《Untouched (BWWM)》Thirty|We're back


"I think we're all set."

"Yeah after the final sweep I didn't find anything."

With all our bags by the door, Kira and I take one last look at the hotel room we shared for the week. It became our home away from home but now it's time to leave and fly back to New York.

Our flight departs at two-thiry. So we woke up did a light work out together in the gym downstairs before showering then promptly packing up all our things. It was difficult to zip up my larger suitcase as I'd acquired new clothes but after I distributed some of it into Kira's we were able to zip it close.

I'm dressed comfortably for the flight in a matching orange suit. The cotton fabric is thin, with long sleeves on the top and a figure hugging boot leg pants, which flears at my ankles. Complete with my white Filas.

"Okay let's go."

We leave, checked out, taking an Uber to the airport.


We made it through all the tedious things and now sit waiting for boarding to begin. Kira holds my hand, while I sit with my head on his shoulder pressed up against his warmth. His smells comforting my nervous stomach. I don't know if it's from the prospect of flying or from breakfast not agreeing with me.

My stomach just keeps turning on itself like I was on a Rollercoaster. I don't mention it to Kira because I don't want him to worry.

"Detka you okay?"

"Mmmh. I-i'm okay." I lie putting my fist over my mouth in hopes to hold down the need to puke.

"You don't seem so well. Is it your stomach?"

He questions not believing me. Kira picks up on my lie. He's always so intune with me that at times I'm surprised at how well he knows me. I nod because If I speak again I might not be able to keep it down.

"Did you pack any pills? Maybe you should take some. I can go buy something that may help."

"I didn't pack anything but Advil. I'm going to use tha bathroom. On my way back I'll buy something for my stomach."

Kira looks ready to say he'll do it but but doesn't. Instead he kisses my forehead.

"Okay love."

I get up heading for the nearest female restroom. When I step inside I sent out a prayer, there isn't a line. Finding an empty and clean stall I go in. As soon as the door is clicked shut behind me, I pull down a ball of tissue leaning over puking up my breakfast.

Hawking up all I ate, until it's bile and stomach acids. My lower stomach feels like it crawling up into my chest and will lay out onto the floor for me to see. My body aches from my heaving.

When my stomach finally settles and there's nothing left. I wipe around my mouth and chin. I feel like shit. Like I have the flu or something. I clean behind myself dropping the tissue in the toilet. I flush my mess away, gross.

I feel a little better but still nasty.

I wonder if I caught a bug. Hopefully I didn't contract COVID. Who knows with the weirdness of these times we live in now.

Exiting the stall, I come out not seeing anyone. I quickly go wash my hands. Dispensing two sheets of hand tissue to dry them. Folding it I dab my forehead, receiving some relief since it's slightly cold.


Maybe I should take an Advil. But it isn't smart to take those on an empty stomach. I don't think I can bare to eat anything right now. If I do there's a high chance I'll vomit again.

Let's head back before Kira puts out a missing person for me.


"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Hmm. I feel nauseous that's all, but I'm fine, don't worry. Once I get some sleep I'll feel better by the time we land." I reassure Kira.

He asked me once already when I came from the bathroom. This is the second time after we boarded the plane. Its a smaller aircraft so there's only two seats instead of three. Kira had the window but he told me to sit there, him in the rear.

He's the sweetest man. Always putting my needs at the forefront of his every thought. Kira assisted with my hand luggage. I sit covering myself with the blanket. I washed it at the hotel. There won't be any risky behavior during this flight since I'm sick.

Why does that make me a tad bit sad?

The plane is still being boarded by other passengers but it looks like we'll be departing soon. My head is against the window. Kira finally sits down. He adjusts the blanket over me kissing my forehead tenderly. It makes me feel somewhat better.

"I love you." I say as he takes my hand.

"I know. I love you too baby. Get some sleep. I'll text Julian we're about to depart."

I nod because I don't have even the tiniest amount of energy to text her with the way I feel. Kira and my mom exchanged numbers the last time we spoke with her and dad. I like that my mom's really taken a liking to him. Before I realize it I'm off to sleep, dreaming of a tiny pond filled with three Koi fish swimming around. Two are fairly larger than the third and the third one is smaller in size.


"Detka we're here."

Kira's deep voice calls me awake. His tone coated with his accent. He holds my face. I blink open, my eyes crying shocked from the sudden brightness.

Did I sleep the whole time?

I guess so.

"Baby how did you sleep? How do you feel?"

"I'm okay. I'm not as nauseous. It's bearable now."

"Okay. Let's get you home. You look like you need more rest."

"Uh okay."

Kira pulls the blanket folding it for me. I take it from him draping it over the crook of my elbow. Getting up he brings down my hand luggage and my bag pack.

"Come love let's go. Lucas should be here with my truck."

Here we go. Hopefully this time around he acts right.

Kira holds the bags as we make our way off the aircraft. Heading right away to baggage claim. He and I secure our bags soon enough. It helps we each have only one suitcase. After I push mine with my bag straps wrapped around the handles.

"Where is he?"

"He said he'll be at departures. Where we met him last time."

Kira leads the way, every so often looking at me to make sure I'm alright. I am but I can't wait to climb into bed and sleep for several hours. Thankfully tomorrow is Sunday so I won't have to works if I'm not well in the morning.


The airport is busy. People all around arriving, others looking to leave. Having there suitcases, duffle bags and things they'll need with them wherever they're headed. I enjoyed our little get away. It was a well needed vacation from everything and getting to spend it with the man I love was even more amazing.

As we get closer to where Lucas must be waiting, I prepare myself for any possibility. I don't like him. There's something about him that makes me not trust him. But why should I trust a man I don't truly know. He's Kira's friend, not mine, and even then I don't even trust that. The fact Kira is considering firing him, says a lot about their friendship and what it's worth.

Lucas made me uncomfortable from the first time I met him on video when he called asking to speak with Kira. Kira slows his gate beside me and I focus realizing Lucas is a few feet away from us. There's and immediate shift in Kira's stance as we near him.

When we're about three steps away from him I stop. Kira goes closer though appearing tense. Shoulders bunched up as if he's ready to fight any second.

"Thank you for keeping and dropping off my truck for me."

"Its no problem man. Here you go. I topped up the tank for you on my way over."

That was nice of him at least.

"You didn't have to, but thank you." I hear a gruff reply from Kira.

He takes his keys from Lucas. Lucas turns to me me but our eyes don't get to meet when Kira steps in his sight of vision.

"You're welcome get home safe. I'll see you Monday at the firm."

"Yes, I need to have a chat with you first thing when you arrive."

"You got it Kira. See you then."

With that I hear him recede. Kira's broad shoulders don't unfurl until Lucas is gone. I go up behind him touching his muscled back. Feeling it move under my palm. He's all muscle for sure. It's not the time for that.

"Baby you okay. Want to talk about it."

He turns around holding behind my neck. Inhaling deeply as our forehead meet. "Yes can we talk when we get home."

"Of course you know that."

He quickly pecks my lips. Pulling away from me. I grab his forearm keeping him in my space.

"Kira I know you valued his friendship, so it must be eating you since you're going to let him go but sometimes the people we think are our friend, have our back, don't always mean us well. It's going to be okay."

A look of something flashes over his amber eyes. As I peer up into them, everything else, our surroundings, the noise from the people busling by vanishes into the background. All I see is Kira. He holds my waist. Pulling me against him.

"I love you Eureka. You know that? Thank you for saying that."

"I know. I understand and I love you very much Kira. So much that it seems impossible imaging my life without you in it, anymore."

He kisses me hard. I don't care that we're standing in public, in a busy airport. I kiss him back with all my love for him. Tasting his lips with my own. He nips at me with his teeth and before things get out of hand pulls away.

"Let's continue this at home before we get a ticket."

"You're right let's go home."

Kira and I head outside after that. He loaded our bags in the back while I keep my bag pack. After he sets me into the seat, buckling the seatbelt for me, like all those nights ago the first time we met in person.

Soon he's heading out on the road. Where to I'm not sure. I just know as long as I'm with him I'm complete and that's all that matters.


We ended up going to his place since Kasia is closer on the way so we'll be able to pick up Obsidian. My poor cat literally jumps me the second we step inside Kasia's living room. Kaisa comes up behind him holding his bag and cat items. I pick him up holding him. Petting as he meows. Probably saying how much he missed me in his cat language.

"Aww. I missed you too Obsidian."

"Well we know who's his favorite."

Kasia jokes. "Here you go." She hands his stuff to Kira since my hands are full at the moment.

"Thank you so much for taking care of him for me Kasia. What can I do to repay you?"

She nods her head. "Nothing but actually I was wondering, can I talk to you about something one day when you're free? Kira told me you're kind of like a therapist."

I watch her wondering what she wants to talk about. Hmm. I don't speculate since it's better not to make assumptions before listening to her.

"Sure. I'm not licensed in New York but I am in a few other states. Let me give you my number."

"No you guys had a long day of traveling. I'll get it from Kira. Thanks Eureka."

"Oh no problem. Anytime Kasia, we're like family now aren't we."

Kira's arm goes around my waist. "Yes I'll text it later. Eureka has been feeling sick all day so we're going to head out."

"Alright drive safely guys."

"We will sis."

We wave goodbye to Kasia. Kira puts Obsidian's stuff on the back seat. I continue holding him. I'm sure he'd hate being inside his travel bag right now and I missed him.

He curls up in my arms. His breathing slowing as he falls asleep. Kira get us in the truck. Not breaking a sweat from the extra weight. "Thank you. I promise I'll learn to climb up here soon."

When he gets in his seat he chuckles. "But then I wouldn't be able to pick you up."

"It must be a pain having to do it every time though."

He turns to me grabbing the seatbelt. I lift Obsidian so there's room to click it in place. "It isn't. I love any activity that has to do with you Detka. Even when you're swollen with my children, I'll still love picking you up."

"You say that now. I'm sure it won't be fun when I'm the size of a whale."

"You won't be the size of a whale and even if you were you'll me my mine, my beautiful pregnant Detka.

Just then my mind shifts to a blurry dream of three koi fish swimming in a pond.

It couldn't mean anything? Could it?

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