《Untouched (BWWM)》Thirty-Seven|Sharing the news


I'm so excited. In about an hour we'll find out the gender and how many babies I'm having.

The wait for Doctor Johnson on this appointment is by far the most excruciating. My belly is getting so big. It's growing out more and more each week and my hips are wider too. While the weeks pass I've been marking the calender to keep track of how many weeks along I am. Today makes twenty-one weeks, in other words I'm about five and a half months pregnant.

Crazy I know. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.

But with each week as I get bigger it seems more real. Trust me I feel huge already. Kira is obsessed with my growing stomach. He rubs it as often as possible and likes to lotion it with stretch mark creme mixed with my regular lotion. I won't lie I enjoy that too.

"Deep breaths baby. Deep breaths."

Kira gets my attention. I breathe in deeply and exhale out through my mouth. I guess I'm more nervous than I thought. He's beside me holding my hand. Keeping to his promise of not missing any of my appointments. The first time we heard the heart beat at our follow up appointment he teared up a little. I did too.

Rain drop has a strong heartbeat according to doctor Johnson.

It happened many weeks ago but I remember it like it was yesterday.

"Its good to see both of you."

Doctor Johnson finally comes in the room. She's dressed in a summer sleeveless top and navy blue pressed slacks.

"You too. I wish I was in the room when you broke the news." Kira says happily.

He's finally able to come inside the room with me.

Doctor Johnson smiles. She close the door. I lay back getting comfortable. I watch as doctor Johnson gets ready to do the sonogram.

"Eureka this will be a little cold."

She says pointing to the gel she'll use to see the baby. I nod. "Okay." I raise my top.

She quirts out a liberal amount on my tiny bump. Whew, it's cold. But after awhile it's not so bad. I look at the screen only seeing black and white spots, nothing that looks like anything. Reaching over I ask for Kira's hand.

He takes it squeezing me slightly. Beaming with love an appreciation at me. I make a kissy faces at him. Causing him to lick his lips and smirk at me. While we're wrapped up in each other suddenly the steady beat of Rain drop's heart beat echos in the room.

Bump Bump! Bump Bump! Bump Bump!

"Oh, is that the heart beat?" I ask.

Tears already beginning to form within the corner of my eyes. Hearing the sound of Rain drop's heart beat, it hits me. I'm really going to be a mom soon. It's really happening. My chest tightens as I see Kira tearing up too.

"It is. It's an excellent heartbeat. Very strong and healthy." Doctor Johnson confirms.

"Really doctor?" Kira asks.

He can't believe it too.

"Yes everything looks good. The baby is progressing normally. Look here, you see this circle shape right here."


She asks calling for our attention to a specific area on the screen. I look closer where her pointer finger is. There is a black round shape above it, in the field of black and white nothingness.

"I see it."

I tell her.

"Me too. Is that our baby?"

"It is actually. I'll take a picture for the both of you."

"Its so small." We both day at the same time.

"Yes it is but it's normal to the amount of weeks you are now..."

"Mr. and Mrs. Bychkov."


A nurse calls us. I stand up slowly. Feeling Kira's muscled arm go around my waist.

"Did you tell them to call us that?"

I ask as we go meet the nurse. He smirks at me. Leaning down to kiss my temple. "That's not important right now. We're about to find out if we're having twins."


"Right this way please."

"Thank you." Kira says effectively distracting my thought process.

Soon we're both in the room and Doctor Johnson is coming in greeting us like usual. In the midst of all this I have an out of body experience. Floating outside myself while looking in on what's transpiring in the room.

Doctor Johnson cautions me the gel is going to be cold. She applies it and gets to doing her examination of the baby. Swiping the device over my stomach.

I can't breathe. Why can't I breathe?

"Detka look at me."


Snapping my soul back inside me. I come to finding Kira's intense amber gaze worried while watching me.

"Baby are you okay. You started to worry me there for a second."

"I'm okay. At least I think I'm okay."

"Sorry to interrupt you too. Are you guys ready to find out the gender?"

"We're ready doctor Johnson." Kira says.

"Congratulations you guys are having boys."


No way boys. I'm having twins....

"We're having twins baby. I knew it!" Yells Kira jumping out his seat. Coming to kiss my forehead.

"We're having twins." He says again.

"We're having twins. Oh my god. It really is two." I'm shocked. It's unreal.

"Congratulations Eureka, Kira you're having a pair of healthy boys. I'll leave you both to celebrate. I'll be back in a few minutes to explain what to expect now that we've confirmed there are two babies."

As soon as Doctor Johnson shuts the door Kira says. "I guess I do have magic sperm."

I can't with him.


I left the appointment still on a high Kira helped me into his truck. Smiling from ear to ear. He buckles my seatbelt.

Doctor Johnson informed us mostly like I may not make it to full term which is normal since I'm carrying twins. I'll be ready to deliver anywhere from 32 to 38 weeks.

"How do you feel?"

I ask Kira once he's in the drivers seat. He turns to me looking so mouthwatering and sexy. Sometimes I just want to jump his bones.

"I feel good. What about you?"

"I'm okay. I can't believe you were right, but I guess I should have seen it coming."


"Yeah I know right. Instead of Rain drop, it's rain drops. They aren't that size anymore though."

"We have to let everyone know. We should do it in person. I'm thinking we go to Katina's now call up my parents. Hopefully dad will be home but if not mom will break the new to him. We'll tell them all at the same time. What do you think?"

"I like that. I can't wait to see the look on their faces."


"Kira did you have a play date with Kyle today? I totally forgot." Says Katina once she opens the door for us.

"No Cecpta we wanted to stop by and see everyone." Kira clarifies. His lips sneakily turns up as he tries to hold in his excitement.

"Oh come in guys. It's hot out."

It is the heat from the sun literally made me feel like I'm walking through an oven. Kira lead us in and round back to the spacious living room. Kyle is there watching cartoons on cartoon network.

"Hey Kyle."

"Miss Eureka. Hi!"

So excited to see me. I haven't seen him for awhile. He gets up running up to me. His head falling at my waist. I thread my fingers through his neck length hair. Almond brown like Kira's. Out of nowhere this sense of motherly love takes over me.

"Hi Kyle. You missed me?"

He nods fanatically. "Yes, yes. I do."

"What about me? No love for uncle Kira?"

"Of course you too uncle Kira." Kyle goes and gives him a hug. Feeling my already sore feet ache I take a seat on the nearest sofa. Aww that feels like heaven.

Kira goes go to pick him up but Kyle refuses. "I'm a big kid now uncle Kira. I'm eight."

I smile. He sure is. His birthday was a few months ago. Kyle turned 8 having a cute batman themed party. We had to see it over zoom becuase we were still in Florida at the time.

"I know bud. I remember. Can I at least hold your hand?"

"Yes that's fine. Let's sit next to miss Eureka."

Kyle beats Kira to the available spot beside me. Looking like he won a marathon.

"What are you watching?" I ask him.

Kyle is a kid who loves when he's asked to share especially if it's on a topic he's interested in.

"Oh I finished watching the amazing world of gumball but now I'm watching teen titans."

"Really. I've watched both of those but I like amazing world of gumballs more."

"Me too." Kyle agrees. Focusing back on the TV screen.

"Katina where is Lada and Vicktor." Kira interject.

"They went for a walk. They should be back shortly. Is something wrong?"

Katina questions her brother. Looking worried.

"No everything is good. We'll be staying for a while. Where's my cute nieces?"

"They're taking a nap. Michail went go put them down, after I finished breastfeeding them."

Ah breastfeeding. I'm praying it doesn't hurt as much as I've heard.

While waiting in the waiting room you talk with the other expecting moms so you learn a lot of first hand information. Especially from mothers who's had prior children. I ask the friendly ones questions about the things I'm curious about. Like breastfeeding for example. Let's just say it's not fun.

About thirty minutes later. Lada and Viktor arrive. Both sweating and tired from their walk. Lada perks up noticing me. Running over to where I'm sitting.

"Eureka! You're here. When did you get here."

"A little while ago. It's good to see you."

"Its good to see you too. You look different by the way."

Does she know? Even with the pillow in front my stomach I'm sure the size of my ever growing belly is visible. I'm surprised Katina didn't ask about it

But she did go back up stairs quickly after we arrived.

"Yeah in what way. It's good to see you too."

"Hi Eureka. How are you?" Viktor sneaks up on us. They take a seat across from Kyle, Kira and I.

"I'm good. How was your guy's walk?"

"Good I'm ready to take a cold shower. It's so hot out there. It's like 95 degrees I think."

"I know it's like an oven. Did you guys wear sunscreen?"

"Of course." Viktor jokes.

"Mom dad I'm going to call Katina down. We have some news to share with everyone." Kira breaks up our conversation.

I know he can't hold it in any longer. Well it's better to tear off the bandaid so to speak.


"What is it?"

Mom asks from my phone. She's on speaker. Everyone's in the room. Except Kasia. She's on her way with Layla. Looks like they're sitting on the edge of their seats. Lada is holding Viktor's hand so tight, while Viktor's face is expression less. Katina and Michail are bouncing in their seats. Unfortunately dad is working but I'll call him later when he gets off work so he can hear the news from me first. If I don't get him, I know mom will tell him.

"We're having twins!" Kira literally screams. Bursting out his seams. He takes my hand kissing it. Opening my eyes to all their reactions, I don't know what I expected.

"Wait what!!" Mom yells through the phone.

"Oh my god." Says Katina

Michail seems stunned and Viktor and Lada have this look on their faces. I don't know what they're thinking.

"увидимся, я сказал тебе." I hear Lada say to Viktor.

"Baby what does that mean?"

Kira smirks. "Mom said, she told him so basically she knew it."

Hmm? She knew. How?

"Lada how did you know. We haven't told anyone yet. Not even my best friend."

"Or even me." Mom buts in. She doesn't sound upset. Thank God. I know she hates it when I keep big things from her. This is as big as it gets.

"I had a dream about a month ago about three goldfish so I knew someone was pregnant. Since I know it can't be Kasia. I figured it was you and Kira.

Wait. Wait a minute. Didn't I have a similar dream awhile back.

It all makes sense now.

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