《Untouched (BWWM)》Twenty-Seven|Out an about


Eureka and I are both sweating like crazy. She went on a short morning run with me. We did a few laps around the hotel down some blocks and back. The blue biker shorts she has on hugs her thighs like they are painted on.

Detka swipes the sweat from her forehead. Leaned over breathing hard. I press the up button for the elevator. We're heading straight to the shower.

"I'm exhausted. I don't think I can walk another step."

"Want me to carry you?" I ask.

We enter the metal box, going to the eight floor. So far this trip has been great. Yesterday was a day spent at her friend and fiancé home. I enjoyed meeting Javon and Chris.

"No it's okay. Thanks though. I'm too sweaty."

"I can still carry you."

She shook her head. Gathering her breath. Detka's hair looks frizzy today. From yesterday's swimming, to this morning's run. She looks like a cute little poodle with hair flying every which way.

I find her beautiful in every which way. In every sense she's breathtaking.

"Is my hair bad? I know I need to wash it. I'm thinking maybe I should get cornrows."


"Its not that bad baby. What are cornrows?"

Detka and I step out heading to the room. She has the key as her work out top has a tiny pocket which fits the key. She inserts it sounding the click as the door opens with a green light.

Entering we see housekeeping came while we were out and straighten up the room. The bathroom is restocked with fresh towels, and all those toiletry items. The bed has been made, neat with smooth white sheets this time. An array of pillow placed in a particular way.

"Let me get my phone to show you a picture of me with cornrows. It's easier to show you than explain. It's basically a hairstyle."

She gets her phone unlocking it. I see her password but I erase it from my mind. Eureka shows me a picture of her wearing a bikini while laying back on a sofa appearing relaxed. Her hair in this picture is different than I've seen it before.

"Oh. This looks like it took a lot of time to complete." I acknowledge.

"It did, a few hours even with two people working on it at the same time. I got them super long."

"This part?" I clarify pointing to the hair that's hanging down.

Eureka nods. "Yes that's not all my hair, hair was added in because my hair wasn't that long when I got it done. It's longer now though."

"Cool. Ready to shower? I can't wait to wash this funk off me."

Eureka looks excited at prospect. She leaves he phone on the bed. "Yes let's go."


We took a long shower together. Eureka spent the most time as she had to wash, detangle, and section her hair before conditioning it. She said she would deep condition after. By the time she comes out with a wet shirt wrapped around her head, I'm already dressed in jeans and a tank. We're going out after she finishes, to walk about the town, eat, maybe do some shopping and anything else we fancy.


I sit on the bench waiting while she goes about getting herself ready. She dried off, puttung on undergarments. A matching olive green thong and bra. Then dressed in one of my oversized T-shirts. Eureka goes back into the bathroom taking the blow-dryer with her. I lean back on the bed patiently waiting for her. She looks good in my clothes.

Maybe I'll take my camera with us so I can take some pictures of us.

After about an hour she comes out, having thick stretched out somewhat straighter hair. It isn't straight like Kasia's but more than she normally wears it. As she rolls the cord around the blow dryer with her back to me I notice how thick and long her dark head of hair is. Reaching her mid back.

Wow. Its beautiful, she's beautiful.

I didn't realize her hair is this long.

"Okay I'm going to get dressed now. I'll be ready in 10 minutes."

"Take your time. There's no need to rush."

Detka nods taking out clothes going to the bathroom again. She must still need to style her hair. It looks fine to me but what do I know.


"What do you think of my outfit?"

Eureka questions. We left the room, heading down. I take her in from head to toe again. She has on a matching two piece, a skirt which hugs her hips, and a top that has sleeves. It shows off her stomach as it's like a band across her breast. Before we left she removed her bra. Saying she doesn't need it. I agree.

"You look beautiful baby. I feel like I should've dressed up more." She takes my hand looking up at me.

"I think you look fine. Comfortable and causal. The tank makes your biceps looks sexy."

Detka's hair is in one large plat down her back. As she calls it. I like it. She rubbed in some sort of oil which makes it shine and looks less dry. When we enter the elevator I turn to her. It is a beautiful outfit.

Many people will stare.

And that's okay. I'm here so no one should try anything. I've come to accept after our conversation yesterday, it's okay if someone stares as long as it doesn't make my love uncomfortable.

"I like the braid. Are you going to keep it in all day?"

"No why?"

Leaning in I kiss her glistening lips. Pulling away holding her cheek, free of any make up. She doesn't need it. Her skin glows naturally on its own.

"It'll be perfect to grab onto if we f>ck."

Eureka noticeably shivers. Her eyes quickly dilate as she must be picturing what I said. She peers up looking so sexy and angelic at the same time while biting her plump lip.

"I was going to take in out now I want to leave it in."

I chuckle. Loving she loves to please me. "Its your choice baby. Either way I'll be grabbing something."

"You make me so wet whenever to talk like this." She whispers.

The elevator door slide open, breaking our heated gaze. I grin. We head out into the warm Florida day. It's hot but not so bad. Maybe because we didn't come in the height of summer. It's near the end of May. Summer officials begins next month.


"Detka when is your birthday? Julian mentioned it's in the summer."

"August 24th, I'm a Virgo. Wait when is yours?

"November 14th, I'm a Scorpio. We're very compatible baby."

Detka smiles. "I guess we are."


"That was real good. If I wasn't so full I'd get another one."

"Yeah it was good. I'm glad I got the same wrap you did."

The tiny vegan restaurant we're sitting inside is quaint and has a lot of character. Their entire menu is all vegan options. Eureka stumbled upon it on our walk in the town. Jacksonville Florida is nice. There's a lot to see an do. We decided we'd go see a movie after our meal, then do some shopping afterwards.

Detke wipes the corner of her lips. Licking them one last time. She looks marvelous as she makes sure she's set right. I lean in holding her face.

"What movie were you thinking?"

I can't remember the last time I saw a movie in a theater.

"I don't know. I'm not sure what's playing right now. I guess we'll find out when we get there."

I nod agreeing. Since we already paid we get up and leave. Detka Googled the nearest movie theater while we ate so she leads the way. I hold her small delicate hand.

I wonder what's her ring size.

I'll find out from Javon. We exchanged numbers yesterday. He said I could text him anytime. I have no idea how I'll propose but I've been thinking about it lately that I want to soon. Maybe on her birthday. I don't know. I'll just go with the flow.

Our relationship has been very organic from the start. Nothing has unfolded in a predictable way. Some may even consider us moving too fast but I've never believed love has a time frame. I believe everything that's happened was meant to happen when it did. Even though I haven't known her for long, I can't imagine being with anyone else. She's the one for me. My soul mate.

"We're here."

That was quick.


"I like this dress. The pattern is really nice."

"You think. I like it too. Should I get it?"

"Of course baby."

She turns around watching the dress twirl in the mirror. It's one of my favorite she tried on in this store so far.

"But I picked up three outfits already. I think I'm over doing it now."

As she's telling me this Eureka is staring with want at the dress in the mirror. Like a kid wanting a new toy. She wants to get it but cares about my spending. I get up coming behind her. Turning her around. The dress really suits her. It has this green, blue, and pink pattern and I like the way the top crosses around her neck, is sinched at the waist showing off her wonderful hour glass body I adore.

"I think you should get it love. No matter what."


"But nothing I want to get it for you."

"Kira I really should be the one paying for this stuff. You already bought me new thongs and bras. Enough that I'm set for awhile"

To shut her up. I press our mouths together, kissing the thought out her mind. Going to her neck I hold it after wrapping the long braid around my hand. Detka's supple lips are sweet as she curshes them to mine. She holds my tank for support.


She finally agrees after we break apart.

"Good. Why don't you get dressed. I so want to have you now." I groan so only she can hear me.

Detka moans lowly. "Uh, Ok."

She turns and I pat her ass before she pulls the change room curtain close. Bitting my lip I go back to my seat by the bags of undergarments I purchased. I personally assisted with selecting all of them.

Who knew underwear shopping could be so fun.

Eureka comes out with the dress and we go up to the cashier with her other items. A pair of jeans and a top to go with it, a cute neon green casual matching two piece, and this tight fitting red dress with cut outs which drove me crazy when she tried it on.

We're ringed up by a woman. She looks like she wants to quit her job as she sloppily folds the items up while scanning their bar codes.

"Ma'am please be careful." Eureka advises her.

She kisses her teeth, mumbles something underneath her breathe ignoring her. Detka shakes her head annoyed but doesn't say anything. The woman announces our total. "You're total is $350.00"

I pay. Eueka goes for the shopping bag but I take it with the other ones.

"Thank you." She says to me.

The woman screeches out rudely. "You're welcome."

Her voice sound anything but thankful.

"That wasn't for you. You've been rude the entire time you were bagging us up. You know if you dislike your job so much maybe consider quitting, instead of treating people like shit."

With that we exit the store. Eureka is really annoyed. Her shoulders are tensed and eyebrows are now raised.

"Baby you okay?"

"I'm fine she's has no customer service. If I'd known how she'd be I would have left, and not bought anything."

"Don't worry we're never going there again. Why done we call it a day? How about we head back, maybe take a dip in the pool or jacuzzi?"

"Yeah that sounds nice. Afterwards can we watch some anime together."

"Sure of course. Let's finish that one from before or start something new."

Eureka agrees calling an Uber and we head back.

Picture Eureka showed Kira.

Eureka's outfit.

Kira's outfit.

The dress Kira bought her.

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