《Untouched (BWWM)》Thirty-Three|Unexpected surprise


"Mr. Bychkov, I mean Kira, Lucas is waiting for you in his office. He said to let you know when you arrived."

Austin said as he ventures behind the desk.

"Thanks Austin."

He's been kept waiting for a few hours now as the visit to the doctor took longer than I expected. After finding out my woman is pregnant the last thing I thought I'd be doing is coming here to have this talk. I should be with her, swaddling her with love and affection.

Kissing her pampering her for gifting me with something so special. A child we created. But instead I have to be the bearer of bad news. Lucas's office is on the first floor beside the one one I'm using during the pandemic.

I get to his door not bothering to knock, enter right away. Lucas is looking at some plans on his desk. He turns his head up once he realize I'm in the room.

"Kira you're here."

I close the door. Going closer just beyond his desk. I don't sit because I don't plan to be here long.

"We need to talk."

Nothing good ever follows whenever someone begins a conversation with this statement. I know from personal experience. Lucas knows as the expression on his face makes this clear.

He stops what he's doing focusing on me. Tensing up as if he knows what's coming.

I'm sure he does.

"As of today June 7th your contract has been terminated. In full affect immediately at the end of today's work day."

Weirdly he didn't seem surprised by anything I just said. Lucas just swallows the lump I'm sure is in his throat, nodding.


"You're to return all your business cards, work phone, pack your belongs and vacate the premises at 5pm, no later."

"Can I ask what led to this?"

"An official letter will be sent to your address on file with your termination notice."

There's no reason for me to explain myself. He's broken my trust one too many times. That's it, clear and simple. If I can no longer trust him then there's no reason for us to continue working together. This is a business I started from the ground up and I only employ people whom I trust. People I have faith in. Lucas is no longer that type of person.

With that I leave the office, heading to the front. Austin looks up from what he's doing.

"Kira is everything good?"

"Everything is great. Unfortunately as of today Lucas Gauthier will no longer be working at the firm. Please draft up a termination letter and email it to me for review. Once I've approved it please mail it to his home address."

"Sure no problem."

Austin has always been a fan of Lucas so I know he's curious why he's being terminated but I'm sure he won't ask as I'm his boss.

"Also please reschedule all my consultations booked today. If any clients refuse, schedule them with someone else on the team."

"No problem will do. I'll work on the letter and sent it to you by 5pm tonight."

"Thank you Austin."

I wave heading back out. I'd have to send an alert out to the team that Lucas will no longer be with us. I'll do it tomorrow. Right now my only focus is getting home to my love.


Sometime later I walk into the home. Inside all the lights are off downstairs. I make way upstairs quietly. As she could be taking a nap. I wasn't gone for long. My bedroom door is cracked ajar. Going in I stumble on Eureka curled up asleep while holding her stomach. She's laying on her side with her face pressed up against my pillows.


Aww. So precious.

I move slowly over to the bed. Thankfully she doesn't stir. Undressing down to my underwear I climb in spooning her. Holding her against me. Touching her stomach which holds our child. It's flat but in there is our bundle of joy. I can't wait for these next nine months to experience the change in Eureka's body.

I can't wait to see our baby. But one thing I can't wait for even more, is making this woman my wife. I already have the rings. I just don't know how I plan to propose yet. I should ask Julian and Javon for ideas.

Later right now I want to take a nap with her.


"What do you think we're having?"

"I don't know Detka. Maybe a boy."

"It could be a girl." She counters.

"Maybe both. What if you're having twins baby?"

She turns facing me. "I didn't even think of that. Right twins run in your family. You're a twin and your older sister has twins."

I smirk. Imagine on our first try we have twins. Magic sperm or something.

"Hey don't smile. What if it's twins? I'm going to get so big."

I hold her closer. Leaning into her neck. Kissing the skin there. She smelt delicious but there's a different undertone as well. Hmm. Wonder if it's because she's pregnant.

"Baby it'll be okay. Once you deliver we'll work out and you'll see how soon you melt the pounds. I promise."

She smiles up at me. Holding my beard. "You're the sweetest man ever. You know that?"

"Mmmh. I am for you."

"Your beard really grew out again." Eureka continues rubbing her fingers through it. Checking the length.

"Yeah. It grows fast. Want to trim it for me?"

"I've never trimmed a beard before Kira. What if I screw up?"

"You'll do fine. I'll show you how to do it."

"Okay let's go to the bathroom. If I mess up you can't get upset."

"I won't." I kiss her forehead.

We get up going to my bathroom. I pull out the tools for cutting my beard. Setting up the electric razor. I plug it in. Eureka comes beside me. First I wash my face then pat it dry. This will make the hairs less tangled. Combing through my beard after so the hairs are smooth down. I go about starting up the process shaving my cheeks and chin showing her how then give Eureka a turn.

She follows my lead using the long attachment away from my face, so it fades out. After that's done I do my mustache. Eureka clips away the stragglers using the beard scissors. I apply shave cream under my neck and on my face in the areas we have to go back in and spruce up.

I show Detka how to even out my beard under my neck. She takes the trimmer, attempt the same thing on the other side.

"This is actually fun. I might have to do this again next time."

"Sure if you want to."

Lastly she shapes the lines on top of my beard. I wash again with cold water and pat dry with a towel. Then I squeeze some after shave into Detka's palm. "Rub this on my skin under my beard."

"Here?" She asks.

"Yes right there. It'll soothe my skin and keep it hydrated."

She rubs it in and finally I reach for my favorite beard oil. "Open your hands again."

I pour out enough. "Okay rub this on my beard now. It'll keep it soft."


"Okay." Detka does this then takes a step back so she can examine the results. She tilts her head pinching her chin.

"I like it. I did okay for my first time."

I turn to face the mirror. I analyze the finish product. It looks great, she did good. "It looks good baby. Come here."

Eureka comes right in front me. She reached up and rubs her hands over my neater beard. "Ohh it's so soft."

"Is it?" I feel for myself. It is because the beard oil is great. I take her hand and we enter the bedroom again. Then go downstairs.

"Why are we going downstairs?"

"Because I'm hungry and I'm sure you are too."

"Actually I am."

We go about preparing a vegetarian homemade pizza together. Detka assists by cutting the vegetables while I make the dough. She cuts up onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, and sun dried tomatoes.

"Do we have any beyond meat?" She asks.

"I don't know let me check the fridge."

There is a pack. Detka takes it from me and seasons it. I watch while she fry's it in a sauce pan. By the time it's browned I'm rolling out the dough on the island which has been dusted with flour. I spread it out until its thin and circular.

"One day we'll teach our little one how to cook."

"Yes but that's a long time from now." Eureka adds.

"Bring the veggies over baby."

"Ok give me a second."

While detka puts the pieces in separate bowls I pull out a sheet pan and lay Parchment paper on it. I coat some oil over it so the dough won't be too difficult to remove later.

Detka comes over once I place the dough on it. It almost doesn't fit inside the sheet pan. "This is gonna be a large pizza."

"Yeah but we're making it for three."

The corner of her lip turns up. Watching me with a look that said, I know you just love fating me up. Detka spreads the red sauce in the center then out in a circle on the dough. She has this look of enjoyment and light in her eyes, as she does this. I go up behind her pressing my front to her back. Leaning against her.

"Let me help baby." I say as she starts sprinkling out the veggies. The dough becomes covered with the chopped veggies. We add the fried beyond meat all over it.

"This looks good already." Eureka peers up at me.

It does.

"I think we should add some spinach to complete it."

"Good idea. Let me grab some."

She washed and drains a small bunch. We lay them on top of everything. Now it's complete.

"Did you pre heat the oven?"

She asks.

"No do it for be baby I have to go get something upstairs."


I run upstairs excited because it finally dawned on me. How I'll do it. She'll never see it coming.

Can't wait to see the look of shock on her face.


"Its done I'll get it out the oven. Baby grab the plates and some some water for us please."

Meanwhile she's doing that I'm taking the pizza out the oven. A cloud of steam blows out towards my face once it's opened. Fanning my face I grab the mits so I don't burn. Turning the nob off the oven.

Carefully I grip the sides and draw out the sheet pan putting it on the stove. I nudge the oven close. I move the piping hot pizza to the largest cutting board I own.

"I have the plates. Are we eating at the dinning table or the island?"

"At the table."

I carry the pizza to the table. Going back to the kitchen to grab the cutter to create the slices with.

"Did you get cups?" I ask.

"Yeah. Grab the roll of paper towel."


I do going back to the table. Eureka has already pour us each a glass of water. She's licking her Lips while staring at the pizza. I smirk knowing what I have planned.

"Here baby."

I pass the paper towel. Next I cut triangle slices in the pizza. It smells delicious. While I'm doing this Eureka gets up.

"You forgot something?" I mutter.

"My phone. I want to take a picture so I can sent it to Javon and my mom. I'll be right back."

"K. Don't take too long. I might eat it all." I lie.

Eureka just shakes her head. Knowing I'd never. While she's going up the stairs, I plant my surprise on the slice closest to her side.

She'll never see it coming.

Shortly after she comes back. We're sitting across from each other. Detka takes a few pictures. The Pizza has cooled a bit so I take apart a slice for her first, putting it on her plate. Taking the slice beside it so it doesn't seem suspicious.

"Let's dig in baby."

"I can't wait."

On my first bite I taste the culmination of ingredients combined together in my mouth. Everything is intertwined in a perfect harmony.

"It's good Detka. What you think?"

"I love it. The only thing that could make it better is vegan cheese. But it's not really needed. Only if you want that traditional pizza flavor.

I nod agreeing with her. Watching intently as she takes another large bite. Guess someone was hungry. I finish my slice first. Washing it down with water. Going for another.

I bite into it.

The moment she finds it I see the look or confusion take over her face. Brown eyes squinting as if asking, what's this. Eureka pulls the piece back, that's when she finds it.


"Hmm baby. What's wrong? Does it taste bad?"

Play stupid Kira.

I keep the act going like I have no idea.

"No there, there's a ring on my pizza."

I get up going around the other side of the table. Getting on one knee. Eureka turns in her chair facing me. Looking down still caught off guard.

"What are you doing?" She mutters out. Sounding confused.

"I want to start by saying that you are the most special woman and from the first second, of our chance meeting I knew I'd make you mine. Whether you were already taken or not. Eureka you had me under your spell from day one. I couldn't sleep without you. I want to always be around you, take care of you, make you smile and happy. When we're together all my thoughts are entangled about you, how I never want us to be apart, that if we could spend the rest of our lives together, I'd be the happiest man in the world.

"Oh my god Kira."

"I'm not done Detka. I've loved you since the day we met in Target and I'll continue to love you until our last days. I want to spend the rest of my life being yours and you being mine so I have to asks you Detka. Will you make me forever yours? Will you marry me Eureka?"

"Uh. Yes Kira!" She yells.

I take the ring beaming as I clean it on my shirt before sliding it onto her finger. It fits perfectly. Eureka looks at it. Then grants me with the most heartwarming smile that I love.

"I love it. I can't believe you put it on the pizza. Did it bake in the oven?"

I laugh out loud at her question. "No baby. I put it there after it finished baking."

"Wow. You had me there. How long have you had the ring?"

"Since Florida. Javon helped me pick it out."

Eureka shrieks out. "Oh that day! When me and Chris were waiting for you guys."

I nod. "Yeah. Sorry about that."

I lean in kissing her softly. Tasting the pizza. Hmm. She holds my face melting her precious lips against my own. We part and Euerka comes back in for a quick peck.

"Its okay baby. I'll always wait for you. Now let's finish eating before it gets too cold."

Detka said yes.

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