《Untouched (BWWM)》Twenty-Eight|Returning the favor


"Hi Obsidian. Do you miss me?"

As soon as we woke Eureka decided to reach out to Kasia so she can check on Sid.

"I think he does but he's doing better." Kasia answers for him.

"Really? He hasn't been away from me since the day I rescued him."

I watch my love as she face time my sister and her cat. She sat up against the headboard conversing with the two. My head on her lap while she plays in my hair lovingly.

Right after we'll be heading out for a run, come back for another visit at the spa. It's the perfect remedy to rid us of our aches and pains after exercising.


"Kira thank you."

"For what love."

Eureka wraps the towel around her body. Stepping first out the shower. I climb out behind her. Reaching for a towel to dry myself with.

"For introducing exercise into my life. I feel like I have more energy than before."

"Oh. No problem. It was all you. You chose to continue working out with me."

She tightens the towel, removing the shower cap from her stretched hair. Detka had it up wrapped around itself so it wouldn't get wet. I come closer kissing her wet forehead.

We went about brushing our teeth. Eureka applied her skin care routine after while I trimmed my beard. When I finish she's rubbing on the last step while watching me. I wink at her raising an eyebrow in her direction.

"What made you grow out your beard?"

"Honestly no particular reason. I wanted something different and I happened to love the way it looks so I kept it."

"Well I love it. It's soft." Leaning in I ask. "How about when I'm eating you out. How does it feel then?"

Eureka bites her lips. Exiting the bathroom not answering me. I chase her into the bedroom. Picking her up, I put her on her back on the bed. Kissing her lips. I start tickling her.

"Baby how does is feel? Tell me or I won't stop."

She just wiggles around laughing out loud as I tickle her waist. I continue joining Detka laughter as I try my best to get her to give into me.

"Kira. Ah please." She laughs. "You know I'm ticklish, oh." The sound warms my heart.

"I know that's why I'm doing it. Answer me. I love hearing you laugh."

"Kira! Alright I'll tell you. I'll tell you." She says.

I stop tickling her kissing her forehead. Eureka gathers her breath. She's marvelous.

"Yes its soft down there too."

I can't help but smirk at her. "Want me down there now?"

Eureka gets up from under me. "We have a spa appointment remember. Maybe later. I don't want us to be late."

"Oh you're right. Definitely later."


"Please undress, leave on your undergarments and lay on your stomach. We'll be back in 10 minutes to start the aromatherapy and deep tissue massage."

"Thank you." Eureka and I say to the masseuses as they leave us to ourselves.


"I can't wait to get the aromatherapy massage." Detka announces.

We rid ourselves of our clothes. I take off my shirt leaving my shorts. Detka takes off her top and bra folding them on top of my shirt. She keeps on her shorts. We lay on our stomach with our face situated in the opening of the table.

"Detka what did you want us to do later?"

"Let's take a nap then have dinner. I was thinking after go for a walk over the riverbank."

"Okay I'll look for a restaurant close to it once we're finished up here. A nap sound good."

"Yeah I'm tired. I don't think I slept enough last night." Eureka explains.

"Same." I agree.

The masseuse come back and begin our massage. Both are female and maintain their atmost professionalism with us. I've really enjoyed my stay at this hotel and if we're back in Florida, most likely I'll book us here again.

"How does this feel sir?"

"Good thank you."

Eureka sound as if she's enjoying hers too. I hear her groaning in delight how good the massage feels. Bringing a smile to my lips that's she's enjoying hers as well.

After the hour is up, the masseuse bid us farewell saying they look forward to seeing us again. Once they exit the room Eureka gets up looking sleepy and soothed. She stretches her limbs yawning. A sleepy smile sent my way as she stares at my bare chest.

"That was great. I'm ready for my nap now."

"I think I like the deep tissue more."

Last time I had the aromatherapy massage. Eureka nods to what I said. Getting up she goes to gather our clothes. Passing my shirt. We dress going back to our suite. As soon as we step inside Eureka stripes down to her panties climbing into bed. I guess she's comfortable enough to sleep nearly nude with me now. I undresses leaving my boxer-briefs on.

Climbing on my side the bed. Immediately we seek out each other. Intertwining our limbs together. The blanket feels cool and clean over my skin. With the cooling system on it easily lulls us to sleep. The last thing I sense is Eureka kissing my chest cuddling her face into my neck.


"Kira you awake?"

A still sleepy angelic voice asks. The room is dimmed with the curtains drawn closed all the way. Only the low light from the desk paints the creme walls with color.

"I'm awake."

I pull her closer to me, my face on top her slik bonnet. Detka's warm breath blows into my neck.

"I feel so rested now. I have to pee but I don't want to get up."

I rub down her bare back going to her round ass. Lightly tapping it. It bounces from my touch.

"I'll take you."

"No it's okay I'm up now." Detka runs off to the bathroom. Not closing the door so I hear when she exhales out in relief once she's sitting on the toilet.

"Ahh. That feels good. I really needed to go."


I guess so.

Shaking my head I flip onto my back. My arm under my head as I wait for her to come back.

"Really!" Detka yells.

"Baby you okay?"

"I'm good. I got my period."

"Oh okay. Do you need me to bring you your toiletry bag?"

"Yes thank you."

I get up searching for it. It's sitting on the desk. I bring it to her. Finding Eureka on the toilet. She goes to hide her stained panties.

"You don't need to hide them from me love. Here you go."

I kiss her forehead. "Thank you. You're the best. I hate when my period comes. I'm going to take a quick shower before we go to dinner."

"Okay let me join you."

Eureka shakes her head looking down. "It's going to be gross with me bleeding."

"Detka I'm not scared of a little blood. I don't find you gross. Come let's wash up quickly."


"But nothing. I love you, now let's go. When we come back I'll make you some mint tea."

"Okay." She finally agrees. Getting up she wipes then flush. Switching the bonnet for a shower cap. We go about taking a quick shower together.


"You look gorgeous. How's your stomach?"

Detka is beside me as we step into the restaurant. She's wearing that red dress with the cut outs from our last shopping trip. A light coat of red lipstick and that's it. Her long hair lays wavy down her back, from wearing it braided the day prior.

"Thank you. My stomach is fine. I'll take an Advil later when we get back. Usually my cramps start the second day."

"Okay." I hold her waist.

A hostess comes out, collecting two menus. "Right this way please."

She leads out around the seated tables up a flight of stairs and onto a balcony with seating showing the view of the ocean, darkened from the night. There's is only two other seated tables up here. It's a nice quieter setting than downstairs.

"Is out here okay for you both?"

"Yes thank you." Eureka affirms.

"Alright I'll leave you to look at the menu. I'll be back shortly to take your order.

"Thank you." I say.

I pull out Eureka's chair. She sits mouthing thank you. I nod sitting across from her. The square table is covered with a pristine white table cloth. There is a small vase of flowers in the center and a fake candle setting a nice mood.

"Baby, do you still feel up for our walk later?"

I take her hand. She rubs her thumb over it smiling at me. Dark skin glowing from the light and our surroundings. Ther cool breeze from the ocean feels wonderful. I breathe it in with her yummy scent.

"Yeah. I should be good."

"Okay. Let me know if you change your mind."

"I'm thinking tomorrow we take it easy, relax the day inside the room. Call room services maybe watch some anime together." Eureka says.

"Sure. After tonight we have three days left before our trip ends. We should go see Javon and Chris again before we leave."

"On the second to last day." Eureka agrees.


"This is nice." Say Eureka.

"It is."

On the walk we talked. Learning more about each other. Sharing things most wouldn't know about us. Eureka stayed beside me as we travel along the wooden riverbank path. There is lights shining along the way, pink blue, yellow. They lit the way so we can see where we're going. By the end of the bank I get us an Uber to take us back. Figuring her feet might be hurting from the heels she's wearing.

When it comes Eureka climbs in with me behind her. I hold her hand as we journey back in silence. It's a short 15 minute ride. Since the restaurant is close.

Before I know it we're heading inside the elevator. Then Eureka is inserting the key for the room. We stepped in turning on the lights.

"Can you unzip me please?"

"Yes come here."

Her delicate back is slowly revealed to my eyes. I run my finger down the cursive tattoo. Kissing her back I turn her around to face me.

"I love you Detka."

"I love you too. Let's go to bed. I want to cuddle."

"You got it. Let me make you that cup of tea I promised."

She nods as she kiss me. Eureka removes the dress and her bra. She goes to the bathroom. Meanwhile I warm up a cup of hot water in the microwave. Once it's hot enough I add a mint tea bag. Detka brought from home. Adding a hint of sugar I stir the hot liquid so it cools a little by the time she returns.

"What did I do to deserve you?"

Arms wrap around my waist. She leans into my back.

"I don't know. I think it's ready. Here."

"Thank you."

She takes the cup. "Be careful, it's hot."

She starts sipping slowly being mindful. I remove my clothes. Unbuttoning my shirt then slacks. Eureka gets in bed. Sitting up in just her underwear. Looking beautiful and utterly comfortable in her own skin. I smirk watching her as I take off my shoes. I leave my clothes folded.

Coming to join her. She moves over to my side leaning her head on my shoulder.

"You want some?"

"No it's for you. I'm good."

"Are you worried about Lucas and you're truck? Have you heard from him?"

"No he wouldn't dare to do anything to it. I haven't. I'll reach out to him the day we're leaving so he knows when our flight arrives. This is the last time I'll ask him for a favor. Honestly I think I should fire him."

"Its up to you. I think everyone deserves a second chance but you've known him. He was your friend so only you can make that decision baby."

"I love when you called me that."

"What baby?"


"I do too."

The red dress

Blown out hair.

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