《Untouched (BWWM)》Nine|Wash n go


"You know I didn't see that coming."

I laugh again at her boldness. Who am I kidding I love it. Eureka still sat on top of me. Her perfectly round ass felt like a cushion on my dick. Which is hard by the way. I've come to accept it will be, whenever I'm in her presence.

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

Eureka plays dumb.

Even now I still taste her on my tongue. She has a particular sweet but fresh taste. She slowly stood. Her T-shirt had ridden up so I get a glimpse of her pussy before she pulls it down. It's the color of her skin but a shade darker.

It's hard to believe all this time she hasn't had any sexual experiences. I am both perplexed and grateful for this. It means I'll be the only one having the pleasure of possessing her body in such a way.

The movie continues muted. I lost interest in it a while ago. The female has nothing on Eureka. Her skin is far too pale. Her portions too slim.

"That felt amazing. Different from whenever I do it."

I haven't forgotten while she's been untouched she isn't innocent.

"Your body knows it's mine."

Eureka pressed her thighs together. Was she getting aroused again? The idea left me excited knowing she has a big sexual appetite. That she's so responsive to me. Just the way I am to her.

"I'm starting to feel sticky, so I'm going to shower."

I get up in front her. Leaning in I kiss her forehead.

"Okay. I'll go after you're finished."

She gets on her tippy toes and reaches up. I bent my knees to close the gap. Eureka holds on to my arm and kiss me. Her supple lips mold to mine. She licks my bottom lip. Her mouth feels so soft and perfect. Before I can deepen the kiss she breaks away.

You little tease.

"I'm going to wash my hair so I'll be awhile. Don't get too lonely without me."

She turns and walks away. Blessing me with the sight of her plump round ass moving underneath her shirt. Tempting me as I know it's without her panties. They're in the corner where I threw them earlier.

I can't wait until I see it bare. I may bite it. Honestly, everything about Eureka drives me mad with arousal.

I sit back on the sofa. My mind going back to earlier. Remembering the way it felt to stroke her pussy. How wet she became? The way she pinched her nipples writhing on top of me. So sensual so erotic. Her pussy so tight, my fingers get only halfway inside it.

Eureka is so responsive to my touch.

Next time I'll use my tongue.


While I wait for her I start feeling sleepy. So I sit back and I fell asleep before I know it. A little while later, footsteps enter the room.

She must have finished.

Eureka is dressed in a pair of grey cotton biker shorts and cropped shirt. She goes into the kitchen going into the refrigerator. Taking out the leftover piece of avocado and drops it in the blender with some other items. Her hair is wet. A large cotton shirt drapes over her shoulder becoming damp from the dripping water.


"Detka what are you making?"

She adds some honey putting on the lid, then turns to me. Where I am in the living room.

"A protein treatment for my hair. You're free to use the bathroom whenever you're ready. I left your clothes on the desk in my room."

I have no idea what's a protein treatment.

She turns on the blender and I go by where she is. Up close her skin looks moisturized and glistens with whatever she used after showering.

"You put Avocado in there. Won't it be bad for your hair?"

Clearly, my knowledge of hair is lacking. The most I use for mine is shampoo and conditioner. I only started using conditioner after Kasia gave me the tip.

Eureka smiles cutely at me. She recognizes I'm curious about this. She stops the blender before explaining further. I lean onto the Island analyzing her process.

"Actually it's the opposite. Avocado is full of fatty oils and other things that are really good for hair. Well curly natural hair like mine. I'm not sure if it would work for yours."

She uncovers the top. Then takes out a small ceramic bowl from the plate holder and pours the mixture out of the blender into it. The consistency is slightly thicker than apple sauce.

"How are you going to apply it?"

I'm becoming fascinated by this stuff. But it's probably because it her who's educating me about it. If it was anyone else I'd probably not be as interested.

Eureka reaches over her holds my cheek tilting her head lovingly while she looks at me. A sudden bout of euphoria settles in my stomach. The way her brown cat eyes brighten with a look of something I really like seeing in them. The way she makes me feel in this moment can only be described as complete.

"Do want me to show you after your shower?"

I nod. Liking that she'd delay to include me. I smile.

"Yes. I'll be right back."

So I shower awfully excited for what Eureka will demonstrate after I'm done.


When I come back to the kitchen Eureka is scrolling through her phone at the island. On the island is the protein treatment and a few other items. A comb with wide teeth, some clips, and a spray bottle filled with water.

Eureka looks up when she hears me. I'm wearing my clothes I wore yesterday. A navy blue V-neck cotton shirt and a pair of black jeans. Simple but comfortable which is my usual way of dressing.

I catch Eureka eyeing my chest through the opened portion I left unbuttoned. I sit across from her. She places her phone down.

"This is how I apply it. It's really easy but the annoying part is my hair gets easily tangled on itself."

Eureka's normal curls, are less defined and clump together. She picks up the wide-tooth comb and parts her hair in half from ear to ear. Then she divides the bottom portion in half again and secures each section with a clip. The top is divided into four sections and repeats clipping each individual section of hair.


I take in every step. She starts in the back on one of the sections. Unclipping her hair that's become almost dried. Eureka reaches for the spray bottle and sprays the hair, working the water down with her hands. Next, she scoops some of the protein treatment and rakes it down the hair from root to ends.

It immediately absorbs. Eureka takes the wide-tooth comb and detangles the hair that is now saturated with the mixtures. Once it's completely detangled she twists up her hair and leaves it alone. Where the once matted clump of hair was, is now a juicy twist. It's shiny falling at her collar bone.

"Ohhh. I think I get it now. Your hair eats this stuff up."

"It makes it strong and soft once I've rinsed it out."

She's going to rinse it out?

"What do you do after rinsing it out?"

Eureka moves onto the next back section. Keeping her eyes on me she answers. "I'll style my hair with products that I'll leave in it, to air dry before I defuse to speed up the process."

"How often do you do this?"

"I usually do a hair treatment once a month. So protein or hot oil treatment. If not I'll deep condition when I wash my hair, so every two weeks."

This is a lot of work, but it must be worth it because her curls always look amazing.

Eureka finished everything in an hour and a half. After rinsing she did the next step which she explains is using a leave-in-conditioner, a creme product then using avocado oil to seal everything in.

Afterward, I help her carry all her items back to where they belong. Then we climb into her bed. Eureka sat up making sure her hair doesn't press on any pillows. She explained earlier she'll wait for it to air dry 70 percent then use her diffuser.

I lay on my back my head on her lap while she reads a book to pass the time. You'd think I'd be bored, us just being together not doing anything, but it never happens. I pass the time watching her while she reads her novel.

At the same time, she plays in my hair. I left it out after showering.

"I love when you play in my hair," I say breaking the silence.

She peers down at me. Now her hair isn't hanging to her collar bone. It shrank up to under her chin. It fascinates me how it changed in shape as if it has a life of its own. With it appearing shorter and rounder, it frames her face making her look younger and cute.

"Me too it's really soft."

If the rest of our lives together is like this, I wouldn't mind.


"Do you really have to go?"

Eureka asks me.

We spent the entire day together. She looks so beautiful. After diffusing her hair she did something to stretch it so it's elongated again. We are by the door.

My back against it as.I possessively hold her ass as she sits snuggled in my hands, while I hold her up. Eureka's thighs are wrapped around my waist, in her attempt to trap me in her apartment. It would work too if I didn't have a prior engagement.

"Detka I can't. I'll come by tomorrow evening. Please baby don't pout."

She ignores me shrugging her shoulders. Putting her face in my neck. Bringing her soft curls to brush against my skin. Her hair smells so good. It must be from the hair products she used to style it.

"I don't want you to go." She whines.

Sounding so adorable. I almost want to give in.

"I know baby. Here's what, I'll come back later but It'll be really late. Will you be up at 1 am?"

Eureka thinks it over. She bites her bottom lip while doing so. Driving me mad. I touched it making her stop.

"Don't do that." I groan.

"How about I give you my spare key? That way you'll be able to come in." She finally decides.

"Are you sure?"

Eureka says. "Yeah. Put me down."

I do and she goes to her room. Coming back shortly handing me a gold key for her apartment.

"Please don't lose it." She says sternly. I pull her in my arms. Hugging her to me.

"I won't I promise. I'll bring some clothes so we can spend Saturday and Sunday together. How does that sound?"

"That sounds great. I'd like that."

Pulling apart her warmth floats away. I lean in giving her a quick kiss. She's become so special to me.

"I'll see you soon Detka. I'll try not to wake you when I get into bed."


Opening the door I take one last look before stepping out.

"Bye Kira."

I hear as the door closes behind me. I Make my way out of her apartment building. I have a drafting meeting with a new client tonight. Some busy guy who wasn't available any other time due to his work schedule.

Not sure exactly what he does. We're meeting at my architect firm to go over the sample drawings I made after the first consultation. Usually, these meetings can last up to 4 hours. For several reasons, the client doesn't like my design, they want to make changes, they want me to redo the entire thing while I'm with them before designing the final architectural plan.

If not for this meeting I'd stay with Eureka.

Not Eureka, just how I picture her stretched wash n go.

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