《Untouched (BWWM)》Twelve|The Bychkov's


"Are you ready?" Asks Kira. Breaking the silence.

Am I? I guess.

It won't be that bad right. I should have gotten advice from Javon. He's familiar with this experience. Having gone through it with Chris. But there's no way to know how something will play out until it actually happens, is there. Even with a first-hand account of what to expect.

Kira along the drive kept reassuring me his parents will adore me. Saying there is nothing for me to be anxious about. I know, and I believe him. Scratch that I trust him, but I'm still going to be nervous until it happens. That's the kind of person I am. I'm the girl who is overly nervous to do public speaking, present on a project until it's actually occurring then at that moment all my nerves evaporate as if they never existed in the first place.

We're in his truck. It's parked on the sidewalk which all up and down is lined with an array of brownstone townhouses. Their designs all different and unique from the next. Each having its own character. At least what my eyes gather in the night. There's a streetlamp casting shadows on the concrete.

I look around the neighborhood. Wondering if this is where Kira grew up after moving from Russia. He's patiently waiting for when I'm ready.

I hold the flowers, glance at him. He looks so handsome and rugged in his clothes. His beard beginning to grow out more. Reaching over I rub it. Marveling at how soft it is.

"Your beard is so soft." He smirks at this. "I'm ready now." I continue.

"Detka. I promise it'll be alright. Let me come around for you."

Without his assistance, I wouldn't be able to get out of his truck especially in these heels. No matter how comfortable they are.

Kira helps me down. The wispy breeze from the wind blows my face. Making me shiver. Drawing my coats tighter around me, I make sure not to mess up the flowers. He shuts the door locking it. Holding around my waist. Guiding us up to the home.

Where a flight of stairs awaits us. We head up. I'm careful to not fall. But with Kira holding me close I know it's not likely.

Will she like the flowers? I hope so.

Kira doesn't ring the doorbell just inserts a key and opens the door. He ushers me inside first then comes in closing the door behind us.

"Baby let me get your coat."

"Thank you," I say handing it over.

He puts it on the coat rack behind the door.

A child's laughter is heard from within the home. Sounding like Kyle. Kira takes my hand this time, to greet his family.

Here goes nothing.


"Uncle Kira. Yay, you're here!"

Kyle screams when he sees Kira and I enter the room. Kira let's go of me picking him up. Kyle hugs him tightly as if Kira will disappear if he doesn't. They laugh at each other. Kira chuckling as he begins to tickle Kyle in his side.

"Stop uncle Kira. Stop-p it's tick-kles. Ohh!" Kyle gets out as he laughs from their play.

"Eureka don't mind them. Come over here." Mrs. Mordukhayev beckons me into the dining room. Connected to the room I'm in. I turn to Kira and Kyle watching them with my own grin.

They look so happy. I leave the pair going to Mrs. Mordukhayev. She's serving out dishes onto the table. While a much older woman who shares similar features helps.


Is that their mom?

The lady has graying hair that looks once brown. She looks a few inches shorter than Mrs. Mordukhayev but still taller than me. Everyone is taller than me, unfortunately.

"Can I help Mrs. Mordukhayev?" I ask the two.

Mrs. Mordukhayev turns to me. "Sure if you want, but please call me Katina from now on."

I shake my head. "I can't. It's not professional of me."

She comes over. Taking the flowers from me. "These are beautiful. Who are they for?" Ignoring what I said.

The other lady comes over. Her eyes a smoky blue almost grey color. She has the same nose as Kira, Kasia, and Katina. They share other features too. If her hair wasn't grey they'd all have the same brown color. The only distinction between them is the eyes.

But it makes her face even more striking. The wrinkle lines around her eyes and cheeks are minimal at most she looks to be in her late 50's from how well she's aging. But she's probably older.

"Hello, Mrs. Bychkov. It's nice to meet you. Those flowers are for you."

Katina hands them to her mom. Who holds them staring with delight. I guess that answers that. "Thank you. These are beautiful. I love dry flowers. How did you know?" She questions.

"Uh, Kira told me. Your welcome, I'm happy you like them." I confirm.

I stand up straighter now. She's the woman who is the mother of my boyfriend. A strong firm grip goes around my waist breaking any tension I was developing. I peer up to my man. He has Kyle on his hip while securing his arm around me. I shiver from his touch.

"Mom, allow me to introduce you. This beautiful woman is Eureka, my girlfriend. Detka my mom Lada."

Lada glances between us. Noticing how tight Kira is holding me. She smiles at us. Putting her hand out. I go in for a shake but she pulls me into a hug. Rubbing my back.

"Eureka. What a beautiful name? It suits you. It's a pleasure to meet you, dear."

We break away, our eyes meeting. Hers showing nothing but sincerity and warmth.

I like her. I see where Kira gets his personality from.

"Kira you shouldn't keep your beautiful girlfriend all to yourself." Lada jokes.

Kyle laughs at this saying. "Yeah, Ms. Eureka was my tutor first."

"Sounds like everyone is here now." An unfamiliar voice enters the room. We all turn seeing two men come around the corner. One looking older than the other.

Kyle jumps down and runs over. "папочка. What took you so long? Ms. Eureka and uncle Kira is here."

Hearing this I realize it's Kyle's dad. He ruffles Kyle's growing hair. "I heard. Your sisters took a while to fall asleep. I needed your дедушка's help." (Grandpa's)

What does that mean?

"Kira, what does that word mean?"

He comes up beside me. Holding around my waist again. He leans down. "It means grandpa."

Oh. So that's Lada's husband. His dad.

Kyle, his dad, and grandpa venture into the room.

"Dad this is Eureka, my girlfriend. Detka, Viktor my dad." Kira introduces when he's closer.

Viktor is almost the same height as Kira maybe three inches off. His hair is graying but there are still some dark pieces left and his eyes are the same fiery amber I've come to know from his son. His facial features though more weathered and aged. He has a longer nose different from his wife and children. It fits his face making his other eyes stand out.


"Hello, Eureka. It's nice to meet you."

Viktor went to stand beside Lada. Everyone becoming quiet until Katina announces.

"Alright let's have dinner everyone. Kasia texted saying she won't be able to make it."

Everyone ushers around the table which seats eight. Katina's husband sits at the head with her on his right. Kyle sits beside his mom. Kira pulls out the chair beside Kyle for me.

I have a seat. "Thank you."

Kira claims the other end of the table. "Your welcome."

Lada takes the seat across from me with her husband beside her. That leaves an empty seat beside Viktor, where Kasia would have been. I wonder why she couldn't make it.


"Eureka, so how did you meet Kira?"

After dinner, everyone heads to the living room. Kyle went upstairs earlier to get ready for bed. So it's only the adult left now. I sit beside Kira. His parents across from us. Katina and her husband are busy cleaning up in the kitchen and dining room.

Lada leans in. Curious expression in her eyes. Kira holds my hand. Silently giving me the encouragement I need to answer.

"Well, we met when I was tutoring Kyle on Zoom. Kyle introduced him to me."

"What a surprise. Kyle was little cupid."

"Yeah." I nod. "But Kira told me he'd seen me before this in Target."

Kira chimes in. "I saw her one night when I was getting groceries for Kasia. I didn't get to talk to her though. Thankfully we met again the day after on Zoom through Kyle."

I turn over to see Kira smiling cheekily at this. It brings a similar one to my face. He catches me and leans in kissing my forehead making me nervous since it's in front of his parents.

I looked up at his mom and dad. She has a cheerful simile as well. Meanwhile, Viktor just looks the same. Showing no reaction. Maybe he hasn't warmed up to me yet. Or he doesn't show his feelings so freely as Lada.

"You always did have good luck growing up Kira." Lada remarks. "Eureka so how is Kyle doing with school." I didn't expect the subject to change.

"Great. He's really smart, quick at learning new things once you explain them to him in a different way. Kyle is a very bright kid."

"That's good. He's the smartest 7-year old I know. He's a good kid. My grandson."

I nod agreeing. He is. Kyle often surprises me with his intelligence. I love nurturing his mind. Taking it very seriously because he needs to be challenged sometimes but, also given space to explore what he's learning in school and around him.

"Eureka, thanks for coming. It was really nice getting to know the woman who's with my son. Make sure you come over whenever you can so we can talk more."

"No problem. I had a great time. I'll try to stop by more when I can. I don't drive so I'll have to ask Kira when he's coming to take me." I respond.

I'm glad it went well.

Lada stands up. "It's getting late so I'm going to head up to bed."

"Okay," I say.

"Night Kira. Make sure you drive safe." Lada chided. "Honey, are you coming?" She turns to her husband who remains sitting.

"In a bit. I'll be there soon." Viktor says.

Lada shakes her head leaving the room. I turn back to Viktor. Wondering if he wanted to say something before going up. Kira pulls me closer to his side. Drawing my attention to him. Noticing a piece of loose hairs from his bun I return them behind his ear. Leaning my heading on his arm.

"Dad you've been quiet all night. Are you feeling alright?"

So he isn't normally this quiet. Kira's question confirms. I take his hand. Which is so much larger, more veins than mine. His hands are so sexy. Honestly, everything about Kira is sexy.

"I'm a fine son. No need to get grey hairs like me." Viktor says. "I've just been observing the body language between you two and I have to say. You did good son. I like her."

Oh. Look who's talkative now. That's good to know. I was starting to think he didn't like me for a second there. I turn to Viktor who has a warm look on his face as he stares at us. He winks at me and I nearly bust out laughing. I cover my mouth.

He gets up cackling out. "Ah, I almost had you Eureka. At least I got a smile. Sorry if I seem scary."

I shake my head at the last thing he said. "You're not scary. I just thought you disliked me so I wasn't expecting that."

"Really?" Viktor questions. He explains. "I was trying to see what my son sees. I don't dislike you. You're wonderful. How could I when you look at Kira like that?"

"Like what?" I ask confused. Viktor heads out of the living room. At the last second before he disappears he turns back saying. "I'll leave that for you to figure out. Good night guys. I'm going up to snuggle my wife. Night son."

"Dad I'm going to get you back for that wink."

Viktor only laughs until he's no longer heard. He's something. I can't believe he was tricking me. He has a good sense of humor. Reminds me of my mom, Julian.

Just then Katina and Michail come in. "We're going to bed too. You guys head out when you're ready. Good seeing you Eureka." Katina bid us.

I wave. "Okay, good night Katina. Nice meeting you Michail."

"You too. Thank you for tutoring our son. Night." Michail says leading his wife upstairs.

The home becomes quiet as it's just me and Kira. He leans down whispering. "It wasn't so bad right?"

"No. Ready to go?" I ask.

"Yes. Let's go. I want to cuddle with my girlfriend."

"Alright. You and your dad are something."

"What?" He jokes.

I shake my head at his playfulness.

"Nothing. I can't wait to take off these heels."

Kira leans down. "Want me to carry you Detka?"

I nod and he does all the way to his truck and after we arrive up to my apartment.


Kira's eye color.

This is the table I picture whe writing.

Seating arrangements. Please don't mind my hand writing.

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