《Untouched (BWWM)》Thirty-Nine|The Campbell's


"I'm too heavy. Let's just take an Uber."

Kira eyebrows scrunch up. He's been doing that's since the moment I mentioned it this morning after his workout.

"I am Kira. There's no way you'll be able put me in the truck. What if you injure your back? Worst you drop me by accident."

"Detka I picked you up last night when I carried you to the bathroom."

I know.

"Yes but that's different." Exhaling deep in frustration, becuase he won't listen to me. Kira claims he'll continue picking me up even though I'm seven and a half months pregnant with twins.

I know crazy. But that's my Kira.

Wondering where we're going? My parents are coming for Thanksgiving weekend. Kira promised we'll pick them up from the airport. Hence our little disagreement right now. Sometimes he can be so stubborn about the weirdest things.

"How is that different baby? Please make me understand."

I hate when he has this tone of voice. Like he just wants to fu>k me into submission. Not that I'd hate if he did but that's not the point. Kira is normally the most agreeable man, so I'm confused why he's making such a big deal about this.

"Kira please. Can't we take an Uber? I can barely get out of bed without assistance or bend over to put on my shoes myself becuase I'm so big. I really don't think you should be lifting me up so high. I want us to be safe honey. I don't want you to strain yourself, Hmm."

He threads his fingers through his long hair annoyed at me for what I said. Not meaning to but distracting me with the action. His hair is one of my favorite features about him and he knows it. I'm pretty sure that's the real reason he's decided to grow it out.

"Detka... Okay. Fine I'll call us an Uber. Happy."

He's so annoyed but it's the right thing to do.

"Yes thank you."

He walks off after mumbling what I believe is a curse word in Russian. I'll let him cool off. Later tonight I'll ask what's going on with him. Why he kept pushing this? I know it's his thing, picking me up to put me in his truck, but my situation has changed. He needs to understand that.

I sit waiting for him. While I do text mom about their itenary.


"Are you okay?" I whisper so the driver won't hear.

Kira hasn't said a word since he came out saying the Uber is outside. I had mumbled okay trying not to pour salt onto his wounds. Back to the present.

He doesn't answer just squeeze my hand. I don't push it. We're definitely talking about this later. I don't believe you should end your day upset with your significant other. That's something my dad always instilled in me. He always made sure to make up with mom whenever they bicker.

Entering my pass code for my phone, I find Kasia's name to shoot her a text.

Hey sis. How you been?

We've catched up since we sat down and I listened to her story about her ex. The last I heard from her, she's enjoying therapy. Kasia likes the therapist she has virtual sessions with. After a while Kasia even opened up to Kira, Layla, and her mom about what happened with Mickelo. I'm proud of her.


I'd say she's made some progress. Obviously it's something she's going to continuously have to work on, forgiving herself. Making sure to remind herself daily it wasn't her fault. She won't believe it over night and she knows. Healing takes time. It also takes consistency, patience, and work.

She replies.

Hey. I'm doing good. Thanks for asking.

How are you? How are my nephews?

I'm good. Heading to the airport with Kira to get my parents. Your nephews are good. I'm ready to get them out of me.

Oh okay, say hi to him for me. They'll be here before you know it. I can't wait to meet them. Can I get a hint what their names will be?

I will. We're continuing the K tradition.

Cool mom is going to be over the moon when she finds out. Don't worry I won't tell her. Okay talk you later. I have go meet Layla at her job.

Okay. Thanks for keeping it a secret. Later have fun.

I shut off my phone looking up. We're near the airport. Mom and dad will arrive at JFK. I turn to my future husband. Leaning up to kiss his beard.


"Kasia says hi."

"Okay." He leans in kissing my forehead. His lips feel so soft. They create a galaxy of goosebumps wherever they touch me

"I hate when we argue baby." He mutters.

Angling myself to him I set my head again his shoulder. "I know, me too. Let's talk later when it's just you and me, okay."

"Sure and thank you."

"For what?"

I meet his Amber eyes that are already glued to mine. Within their golden, fiery orange depts is his love letter to my heart. Whenever he looks at me I feel his love, his promise to be there with me through the good the bad and the ugly. To love and support me as we grow old together as I support him.

"For not letting me always get my way. For everything baby."

Aww. He always knows what to say to give me chills. Kira is it for me. He's not perfect because no person, no man is but he is my perfect man. I love him and everything that makes him, him. Even the moments when he's stubborn. I know he feels the same about me.

"You're welcome. I know."

He doesn't have to ask what exactly it is I know. He knows what I mean. Just like that everything is okay again. I know when we eventually talk, I'll listen to his side, as he will to mine. We've build a solid foundation for open communication. To me that's the most important part when you're permanently committed to someone.


"Careful baby. Give me your hand." Kira says as I step onto the escalator going down. I do with him right in front me.

"Thank you. Good thing I wore these Reebok sneakers because my ankles are already starting to hurt."

"They do. Why don't we soak them later and I'll give you a foot rub after?"

"Okay thanks baby."

"No problem. Julian didn't bother making a reservation right?"

"I'm not sure. I'll ask her when we get to them." I answer.


My mom kept saying how they'll be staying at Best Western again like last time. Even though I told her there's more than enough space for us at Kira's. He has a guest room where they can stay. My apartment is just a one bedroom. But she kept saying no, you'll want to have your privacy.

Kira told mom it doesn't make sense for them to waste money on a room for the weekend, with it being during the holidays at that, prices are inflated. Mom never confirmed what they decided to do.

"Watch your step Detka." Kira's gruff voice says, deep but raspy at the same time with his accented undertone. At the bottom of the escalator, he pulls me to the side, out the way right before a gentlemen in a full business suit nearly runs into me in his haste, with his luggage.

"I swear some people don't know how to say excuse me" I say as the man moves pass us. He turns back cutting his eyes at me. I roll mine right on back because I didn't lie. Kira looks up at him and the guy squints looking nervous.

"So-rry." He stutters.

He's quick to walk on after that. Pulling his luggage as he all but run towards his destination. Probably about to miss his flight.

"He's lucky he didn't bump into you." Kira groans.

Kira takes my hand leading the way through the airport that's become more bustling with people. When we went to Florida it wasn't so busy as it is now.

He is lucky. The one thing that's been a constant throughout my pregnancy is, Kira's protectiveness.

I squeeze his hand, calming him. They should be landing soon. We timed it so we wouldn't have to wait too long. I already told him the arrival time and gate info so Kira knows exactly where to go. Kira has on an all black outfit, black shirt, Jeans, and combat boots with a brown jacket perfect for the fall temperatures outside.

He looks sexy and causal. Meanwhile I have on a grey maternity bodycon dress with a cropped over sized warm sweater over it and my grey and neon green sneakers. Which are running sneakers so they're super comfortable.

Even though I'm pregnant I try to still look cute because it makes me feel good. Kira of course still eyes me like I'm the most beautiful woman in this world even with all my extra pounds. I don't think it'll ever change. After all he's loved me since he saw me from behind and had no idea what my face looked like.

"Its this way."

"Okay. I trust you." I say

Kira guides us through the crowds of people. Moving slow while holding around my waist stepping beside me so people move out of the way. I would too if I saw a 6'5 mountain man holding a very, very pregnant woman like he'll murder anyone who comes even an inch too close.

His wavy brown locks blow behind him. Falling under his shoulder blade. I've been trimming as needed, which isn't often since I convinced Kira to change all his pillowcases to silk ones so he doesn't have as much breakage as before.

"They should be here."

Kira says. I guess, I haven't checked the time.


Soon we're slowing down even more as we get closer to their gate. We get closer and people are already exiting the plane with their carry ons. We stay off the side, where they'll definitely see us once they come through.


"How was the flight sir?"

Kira asks my dad. We just pulled off in an XL size Uber. Dad sits in the front while mom Kira and I, are in the back.

"Good and I keep telling you Kira it's okay, call me Peter."

Mom and I watch their interaction. Dad's been trying to get Kira to loosen up since they first met back in August when it was my 26th birthday. It's honestly funny to watch.

Kira's grip on my hand tightens.

"Honey I'm sure Kira will eventually. Don't scare the man now."

"But babes." Dad says. He was about to say something else but mom interrupts.

"Eureka have you guys decided on names yet?"

Here we go again.

No one knows the names we've chosen. Lada has been trying her best to weasel them out of Kira and I for the past few months. She's tried every trick in the book to get me to spill.

"We have but it's a secret. Before you say anything, I'm not saying. We haven't told anyone. Everyone will find out at the same time."

"Kira you'll tell me right." Mom asks.

I turn to him giving him a look. "Don't you dear."

He bites his lip. I'm sure he wants to say it too. He loves being on mom's good side. They're like two peas in a pod sometimes. Ganging up on me together. But I guess it could be worst. Kira and her could have hated each other. I love that he gets on great with my parents.

"Eureka you're not fair."

"The only hint you're getting get is they start with K."

"Hmm K. I can't think of boy names that start with K. Why K though?"

Kira explains as I go to tell her the reason.

"My mom started this thing with K names. My older sister is Katina, then there's me and Kasia. Katina has Kyle and Khristina and Khioniya. Eureka wanted to continue the K tradition."

"Oh that's cute. If you guys have girls in the future I'm thinking Kana or Kailani sounds nice."

"I like those." Kira confirms.

"We're probably not having anymore kids mom."

I see dad look at us through the rear view mirror. I can't decifer exactly what his expression means.

"Eureka says that now Julian, but I'm sure she'll change her mind." Kira adds.

"Naomi you never know. You both could be destined to have more."

"Dad not you too."

What's with everyone saying that.

Eurekas outfit. The top is more like a sweater and shoes are different.

Kira's outfit, with out the flannel around his waist.

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