《Untouched (BWWM)》Thirty-Two|Good News


The following morning, let's just say I wasn't better. Nope, not by a long shot. As soon as my eyes open, I'm running like a track star to the bathroom. Head bent over the toilet throwing up what I had the night before. As I hawk cough away like a dying cat, Kira is right behind me.

I must have woken him up.

He's the sweetest man. Rubbing down my back. Uttering sweet words of love into my ear so I can know he's here for me. I vomit until nothing is left. But I still feel uneasy afterwards.

What is wrong with me?

"Detka that's it I'm taking you to see a doctor."

I flush my mess and wipe my face with some tissue. Going to the sink to rinse my mouth out with mouth wash, but the taste still remains. I hate the taste of puke. Especially first thing in the morning. So I reach for my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth.

"Baby did you hear what I said." Kira voices behind me. He's pressed against my back. I stare up at him through the mirror. Going to spit out toothpaste.

"Hmm, I did. Okay."

"You're not going to tell me we don't need to go."

I nod. Spitting again. I rinse my mouth free of toothpaste.

"No. You're right. If I'm still throwing up we should go."

Kira looked like he wanted to gasp a sigh of relief. He start his own morning routine. I wash my face using my brush since around my nose is oily more than normal. After, I slick on toner using a cotton pad then do my three step skin routine, vitamin C oil, a moisturizer, then sunscreen. Even though I'm dark skin I still make sure to wear sunscreen, especially in the summer time.

"Have you ever had these symptoms before in the past?"

"No. I assume it's something I ate while in Florida but if it was, it should have passed by now."

"I agree. What if you're pregnant?"

Pregnant? I hadn't even suspected that.

I mean I just had my monthly. So it doesn't make sense. But we've had sex before without a condom and, it's a huge AND, I'm on birth control, which is not a hundred percent either. I'm careful to alway take it daily at the same time everyday though. My phone has an alarm which goes off to remind me 10 minutes before I'm due to take it each time.

"I don't think so. But it would make sense."

Am I pregnant?

I don't know what reaction I expected from Kira after I said this but I wasn't expecting the one I receive. He seems giddy almost excited at the prospect of me being pregnant.

"Say something, that look on your face. Are you happy?" I'm scared to ask.

What if he isn't?

I know we've talked about children. Even joked about me being the size of a whale but that's before it seemed like I might be. Honestly I shouldn't jump to conclusion since I haven't even taken a test. But...

"Detka. If you're pregnant yes. A hundred times yes. I'd be overjoyed."



"Isn't it a little soon for us? We aren't even married."

"Yet. We aren't married yet."

There he goes mentioning marriage. He's done. He wipes his face looking at me with tbe happiest grin I've ever seen.

"Baby I'm positive you're pregnant. But don't worry, let's hear what a doctor says before jumping to conclusion."

Hearing this my brain begins to swell. Over thinking the possibilities of this being true. Analyzing everything as if in there somewhere there an event that confirms it is true. All throughout this we take a quick shower together, get dressed and head out.

I decided against breakfast because who knows, I'll probably puke again on the way. Kira is all smiles along the drive to the nearest urgent care. Well at least I have nothing to worry about if I am. He'll be ecstatic about it.

I don't know how I feel. I don't know what to think. I don't want to panic or think anything until I know for sure. Blame the rational side of my brain.


"Eureka Campbell!" Shouts a nurse.

She's dressed in blue scrubs. Holding a clip board with some papers attached to it. Kira and I stand together, going over towards her.

"That's me."

"Sorry but only the patient is allowed back sir." She says to Kira.

"Is there anyway you can make an exception?" Kira asks.

"No sir. Due to the pandemic its a precaution. I apologize."

Kira shakes his head. I rub his bicep. He visibly calms down. "It's okay baby. I'll be fine."

"You sure?" He holds my shoulders now. I nod. "I'm sure." I reach up to his cheek. "I'll be back soon."

He kisses me then utters something I don't hear. Kissing my forehead and bids me off. I head back with the nurse. Once we're through the doors I hear her mutter. "Your boyfriend is very sweet."

"Thank you. He's the sweetest."

She takes me to an examination room. Inside I take a seat. "The doctor will see you shortly."

"Thank you."

I sit with crossed fingers anticipating what's my results will be. Trepidation sets is immediately.


"Eureka some congratulations are in order. Your pregnant, about 5 weeks underway."


"Are you sure doctor Johnson?"

"Positive, the urine test never lies. Congratulations. It may be a little too early to hear the heart beat."

"Oh my god." I gasp.

"I'm really pregnant!"

Makes sense. It was morning sickness.

"Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine. I've been sick the past three days, waking up vomiting. I didn't think I was pregnant."

"Oh okay. I'm going to prescribe you prenatal vitamins and B6. I recommend ginger tea as well for the nausea."

"Thank you. Hopefully it will help."

"No problem. I'll be seeing you every month for the next 26 weeks. See you in a month Eureka and next time you'll be able to hear the heart beat for sure."

"Okay. Thank you Dr. Johnson."

I leave the room in a daze. Still not quite believing the news. It dawns on me I'm pregnant, wow. Kira is totally going to say I told you so. The walk back to the waiting room seemed to go on for a mile.


When I come through the doors he immediately rushes over towards me. Taking me in his arms. He hugs me so tight I can feel his heart beating beyond his chest.

"How did it go? What did the doctor say?"

I'm really pregnant. I have to tell my mom and dad, and Javon too. What are they going to say? I wonder if they're going to be disappointed in me?

"What's wrong baby?" Kira breaks up my tangled thoughts.

"I'm pregnant."

"Really? You're pregnant?" Kira asks.

"Hmm. I'm pregnant. You were right."

"We're pregnant!"

Kira yells causing a few people to clap. He holds me again. "Detka we're having a baby. I can't believe it!"

"Congratulations." Someone say as they walk pass us.

"How many weeks are you?"

"Five. I have a follow up in 4 weeks."

"Okay let's go schedule it."


"How do you feel baby?"

"The same. The doctor says these vitamins might help my nauseousness. If not she recommended ginger tea. Which did help me yesterday."

"Do you want us to tell our families today or wait to tell them?" Kira asks.

Right there's that too.

"Uh well I'm almost half way through the first trimester so I think we should wait until we get through just in case."

Kira holds my hand leading me inside his home. We enter and he locks the door behind us. I knew he'd take the news well but I still can't believe how well he's taking it. I don't know what I expected to happen. I'm still trying to come to grip with it myself. I don't know how I feel yet.

I don't feel upset about it or overly happy either.

What's does that make me? Is that normal? I should start researching this. Maybe purchase some books on what to expect when you're expecting or something. Kira guides us to the dining room. He sits me at the table.

"Do you take the vitamins with or without food?"

I have no idea.

"Let me check."

I take them out the pharmacy paper bag. Reading the labels for the directions. It reads taking them right when you first wake up or right before bed, so on an empty stomach.

"It looks like they should be taken in the early morning or before bed. So I'm going to take them tonight."

Kira comes over holding my face up at him. He fluffs up my hair that's overdue for a wash. The blowdry has sweated out and I need my curls revert so I can do a treatment.

"I'm think we should eat. I have to head to the firm to talk with Lucas after. Are you okay with me leaving?"

"Yes of course I'm fine."

Kira seems like he's going to be the overprotective partner while I'm pregnant. "I'll be okay. Go to work. I'm taking today off so I'll be relaxing while your out."

"Okay. What do you feel like eating?"

"Uh anything. I'm eating or two now so I need to eat don't I."

"I'll wip us up somthing real quick." Kira say excitedly.

"Kira I can make us food you know."

"Nope you sit. I'll make it."

See what I mean. Overprotective.

I know it's coming from a good place. I won't complain. He's going to be the best father. I can already see it now. This baby, he or she will be spoiled with love and affection.


"Call me if you need me Detka."

Kira pecks my lips. So sweet and caring. I pull his hair into a ponytail. He gets up from the bed.

"I will. Give him hell."

Kira chuckles shifting to a serious look. He's going to fire Lucas today. Lucas probably has no idea this is coming. He probably thinks Kira is coming to talk to him about something else.

"You don't have to tell me. That's a given. See you soon. I'll be back at 4."

"Okay. Drive safely."

Kira leans over kissing me again. Soon he's leaving the bedroom and out the door. I lean back on the bedhead while rubbing my stomach.

There's a whole baby in there.

We made a baby. My stomach is still flat but not for long. Very soon it'll grow to accommodate our little one. A little boy or girl will be growing inside me. Just the thought alone is utterly terrifying and remarkable at the same time. I'm not sure which feeling outweighs the other, but I do know I'm interested to see how they look.

What will their personality be like? Will they be a more like Kira, or more like me, or neither. That's a possibility too. They could come out any kind of way and that blows my mind the most.

"Hi little one..."

This is weird. It probably can't hear yet. Oh well. I remember reading somewhere in the past talking to your baby is good for them.

"It's your mommy. I don't know if you can hear me but I can't wait to see you."

I whisper to my stomach.

One day I'll be telling them about this. That when they were just a tiny little rain drop, mommy would talk to them.

They'll know I was there for them from day one.


What are we going to name our rain drop? I'll ask Kira later when he gets home. If I'd told Javon, I know we'd be chatting about names right now. But it's better I wait to tell everyone once we've made it through the first trimester.

Kira should be arriving to his firm around now. I hope he doesn't take it too hard about letting Lucas go. It's something we discussed together while in Florida. We talked about it and I respect his choice to fire him. I didn't say that he should or shouldn't. Just that whatever he decide to do, I'll support his decision. His feelings about Lucas are valid. I'll try my best to alway listen and validate his feelings.

I know he'll always do the same for me.

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