《Untouched (BWWM)》Twenty-Two|Baecation


There I'm done.

My bags are packed and I'm ready to go. Kira should me be here soon. I send him a text letting him know I'm set to go.

I'm packed and ready.

See you soon.

I packed everything I need. Also Obsidian who I'm leaving with Kasia for the week. It wouldn't make sense to bring him along for the distance inside his traveling bag. Plus Obsidian hates staying inside it for too long. Thankfully when I asked Kasia she agreed to keep him while we'll be away.

Kira texts me back.

I'm 10 minutes away. See you soon. I love you.

I let him know.

Okay. I love you too.

I can't wait for our trip, but even more I can't wait to introduce Kira to Javon. Javon and Chris live in Jacksonville, Florida. The flight is about 3 and a half hours and though I'm excited to finally see my best friend after so long, I'm not excited to travel during these current times.

Having to wear a mask while on a plane, with the air quality being so poor already, isn't something I'm looking forward to. But I'm going to suck it up becuase I miss Javon. I can't wait to see him and for him and Kira to get acquainted.

Plus I'm interested to hear how his wedding plans are going. If they're going, since the last time we spoke they were on hold.

It's a surprise too. He has no idea we're coming. We'll be staying at a hotel nearby for our own privacy and convenience. Honestly I'm just excited to get a change of scenery. It's been like being in a prison, not being able to go anywhere since the pandemic started.

I gather my bags and Obsidian's traveling bagpack which I put him in already. Moving everything to the living room so they're close when Kira arrives. Thankfully with school being almost over I'm able to go on this trip for the week. But that's another one of the perks of being self-employed. You work from your own scheduled. Also it's at the point in the school year when everything is going well for the children I tutor, since their course work is lessening.

I hear the door opening. Kira comes in. He still has the key I gave him. I haven't asked him to return it. He's given me my own for his place too.

"Hello beautiful. Are you ready?"

"Hey, I am."

Kira takes my luggage, while I pick up Obsidian and his items he'll need while staying with Kasia. We leave my apartment heading down.


"We're going to drop off Sid first then head to the airport." Kira announces once he pulls off.

"Okay sounds good."

I take Obsidian out his traveling bag, setting him on my lap. He curls up getting comfortable. I'm dressed very comfortably in a pair of jeans and a thin long-sleeved burgundy top in case It gets cold. I also brought a throw as well.

"Have you been to Florida before?"

I ask.

Kira turns to me shaking his head.

"No it'll be my first time. You?" He asks.

I wonder if I'll be as secure behind the wheel once I start driving.

"Yeah a few times to see Javon and Chris."


"Whoes Chris?"

"Javon's fiancé. They've been together for a few years now."

"Did they set a date yet?" Kira asks.

"Not yet. He's waiting to see how the rest of the year plays put. It's honestly probably going to be in 2022. But I guess we'll find out once we get there."

"Do you ever see yourself getting married?" Kira inquires.

I'm curious about the same thing for him. We haven't talked about this yet.

"I've never pictured it but I'm not against marriage. I haven't thought about it like most people my age. What about you?"

Kira swallows. Driving to the left to merge onto the highway which will take us to Kasia then JFK airport.

"Yes. It's something I've imagined while growing up. I've always wanted something like what my parents have. They've been married for over 30 years."

"Wow that's a long time."

"Yeah. They've set an example for my sisters and I anout what a solid marriage looks like. Detka I'm happy you're open to marriage because I can definitely see us spending the rest of our lives together."

My hand which was petting Obsidian stops moving. I didn't expected him to tell me this.

"Really?" I asks unbelieving.

"Yes baby. I've been thinking about this since the moment we met. Whenever we spend our day to day together, living our lives like it's been our routine for years, I often think to myself if this is what the rest of our lives is like, I'd be happy."

Oh shit. Really.

"I won't continue to scare you by talking about this. I'm looking forward to meeting your friend. Also I can't wait for us to christen the room. I promise love when I'm done with you, you'll be sleeping like a baby."

My thighs press together while imaging this. I know he'll keep his promise. Kira hasn't shown me any reason to think otherwise.

"I can't wait." I finally say.

His hand tightens making his knuckles turn white over the steering wheel. His arms flex showing the taught muscles and veins along it. Kira is wearing a cotton shirt. One suiting his particular style.

"If we didn't have a flight to catch, I'd definitely show you a preview. Just you wait, I'll have you moaning soon."

I'm sure you will.


"Thanks again Kasia. Obsidian is the sweetest."

She's inside holding him. While I'm in the door way. She smiles holding him securely. I lean in kissing his head. Rubbing his cheek.

"Be good. I'll see you soon."

Obsidian just meows at me.

"Aww. He's so cute. Don't worry I'll take good care of him. Have fun on your Baecation."

I nod. It's not a baecation. Maybe it is. It is.

"I will. Call me if you have any concerns okay."

"Ok. Go, he's in good hands."

Kasia waves me off. Holding Obsidian who looks sullen as soon as I start stepping away. We've never really been apart before. I'm going to miss my baby.

I wave and turn around. Kira is waiting downstairs for me. I head to the elevator. This trip should be really eye opening. My mom always said, the best way to really know if your suited with someone is to travel with them.


Something about their inner personality coming out while in a different environment.

Well we'll see. I'm sure she's onto something. She always gives me sound advise. I exit the elevator and head back. Somehow I climb up myself into the passenger seat. Thankfully I'm wearing a pair of comfortable Nike sneakers. A burgundy one that matches the color of my top.

"Ready baby?" Kira turns to me.

I secure my seatbelt. "Yes let's go."


After that we complete the drive arriving to the airport. Kira and I get out. He pulls out his phone. Calling someone.

"Lucas's are you here yet?"

Lucas. Oh the architect guy who called that one time.

"Oh okay. See you in a bit." Kira says hanging up.

Kira and I head behind. He takes all the large luggage with me carrying my carry on and personal bag. Shutting the trunk he turns to me. "Lucas is going to take my truck back for me. Airport parking for a week is unreasonable. Plus I'd hate if I came back to damages on my truck."

That makes sense.

"It's nice of him to do this. So I get to meet one of your employees."

"Yeah come let's go."

We enter the airport at the perspective departure gate. Kira is pulling both of our suitcases. I think I did great with my packing, if I do say so. Usually I over pack but I made sure not to this time. Once we step inside someone calls out.

"Over here guys."

I turn to see a tall dark haired guy standing to one side. We go over to him. Upon getting closer I see his features which were distorted a second ago. Lucas is shorter than Kira standing at 6'2. Still very tall. He's more leaner compared to Kira.

"Thanks man. Lucas's meet Eureka my girlfriend." Kira introduces.

Lucas's focuses on me. I sense as his blue eyes analyzes my body from top to bottom. I only see half of his face because the other half is hidden by the black mask he's wearing.

"Detka this is Lucas."

"Hello Eureka. It's nice to meet you." Lucas's says.

"Same to you." I add.

It isn't. I don't like the way he stared at me just now.

"Here you go. I parked on the curb. So I won't keep you. In case they go to tow my truck. We'll be back in a week."

"No problem. Have fun Kira."

He said this but he is still looking at me. I move closer to Kira. Kira holds the two suitcases together to take my hand.

"Detka why don't you go print our tickets. Me and Lucas need to catch up."


What do they need to catch up about? Did he notice Lucas staring at me?


We just checked our bags. Now we're in line to have our passports scanned. Then there's the metal detectors and we'll be done with all the tedious parts of flying.

All the while when we were checking our big luggage, Kira didn't say anything just looking annoyed. I would be too. Flying can be stressful sometimes. He didn't say anything about what he spoke to Lucas about.

The line moves up more. I turn peering up at him. Even though his mouth is covered by a mask I can see the grimace behind it. His brows are furrowed. Whatever they talked about made him upset, I summize.

"Kira, what's wrong?"

Kira looks down at me taking my hand. He doesn't say anything. I don't push it. I'll ask again later.

"Next." Calls out the TSA staff who sits scanning the passports. We don't have easy passes or anything of those other things. It's our turn now. I step up giving him my passport and ticket.

He takes it doing his job. Checking whatever is needed before signing it with a sqibble and hands it back.

"Thank you."

The man does Kira's in the same fashion. Then we're instructed to go into another line which up a head is broken up into clusters for the seperate metal detectors and x-ray machines. Groups of people join these lines. Families traveling together, those traveling alone or couples like us. Kira and I join the nearest line.

Kira comes up behind me. He takes off some of the bins to place our items in. While he does I put my passport and ticket in my bag. Then remove my sneakers.

This is the part I hate.

That's why I made sure not to wear a belt or any unnecessary metal items. I turn around after putting my bag, phone, and shoes in a bin, seeing Kira put my carry-on on the conveyer belt. He's already removed his shoes and belt.

When everything is put through we step up behind the woman in font us. She has blonde hair. She gets called to stand inside the metal detector. I turn around facing Kira.

"Hey. Talk to me. What's got you so upset."

"We'll talk about it later. Now's not the time."


"Mamn step in. Stay on the footsteps."

The person directs me. I listen to their instructions. My mind can't help but go back to Kira. I don't like that we're traveling while he's upset at something or someone. I raise my arms up as shown inside the giant box I'm in. A few seconds later I'm clear to go through.

I go about locating all of our stuff first. Then putting back on my shoes. I grab my phone. Kira comes over. He redos his belt and puts on his shoes.

"I can take that baby." He tell me pointing to my carry on. I give it to him. Putting my bag on my back. It's cute black bag I always use whenever I travel. It hold all my personal items.

"Thank you. What's our gate number again?"

Kira pulls out his ticket. He reads it. "Its 16."

"Okay. It shouldn't be too far." I note.

I take his hand. We head off to our gate. I hold my phone seeing we have about an half hour wait until it's time to depart.

"I love you Kira." I say out of nowhere. Paying no attention to others walking beside us. "Whatever it is we'll face it together."

"I know Detka. I love you too."

As long he knows this everything will be alright. This trip will hopefully prove it.

Eureka's outfit.

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