《Untouched (BWWM)》Thirty-Six|Hers and mine


"Its good to see both of you."

Doctor Johnson greets Eureka and I. Detka gets comfortable on the bed. I sit in the chair beside it. The hospital's COVID-19 policy has become more relaxed due to people getting vaccinated since we came four weeks ago.

"You too. I wish I was in the room when you broke the news." I say.

Doctor Johnson smiles. She closes the the door and gets right to work. Eureka lays back getting comfortable as the doctor does what she has to do. She informs us everything looks normal and the baby is healthy.

Doctor Johnson's sonogram printed the tiniest round drop on square paper. Eureka shows me our baby who's tiny. Soon rain drop will grow in size inside her belly. Rain drop is a fitting nick name.

After the sonogram I wipe off the gel left on her stomach. Pulling down her top which matched her biker shorts. Both have a anime print design. Eureka looks comfortable, her curves on display through the thin fabric. Breathable for this very hot summer day.

"How many weeks until we find out the gender of the baby?" Eureka asks doctor Johnson.

"About 10. When you're 18 to 22 weeks along."

"Kira keeps saying he thinks we're having twins."

"I'll be able tell you when I find out the gender. Do you both want to know the gender or find out once you deliver?"

The question is posed to both of us. Eureka takes my hand nodding. Giving me a signal with her body language what her choice is. I know right away what she wants.

"We want to know the gender. Thank you." She says.

"Oh okay no problem. I'll see you in another 4 weeks. Continue to take your vitamins."

"I will thanks you doctor." Eureka says.

"I have a question." I announce. Eureka turns dumbfounded. "Is it okay if we have sex?"

Doctor Johnson remains professional not looking baffled at my question. I guess it's a normal thing to ask.

"Sex is fine. It won't harm the baby."

"Okay. Thank you doctor."

"You're welcome."

After that our first follow up appointment comes to closes.


"About an inch?" I ask.

"Yeah. Your ends aren't bad. An inch is fine."

Eureka confirms while studying my hair. I'm on the toilet seat facing the wall with a towel around my shoulders. She's about to trim my hair. I love sharing moments like these. The day to day, living life with her, spending time together doing the most normal things. It's one of my favorite ways to spend our time.

Eureka takes the scissors and turns my head. She holds up the comb and sections my hair into three sections parting my hair in half from ear to ear, then halving the front portion. She clips each side forwards leaving out the back.

Detka has never cut my hair before.

But even so I have complete trust in her. My heart doesn't race as she combs my hair down, making sure it's smooth.

"Will you kill me if I mess up?"


I hear Eureka ask behind me. I wouldn't. I love her too much to ever want to harm her in any way for a petty reason such as botching my hair.

"No baby. Go a head I trust you. If you mess up I'll have a barber fix it."

"Okay... here goes. Try to hold still so I don't mess up."

Mmmh. I mumble. Righting my head in place. Remaining still as possible. The first swish of the scissors snap loud as Eureka snips the first piece. She's careful and continues not saying a word. Very focused even though I can't see what's happening behind me. I know it.

"I'm taking off less in case I need to go back in." She let's me know.

"Mmmh, baby. One day you'll cut our daughter or son's hair like this."

"Yeah. Isn't that crazy? We're having a kid. In three more appointments we'll find out the gender. I'm thinking that's when we'll let everyone know we're expecting."

"Sounds good. My parents will be so happy. Peter is going to want to murder me."

Detka stops and I turn. She smirks. I love her so much. It's worth it even if he castrated me.

"He won't. Dad accepted us getting married and I'm sure he'll be happy about this too." She leans in kissing my nose.

"Detka no matter what we're having I'm happy knowing they'll look like you and I."

Turning around I hold her waist sitting her on my lap side ways. "Careful I'm holding scissors baby."

"Just let me hold you for a second."

I hold her belly. She stares down at my large palm caressing her tenderly. Eureka peers up kissing my forehead in the same fashion I often do. They say a forehead kiss is the kisser showing a deep respect for the person they're kissing. It means it's more than sex.

"I'm excited to see our little one." I say.

"Yeah. Me too. I wonder who rain drop will look more like."

"I hope they have your beautiful curls."

"Same, but wasn't I cutting your hair."

Eureka goes to stand up. I hold her ass once she does leaning in pressing my head to her stomach.

"Rain drop. Mommy has to cut daddy's hair now."

"Aww that's so cute." She gushes.

I turn back around. Eureka kiss the top of my head. She holds me to her. Bringing her sweet scent closer. After that she continues trimming my hair.

The end result is what I wanted.


"I feel so lazy, but I need to sort out the clothes."

Eureka complains in bed, while I work on a project at her desk. Another home blueprint for a client I worked with in the past. They want me to design their retirement home in Florida. This client is particular but a good client to work with.

In the past I drafted a home for his daughter. Now he's retiring from his 25 years of civil service and saving countless lives as a firefighter. Rob was a firefighter and later became fire chief for his station.


"Do it tomorrow baby."

"But I have to do laundry today or I'm going to start running out of clean underwear in a few days."

I smile. She changes her panties multiple times throughout the day. I don't know why but it's something she does.

"You can always go commando."

"I'm sure you'd love that."

I get up leaving my work. Sitting on the bed on the empty side. I lean down holding her face. "I would, you know it. We can sort them together. My stuff is mixed in after all."

"Really? It's my least favorite part about laundry day."

"What is your favorite part?" I ask.

Detka sits up. She has on her clothes from earlier, she wore to the follow up appointment. She scoots close leaning on my shoulder.

"Folding and putting the clothes away. I like that the most."

"I like adding the soap and watching the machine do all the work."

"I can't believe we're talking about laundry. We're so domestic. Practically married already Kira."

"Hmm. I love it. Come let's do laundry honey." I joke. I pick her up, heading to her bathroom.

The hamper or as she calls it dirty clothes basket is kept there. It's over flowing with clothes, hers and mine. Setting her down we starts sorting the clothes by colors into all whites, darks, brights and lights. I help Detka load the darks first. She adds in the Tide and sprinkles in scent boosters before closing the washer.

"See that wasn't so bad."

I hold her to me. "Its wasn't. What now?"

"I'm going to finish my work. You?"

"I guess I'll do some cleaning. This got me in the mood to clean."

"Okay. Please be careful."

"I know."

Detka and I leave the bathroom. She leaves the room for the kitchen and I head back to my work. I hear her turning on music knowing for she's dancing while cleaning.

After I'm done I'll go help.

Let's finish this.


"Can you wipe down the stove? I'll clean the refrigerator." Eureka asks me.


Detka hands me the cleaning supplies and I begin. We work in harmony. With her sitting at the refrigerator first unpacking all the items. I start removing the burners from the stove. All six of them. Detka has a gas stove. She already prepare some soapy water in a metal bowl. It smells heavily of bleach.

Dipping the sponge in I soak up some of it. Squeezing out enough. I start the task given to me.

"I did the dishes already and organized the pantry. I'm thinking after this you wipe down the counter and I'll sweep the kitchen and living room. The living room only needs a little tidy up."

She rambles the plan.

I smirk loving I'm included in all of it. Seeing a glance into our future. We talked about names while cleaning. Coming up with 10 names that begin with K, 5 for Boys and 5 for girls. My favorite two are Kiren and Kaya.

Eureka loves Kai and Kiren and Khana. We figured with this amount, even if we end up having twins we'll have more than enough names to choose from. I'm really hoping for twin. I'm not sure if I want us to either have two girls or two boys or like me, a boy and a girl.

Any combination is fine. I'm going to try for the next few months to stop thinking about it so I can manifest it. If I keep wishing for it, it's not gonna happen. That's something Lada always use to say when I was younger. I'd wish for things for Christmas, grades I wanted on my report cards, etcetera. But I alway remember her chiding me to not think about it so much and it'll happen for sure. Something she decribes as the law of attraction.

I never understood it while growing up but after meeting Eureka, I finally understand it now. One of the things I wanted to manifest in my life was my other halve, a woman suited to me, who I'd share my life with, hopefully having something like what Lada and Viktor have. One can only hope right. Well it looks like it worked because I don't have to hope anymore.

I'm almost finished. I just have to wipe the stove dry then the put back the burners. The oven has been on self clean, so all I'll have to do is, wipe out the ash with the sponge and dish towel after.

"We definitely can't use this sponge again."

I hold up showing Eureka. She's stacking the things back, inside the refrigerator. But the items on the door are still left out.

She probably didn't do the door yet.

"I have more, don't worry. We can soak the dish towel in some bleach and dawn water and it'll be good as new."

"What's with your obsession with bleach?"

She always uses it to soak things. Like dirty pots, the dish towels, and other things. Before seeing her do this I thought bleach was only supposed to be used for laundry, to get whites whiter. Nothing else.

"I'm not obsessed. I grew up seeing my mom use it this way so I guess I do the same. You know that whole nature versus nurture debate. Is it weird?"

My mind flashes back to the time I asked her if its weird, my previous shower routine.

"At first maybe a little but no. Now that I know the origin it's not weird. I know we're both from different cultural backgrounds which means there are things I can learn from you and I'm sure it's vice versa. Our children will have the best of both worlds won't they?"

"Yeah for sure. We'll have to be mindful to teach them both cultures. Their Jamaican and Russian side." Eureka answers

"I couldn't agree more. Let's finish up. After this we clean your room then the bathroom and I'm thinking we take a bath after then take a nap."

"Sounds good honey."

I smirk at my soon to be wife. Loving her sense of humor.

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