame her face. She looks ravishing and motherly. I yawn out loudly. Eureka chuckles at this.

"See you need rest. Go to sleep. I'll be awake listening to our boys."

"Okay Detka. You're right."

She threads her fingers through my hair. Scratching my scalp with her nails. It feels relaxing and calming. Making chills roll down my spine. Before I know it I'm out.


I wake what feels like 2 hours later to one of the boys crying. Once my eyes open I listen, knowing right away it's Kiren.

He's probably hungry again.

"You're awake. Can you pass him?"


I go to our babies. Seeing that I was right. Its Kiren. Picking him up I hold him like the nurse showed me shaking him a little.

"You're okay. Daddy's got you." At the sound of my voice he becomes quiet.

"Guess he wanted to be held." I say, turning to Eureka.

"I guess. Come let me see him."

I bring him over. Shifting him so his face is within view. I still can't believe we're parents now. Detka wipes her knuckles across his smooth cheek. Marveling at how cute he is.

"What color do you think there eyes are going to be?" She asks.

"I don't know. Brown maybe amber."

"What if they're blue like Lada's?"

Maybe. I hadn't even thought of that.

"Possibly. We'll have to wait and see. I don't know how long it takes to find out." I say.

"Probably by the time their about one." Eureka guesses.

I guess we'll find out when we find out.

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