《Untouched (BWWM)》Thirty-Four|Dark past


Over 4 weeks have passed but even so I still pinch myself every time I remember Kira getting down on one knee. I remember everything he said word for word.

"I want to start by saying that you are the most special woman and from the first second, of our chance meeting I knew I'd make you mine. Whether you were already taken or not. Eureka you had me under your spell from day one. I couldn't sleep without you. I want to always be around you, take care of you, make you smile and happy. When we're together all my thoughts are entangled about you, how I never want us to be apart, that if we could spend the rest of our lives together, I'd be the happiest man in the world... I've loved you since the day we met in Target and I'll continue to love you until our last days. I want to spend the rest of my life being yours and you being mine so I have to ask you Detka. Will you make me forever yours? Will you marry me Eureka?"

Like tell me that's not the sweetest proposal. I can't contain the humongous grin on my face whenever I picture this moment. It's so unexpected him putting the ring in the pizza. I didn't notice it.

Good thing I didn't accidentally swallow it. That would have been a nightmare. That same night both Javon and my mom text me, about the ring in my food. I broke it to them, sending a picture of my hand, writing Kira proposed.

Mom called me immediately and wished us congratulations. I literally had to bite my lip to not reveal the other secret. That I'm also pregnant.

Javon and I spoke the morning after. Mostly him screaming into the phone how happy he was for me saying "yes b>tch now we're both off the market!"

His words not mine. Javon said he knew it was coming, since he and Kira choose the rings together. Which is utterly beautiful by the way. I don't think I could have chosen a better one myself.

I didn't tell him I'm pregnant either.

It's a rose gold emerald cut ring. The band is also rose gold with tiny white diamonds around the center rose gold diamond. I find myself looking at it every five minutes throughout the day.

It certainly doesn't help school ended last month. I'm free everyday for the most part now. It means I'm bored but I've been passing the time researching pregnancy stuff and watching anime in my apartment.

Kira while busy checks on me every few hours during the day via video. He somehow manages to always spend his nights at my apartment. He's rarely at his place unless it's to go there on the weekends for clothes, and things he needs. We're almost near moved in together at my place.

He hired a new architect to take Lucas's place. I haven't met him but I heard him talking to Kira on the phone. Right now I'm relaxing as I scroll through Crunchyroll to start something new.

In a few hours Kira will be home.


"Kasia." I greet over the phone.

"I was hoping you had some time to talk." She replies.

"Sure I'm free. School ended weeks ago so I have plenty of spare time."

"Okay great. Are you at Kira's?"


"No I'm at my apartment. Did you want to stop by?"

"Yes if that's okay. I want to talk to you about something in person."

I wonder what she wants to talk about?

I totally forgot I told her I'd be open to listening when I'm free.

"Sure, I'll send you my address. See you soon."

"Alright. Thanks Eureka."

"No problem."

We hung up. I go back to my computer pressing play on the anime I'm watching. Curious about Kasia and what's going on with her. I've assume something was up since the day we first met at Katina's house. The signs were there. Even when I pointed out my concerns to Kira, he acknowledged he thought so too but didn't think he was right since she usually comes to him whenever something is wrong.

I guess I'll find out today. Hopefully it's not life threatening or something that puts her in danger.


The ring of my doorbell confirms she arrived to my apartment. I get up sliding into comfy house slippers to go let her in, not before grabbing my favorite oversized robe. I secure it around me tying the strap. No one knows about my pregnancy. We're three weeks away from the end of the first trimester. My next appointment is tomorrow.

Kasia and everyone else from both sides of our family's know about our engagement. I go to the front passing Obsidian on my way to the door. He perks ups watching me turn the lock.

It opens and I find a distraught Kasia, looking near tears on the other side. She's dressed casually in cute royal blue sweat pants, an off white crop top, and Addias sneakers.

"Kasia come in, come in." I usher her inside my living room.

"Thank you Eureka."

She says. Wiping around her eyes with her fingers. I lead us onto my sofa. Kasia sits beside me. I angle my body facing her.

"Is everything okay?"

Obviously I know it isn't, but I'm hoping asking will get her to open up to me. Kasia starts tearing up. She crys silently while staring down at her lap. I reach under my coffee table for the box of tissues kept there.

"Here you go. It's okay. Take your time. Cry if you need to." I hush passing the box.

She takes it pulling out a piece holding it underneath her nose. I scoot closer pulling her into a hug. Rubbing down her back, being cautious of my stomach. Even though there a tiny bump I'm protective of it.

"Thank you so much Eureka."

Kasia tells me. She pulls away wiping her eyes. Tapping around the corners with the tissue. Kasia takes another two and then proceeds to lean back to blow her nose. I move back to my side of the sofa.

She blows, wipes her nose. I sit watching using silence tactfully. She stares off into space. After awhile I hear her mutter.

"Its all my fault... He's gone because of me."

Who's gone?

"What exactly is your fault?" I ask her, to gain more clarity.

"My ex. He-e killed himself be-ecause of me."

Oh sh>t.

Using my training my facial expression turns to deadpan. I show her no clue I'm shocked by what she admitted just now.

"He took his life Eureka and it's my fault because I told him I couldn't accept his feelings."


Kasia tears up again. She wipes the trail that falls to her cheek.

"I'm a bit confused. Do you mind starting at the beginning for me Kasia?"

She nods.

"Tell me what happened. Whatever you're comfortable sharing."

She coughs, blows her nose again before saying. "Okay." She continues on. "We met in high-school. At the time I hadn't known I was a lesbian. I just thought I hadn't found the right guy and I needed to keep searching until I did."

"Go on." I urge her softly.

She nods. "He was always so sweet to me. Out of all the guys I dated back then, he was the most kind out of all of them. Like brutally kind. But he wasn't enough. It wasn't enough... Around the time I dated him, Kira helped me realize I wasn't attracted to men, but I still didn't totally believe it so I kept dating him while I was figuring it out."

She pauses so I ask. "Can you tell me what happened with your relationship when you finally accepted your sexuality?"

"Yes. When I couldn't deny it anymore I made a horrible mistake. We went to a party together. One of his friend's party. There was a lot of people there. That night I got really wasted. Mickelo, tried to get me to stop drinking when he realized I was too drunk and I got pissed at him. His friend who threw the party had a sister. She was a year older than us. I got so angry at Mickelo for trying to tell me what to do, when she came over said hi to me, I kissed her. Right in his face."

I see.

"So to make him angry I guess, you kissed this girl?"

"Yeah, no. No, I did it to make him angry but that wasn't the only reason why. I kissed her to prove a point. Somehow I think I thought I wouldn't feel anything from kissing her. Even though I was starting to accept I like girls, I was still resistant to the idea. So my drunk mind wanted to prove a point, that I wouldn't feel anything, and make Mickelo jealous in the process."

"How did you feel when you kissed her?" I probe further.

Kasia looks like she's sacred to answer. Maybe scared to explain what happens next. So I don't say anything. I wait until she feels like talking.

"Everything. I felt everything I didn't feel whenever I kissed the guys I dated. I felt like it finally made sense. Like I'd solved the most difficult math problem. Mickelo got angry. We left the party and we argued the whole time he took me home. He wasn't drinking because he couldn't since he had a Rugby game the next day. We yelled at each other for over an hour straight when he arrived at my house."

"What were some of the things you yelled to each other?"

"Well Mickelo just kept asking why I kissed her. I kept saying he didn't get to tell me what to do. By the end of us shouting at each other, I told him we need to break up. He was so surprised. Mickelo asked why. If it's because we got into an argument. But it wasn't. It was because I couldn't be with him knowing it wouldn't work anymore, between us. I didn't tell him why we had to break up, just that I didn't like him anymore."

Kasia starts sniffing again. "Back then I didn't know he was mentally ill. Mickelo had Major Depression. He was secretly taking medication and going to therapy to cope. When I broke up with him he stopped coming to school for long time. After some months I found out from his friend, he and his family moved to Virginia. But a few months ago Mickelo reached out to me. I don't know how he got my number. He said we wanted to meet in person to talk."

Kaisa gets up and begins pacing in the living room where it connects to the kitchen. I face her as she becomes more anxious. I let her pace as it's probably soothing her to do this right now.

This story might be making her nervous from remembering these memories.

"I didn't want to meet up with him. But he kept texting me saying he missed me and he needed closure. So I did, I thought I was doing the right thing for both of us. I went to meet him that day I met you before brunch at Katina's."

That must have been what I picked up on that day.

"We talked about our break up. Mickelo said he still didn't understand why we broke up, and he needed me to be honest with him. I decided to come clean and I told him the truth, that I'm a lesbian. I told him that night I was trying to make him jealous and prove to myself I wasn't, which is why I kissed the girl at the party."

"How did he take the news?"

I interject.

"He didn't take it well. He swore that I was lying and only saying it to hurt him. So I showed him pictures of me and Layla to prove I wasn't. He still wouldn't believe me. I ended up calling Layla and putting her on speaker so he'd hear I was telling the truth. Mickelo got angry and called me a b>tch. Saying he should have never dated me. I told him I was sorry. That I didn't know myself when we dated. He shared his secret to me about his Major Depression. That when we broke up, it made him stop taking his medication and try to commit suicide twice. He blamed me for messing with his mental health. I felt so bad Eureka. I apologized. I told him I didn't know and I'm very sorry our break up, made him try to take his life. Mickelo didn't want to hear it. He stormed off."

Kasia continues pacing but a bit slower now. She appears dazed and stares off into space. She turns to me.

"I need a moment. Can I use your bathroom?"

"Of course. It's in my room through that door." I say while pointing to my room door.

Kasia nods going to use the bathroom. I take the deepest sigh ever. Still processing everything she revealed so far. I can tell there's more. This isn't how the story ends. So many questions circle around in my head. But the most bolded one is.


Eureka's engagement ring.

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