《Untouched (BWWM)》Twenty-Nine|Beg for me


I can't believe our trip will be over soon.

"What is taking them so long?"

Chris shrugs his shoulders. We're sitting outside on the chase lounges, while watching the waves crash up to the shore. It's another perfect day. The sun is shining bright, no clouds in the azure sky.

Tomorrow we'll be heading back to New York. These last few days were great. Traveling with Kira was great. Getting to see him in different situations was also nice. Speaking of Kira, he and Javon went off to talk about something which Kira didn't want me to know about.

Which is fine. He's welcomed to do so, but I'm getting a little impatient wondering when they'll come outside. The bathing suit I wore under by dress is a bright light blue one, I'm itching to taunt Kira with it. He hadn't seen it when I was getting dressed.

I love seeing the look of combustible lust within those amber eyes whenever they're set on my body.

If I wasn't comfortable in my skin or I felt ashamed of my curves, Kira would certainly have helped. The way he absorbs all of me. Like he's always ready any second to consume me whole. He's certainly made it clear time and time again, he loves the way I look and wouldn't change a thing about me. I'm the same for him.

I reach for my phone texting my mom. While I wait.

Hey mom. What are you doing?

I'm home with your father. We have today off.

Wow that's a surprise. They're never usually both off on the same day unless one of them requests it. Both my parents are workaholics.

Really? I'm going to face time you guys.

I switch to face time. My mom answers greeting me. Oval face, light skinned, and that familiar smile. She's laying in bed.

"Hi mom. Where's dad?"

I can't see if he's beside her or not. But I'm sure he is as they're usually attached at the hip.

"He right next to me."

"Babes who is it?" I hear him ask.

"Its Eureka."

She turns the phone so his face is also in the frame. I see him having our shared deep melaninated skin, same shaped brown eyes, nose, lips eyebrows. Basically everything except my figure. I'm my dad's clone in almost every way except my shape, which I got from my mom.

"Hey dad. How you been?"

"Hey my daughter. I'm good. I haven't heard from you in awhile."

He says all this sounding happy to see me. Not resentful in anyway. Happy to see his only child. I'm happy to see him too.

"I know. Sorry about that. I need to practice calling you guys more."

He nods. "So what you been up to. Mom told me you have a boyfriend and you went to Florida together."

I expected for my mom to share this information with him. But it sounds so weird hearing him ask out loud, about Kira.

I wonder what mom specifically told him.

"I do. His name is Kira. We came to see Javon and Chris."

"How I don't hear Javon? When can I meet him?"


Just at this second Javon and Kira come out, the right timing. Javon quickly comes over peering into my phone.

"Hey Pops. What's up?" Javon ask my dad. Over the years he'd become like a father to him too.

"I'm good. How is my favorite son doing?"

"I'm good. I'm engaged."

"Wait what now. Since when. Congratulations son. Make sure you tell Chris for me."

My dad gets out jubiously. He shakes his head continuing. "You and Eureka need to reach out more, so I can know what's going on in your lives."

"I know dad. I'll try to from now on. Even if I think you might be at work I'll send you a text."

"Pops don't worry once we set a date you'll be first to know." Javon promises. He pats my shoulder waving. "Bye Pops." Going to join Chris. Right after he leaves me Kira is soon beside me. I move over making room for him. He sits picking me up onto his lap, leaning over my shoulder so he can see my screen.

"Dad meet Kira my boyfriend. Kira this is my dad Peter."

Dad looks at Kira hard. I hope he likes him.

"Its nice to meet you Sir."

At that my dad opens the tiniest smile. Not noticeable if you don't really know him. I feel Kira tense up putting his arms around my waist. He starts abstenmindly rubbing my stomach. Even without me having any cramps, I still take pleasure in his affection. Turning to him I tilt my head up at him.

Kira has a nervous expressing masking his face.

"Its nice you meet you Kira. I hope you're taking good care of my Naomi."

Dad always uses my middle name when referring to me, to others. He's always done so since no one else calls me by it. It's his special thing reserved for him and I.

"Of course sir. She's my whole world and more. I love her very much."

"Really now? What do you love about her?"

I'm starting to get some second hand embrassment from this conversation. My dad only means well though. But still.

"Everything. I love that she's smart, patient, and most importantly the way she puts others before herself. She's a warm and loving person. You and Julian raised her well."

"I know. Thank you for saying so. Naomi has always been a good person from she was young. What do you see in the future for you and Naomi?"

Kira didn't even pause for once second. Answering with pure confidence. "Marriage. I plan to marry Euerka, spend the rest of our lives together."

His palm stops rubbing me staying still on my stomach. He kisses my temple. Aww. Can he be anymore perfect?

"You pass with flying colors." Dad let's us know.

"Kira don't let him scare you, he's one big softy my husband." Mom finally jumps in.

"Babes I'm not." Dad disagrees.

"Yeah yeah." Mom banters with him.

I shake my head at the two. Sometimes my parents remind me of two over grown children. I love them anyhow.



"What you think of my dad?"

Kira tightens around my waist as I straddles him. We just got back from Javon and Chris. I didn't get to show Kira my bathing suit. I didn't feel like swimming anyway since I'm on my period.

Kira removed his shirt only in black jeans. His smooth chest taunting me as I look down at our join bodies.

"He's basically like my dad. I think him and Viktor would totally become best friends if they met in person."

I nod agreeing. Totally, they have similar personalities. Kira's father has that same fake seriousness but is all buttery inside side, like my dad.

"Yeah I can see it."

I hold his face staring into those firey pools. Kira has the most beautiful eyes. They're always expressive in nature. Wearing his heart on his sleeve. I come in closer colliding our lips. He immediately goes to take control of the kiss, guiding my mouth with his. His tongue seeks out my own inside my mouth. Lapping at it until I'm feeling tingles down my spine and between my legs.

I flutter in delight when Kira becomes rougher squeezing my fat ass. He's such an ass man. I suck his tongue in my mouth. Whining as he groans out from it.

"Detka. I want you love."

"Me too but I'm on my monthly remember."

"It doesn't matter."

Hmm. I moan once he slaps my ass twice. Slap! Slap!

"What's with you always slapping my ass?"

I love it even though it hurts.

What can I say? Kira does this to me with all his insane sexy ways. He smirks becuase he knows it too. I can't help but love him even more. My sexy mountain man.

"Baby because I can and you love it."

I smile at this. It's true.

"Let's have sex, menstrual and all. I don't care baby."

I nod. Honestly it should be fine. My flow is lighter now anyway. We have plenty of condoms as well.

"Detka say it."

He groans hoarse. His aroused voice always does something to my womb. Melting my insides like it's his superpower.

"Yes let's have sex baby."

He literally growls before ravishing my mouth. Kira holds my neck while I attempts to remove the red and green tie-dye body con dress. He helps me pulling it over my head. When my blue bikini is revealed Kira just licks his lips look at me in heat like a hungry hound ready to devour a Bambi.

"This was underneath the entire time."


He flips over with me under him. On his knees he takes off his pants then his boxer-briefs. That thick appendage greets me. Swollen in all its veiness.

I bite my lips while watching him. His heaty eyes molding my image in the depths of his mind.

"Detka you're beautiful. Blue is your color."

I don't respond just grip his dick. The thickness not quiet fitting in my hand as I stroke him.

"Hmm. You love to make me wild. Don't you."

"Yes baby. I do."

Kira eyes roll back. He comes to untying the top. My sore breast harden more under his intense scrutiny. I can't get enough of this man and I don't imagine I ever will.

Continuing my play my fingers rub up his length to the base. Going to the head I feel his warm cum leak out.

"Baby, harder. Harder for me." He begs as I jerk him off.

Kira has never begged me whenever we've been intimate. Not that I recall. It's always been me doing the begging. It feels empowering knowing I can have him like this.

I follow his request stroking him harder. Griping his thick shaft as tight as possible. He leans back putting his weight in his arms as he's holds himself over me. Bitting those pink lips I love to kiss. His forehead begins to coat with preparations. My heart quickens at the sign.

He's close.

"Detka. I want you to finish me off with your mouth."

I align myself as his dick hovers over my mouth. Swallowing him back to my throat right away. My mouth must have finally adjusted to his size after all the practice I've had.

"Fuck baby. You're f>cking great at this."

I suck around him, flattening my tongue while hollowing my mouth. Kira leans over holding the head board to right himself. His face morphing up as I draw him closer to his release.

I moan around him. Getting a kick out of all of it.

"Baby don't stop. Don't stop. Hmm."

Kira sounds I've never heard escapes him. His voice the highest it's ever been. I reach down to my panties rubbing myself over them.

F>ck my period.

Pleasing him is such a turn on. I rub my self in a circular motion.

"Fuck me baby. I'm close."

I groan out as I'm getting to that point as well. Inhaling deep around my stuffed mouth. I lick around his head playing with the slit. Then going back to repeating that suctioning motion. My mouth begins to hurt but I ignore it as saliva falls out the corner of it.

I continue rubbing my mound. Kira let's go of the headboard with one hand and holds my neck making me tighten up so much it drives him over the edge. He shoots out his seed down my throat. Coating the walls with his warmth as I drink him down. I release as I watch him letting go. His head tilts back face slack with Euphoria that only a release can bring about.

"Hmm." I groan as I taste his bitter but salty taste in my tongue.

"Ugh. F>ck! Detka."

He pulls out. A drop falls on my lip and I don't blink as I lick it up.

He smirks at this. "If you weren't bleeding I'd eat you out so hard right now but I can still f>ck you hard."

He reaches over in the side table getting a foil packet. Sheathing his member which is hard again.


"Spread for me. I'm going to fuck you til your eyes roll back."

Trust and believe he did that and more.

Sexy shirtless Kira.

Eureka's dress.

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