《Untouched (BWWM)》Thirty-Eight|Getting closer


Why didn't I give him this position long ago?

Something good came out of firing Lucas. For awhile it was difficult to fill his space. Every candidate I interviewed, lacked Something. None of them seemed to be the right fit for some reason.

Until it finally hit me, why keep looking outside the firm. Just hire Austin. He's been here for a good amount of time. He knows how things work. He has experience and knowledge since its the field he's studying. Most of all, I already trust him. I'm familiar with him.

Austin became the perfect person for the job. I don't want to overwlem him so we came to an agreement, he'll introduce me some trustworthy peers so I can see if any of them is suited to take his old job. If so hire that person and while he's earning his degree slowy transition him into a full time architect at the firm.

It makes sense once I think about it. Thankfully he agreed and wanted the job. So for the past few weeks I've been interviewing those Austin recommends. I haven't found the right person yet. But I'm hopeful things will change.

Eureka is close to being seven months pregnant. About a week or so away. Which means we're almost there as Doctor Johnson prepared use to expect she'll be full term before the usual 9 months. I'm nervous but also excited at the same time.

Eureka is excelling at being pregnant. She's long gotten over her morning sickness and now has this glow about her. Though she normally glows but no this is different. All the noticeable changes in her body makes me proud and thankful she's such a strong woman. Proud she is my woman.

From her protruding belly, further widen hips, swollen ankles and breasts. Everything about her screaming our boys are ready to arrive. With each month that's passed I've become increasingly protective of her. Eureka hates this but she understands I don't want anything to happen to either her or our babies.

With the passing of months brings changing seasons. No longer is there sweltering humidity of summer but the early stages of winter. Rainy cold days, where the last brown leaves fall from all the trees.

I've always enjoyed autumn. Love the smell of the dewy air's wetness that lurks as if at any second the sky will open up and pour. I like knowing nights become longer and Autumn usually means holidays and more family time.

Eureka is excited for Thanksgiving. Julian and Peter are coming for Thanksgiving weekend. Having met them after we announced the news about expecting I'm not nervous this time around.


"Kira can you get me some popcorn and peanut butter"

"What? Come again baby."

"Skinny pop and peanut butter from the fridge, please."

Eureka begs while making that face she knows I can't say no to. Pouted lips, flapping eyelashes that excentuate her brown eyes even further.

"The babies want it." She explains.

One of her weird cravings.

"Sure. I don't think it'll taste good together, but if that's what you crave your wish is my command Detka."


"You're the best come here."

"Hmm." I get up she holds my face. Drawing her sweet lips to mine. She kiss me stealing my ability to think. Swiping her tongue over mine as I'm caught off guard.

I love her so much. I show her how much as I take over feasting on her mouth. Going behind her throat. I hold her pointed up at me. Our mouth mold familar in their play. Rough as I kiss her hard. Bitting those sweet lips.

"Hmm baby. I love kissing you."

"Me too." Eureka gets out before I go back in for more. I move away kissing under her neck. Moving to that sensitive spots behind her ear.

Making her whimper. "Uh. I'm so horny. But my popcorn and peanut butter comes first."

Eureka pulls me from behind her ear. Her ethereal face finds mine. She pecks me again.

"I didn't forget about my snack, baby." Eureka says.

"Я люблю, когда ты зовешь меня детка." (I love when you call me baby)

"Huh. What was that?"

She asks confused at what I groaned in my mother tongue. I shake my head getting up from the comfortable bed. Kissing her forehead then stomach twice for each of our boys.

"I'll be right back."

"Thank you."

I smirk as I step through the door. When Detka has a craving it's the only thing on her mind. She's fixated until she has it and our boys are sated til the next craving.

I remember her last craving was pickles and peanut butter. That one was nasty but she loved it. When she woke me up late in the 2am for it and I brought it to her, Detka was so happy as she dipped the pickle straight into the peanut butter. Right after bites off a large chunk, like it was the best things she's ever had.

I'd been so aroused at the site that after the brushed her teeth we fu>cked until Detka creamed me with her juice. Watching her fill herself with me made me want to get her pregnant again.

Getting to the kitchen I retrieve the almost empty jar of organic peanut butter. The Skinny pop sweet & salty flavor is sitting in the pantry. It's the only flavor she'll eat. I grab a spoon and bowl just in case she needs them.

Going upstairs. Eureka is sitting up waiting for her treat. She holds out her hands seeing I have everything.

"You're the best. Thanks baby."

There she goes again tempting me.

"You're welcome. I got you a bowl and spoon, here."

I hand her the popcorn and peanut butter. Detka wastes no time pulling the bag open and unscrewing the jar. I get in beside her putting the bowl with the spoon within reach. Laying on my side taking her in. Detka kisses my hair then spoons out some peanut butter. Going to pour some popcorn in the bowl.

She takes some to the spoon covering them in peanut butter. Detka eats it. Moaning how good it tastes. "Hmm. That's good. You want some?"


"I'm good baby. You enjoy for me."

"You're missing out. It's really good. Our sons love it too."

I'm sure they do.

"They do?" I joke.

"Oh... Did you see that?"

"What? I didn't see anything."

"Kira. One of them kicked. Give me your hand."

I sit up. Our son's kicked. I've felt it but each time it happens I still have to shake myself, at the fact I'm going to be a father. Father to two precious beings we made out of love.

Eureka place my palm on her stomach. It's dropped so it low now and swollen with our children. Weirdly though most the weight she's gained is in her ankles, around her hips, and waist. I rub her belly feeling it above the cotton negligee she's wearing. It's over sized to fit her belly.

I had to tie the straps up as they're extra long since it's four times her size. She makes it work though.

There is a nudge underneath my palm. Oh. Wait. It happens a second time.

"I feel it baby!" I exclaim.

The pressure gets heavier at the sound of my voice.

"Yeah I feel both of them. They're both kicking."

"Yeah. Does it hurt?"

"A little they're excited. I think our sons are totally going to be daddies boys."

"What makes you say that?" I ask. Eureka give me that looks a if silently asking. Really. You don't see it?

"I just know. Whenever you talk they always get extra happy in my stomach. Like they're bouncing with joy or something."

I laugh. Wow. That mean they recognize my voice.

"Detka why do I feel like you're a little jealous?" She shrugs dipping more kernels into the peanut butter. Eating with a low pout.

"I'm not jealous." She disagrees. Sure she isn't.

"I think you are. Don't worry they'll love us both. Baby they'll love you because you carried them into the world."

Eureka chews. Licking the excess spread off the corner of lips. Making me hard again.

"Detka. I can't wait for you to deliver so I can f>ck you like normal."

She swallows looking up at me. Full head of thick coils and curls that are pushed up into a messy up do. God she's beautiful and perfect. How can someone be so remarkable just being?

"We'll have to wait a few weeks first. Remember what doctor Johnson said at our last appointment."

I know but I can't wait.

Even though we still have sex now. I'm cautious to not do anything that'll harm the babies. When the wait is over I might tie her to my bed so she can't leave, so we can f>ck like rabbits. I plan to lick her from head to toe and make her deep skin red from my touch. I can hardly wait at the image.

"Stop staring at me like that. You're gonna make me horny. The last time we had sex I was so exhausted afterwards."

She was. Detka's stamia is not the same with her carring rain drops. But I still make sure she's satisfied before I release. I read somewhere sex is good for babies. Gotta do my part as their father.

"Sorry. You know I can't help it. Baby I was thinking, can we give our sons Russian middle names."

The idea came to me to honor their Russian heritage. Plus I think it would be cool in case they want to go by their middle names instead. It will make it clear they're half Russian. My precious boys. They haven't even taken their first breath of air and already they are my complete world and more. With their mother of course, Eureka Naomi Bychkov.

We'll be registering our marriage license once she delivers then have our wedding ceremony next summer in 2022. Detka wants to have a small close family gathering once our marriage license gets approved first. Since we want to continue being safe with COVID, as we won't be getting vaccinated since she's pregnant. I've chosen not to either. Maybe wait awhile longer before getting vaccinated.

"No of course not. I think that's a great idea baby. You have any options yet?"

"I do. I'm not saying until you give birth though."

"What if I don't like them? What if they don't go with the names we've chosen?"

I lean in kissing her cheek. Getting a hit of her delicious scent.

"You'll love them, and I promise they'll go well with their names."

"Okay. I trust you. I think I'm full and I'm ready for bed."

"Yeah. Okay I'll put these away."

"I love you Kira. Thank you for helping me with my wired cravings."

"I love you too baby very much and it's no problem, always. I'll do it again next time."

"What! Wait a second. What you mean by again next time?"

I bust out laughing at the mother of my children. She's the woman who is my other half and the love of my life.

"Detka." I chuckle. "Remember we said we're having three children. You forgot baby?"

She looked ready to pass out at this. She rubs her forehead. Getting comfortable on her side. "Its not funny. I know what I said. But that's before I knew what it's like being pregnant. Isn't two a nice number?"

I grab the stuff. Rubbing the top of her curly hair, once I'm at my full height towering over her. She peers up at me with warm brown cat shapped eyes I hope our boys have.

"It is but three is a nice number too. You never know maybe we're meant to have three. I think that dream you told me about is sign baby."

Eureka starts shaking her head like she's developing a headache. I won't continue to taunt her. Instead I lean down and whisper. "Let's hold that thought until they're born. You may change your mind. Deal."

"Hmm. Okay. Deal. Hurry back I want to cuddle on your naked chest." Eureka agrees not sounding completely in agreement.

"You got it baby."

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