《Untouched (BWWM)》Seven|Staying the night


What time is it?

I don't actually give a shit. There's nowhere else I will rather be but here in Eureka's living room kissing her, holding her. We've been at it for what feels like hours, just getting acquainted with each other's lips.

I can't complain. The skin on her back I've been allowing myself to caress is so soft. As much as I want to, I don't venture elsewhere. If I move from her back that'd be asking for more than she's ready for yet. Detka braces away.

Her chest falling up and down due to her gasping for air lacking because I took it. I am the same. Her angelic face is all I see. While I'm gathering my breath I notice her living room. I hadn't come inside when I picked her up for our date.

It's almost the same size as mine. There are three walls around us. The opened space leads into her kitchen which has a large island that seats three.

Eureka's sofa is a brownish-green color that suits the warm green walls of the living room. There is a nice size flat screen bolted to the wall on the right, a brown coffee table a foot away from my knees. A side table on either side of the 3 seaters and on the left of the single sofa which looks like a recliner, stands a palm tree plant.

The slow stroke of fingers in my hair brings me out of my reverie. I focus back to the perfection straddling me, that is Eureka.

Would she mind if I spent the night?

I wonder because I don't know if I can sleep alone tonight again, while knowing she's miles away from me. I've been having difficulty sleeping the past few nights.

"Kira, you okay?"

Have I been silent that long?

"Yeah. Just thinking."

"About?" She asks.

"Not wanting to sleep alone tonight."

She goes to get up from my lap. I hold her fat, no phat ass still.

"You're fine. Can I stay the night, Detka?"

Of course, I pick up when she rolls her eyes at me when I kept her from getting up. I don't acknowledge it.

Detka quickly nods.

"Words Detka." I say before going back to re-clip her bra. The way her breasts sit freely is becoming too distracting and tempting.


Thank god.

I was willing to beg to stay. Leaning in, pressing my nose to her neck I breathe in her sweet cocoa butter and cinnamon scent. She smells like warm baked goods. I wouldn't mind taking a bite into it.

Everything about her makes me lose it.

"What time is it?" I ask my earlier thought.

She reaches over grabbing her iPhone tapping the screen. It lits up at 8:00 pm. Actually thought it was much later from long we'd spent kissing. Felt like hours had passed.

"Have you eaten?" Eureka inquires.

"No. You?"

"I had a snack earlier but I'm totally up for dinner now."

This time when she stands I let her. When she turns, I can't help the hard slap I leave over her ass. It literally bounces a little in her leggings. Damn and that's mine.

Eureka turns around glaring at me. I only chuckle getting up towering over her. She's so petite. No, I'm just annoyingly tall.

"Hey, that hurts. Come I have leftovers from last night if you don't mind."

I follow her over into the kitchen. Taking a seat in the middle chair behind the rustic granite island. Eureka continues around to her refrigerator across from her pantry. All the while I zone in on her body.


Noticing the swell of her chest. Arch in her back flooding into her ass, I'm becoming crazy obsessed with. Those wide hips covered so lusciously in a pair of leggings that do nothing to diminish the sexiness about her.

Fuck me. I'm hard.

Now is not the time. Eureka opens the refrigerator leaning in. Hiding briefly, her head of black curls sticks up.

"Spaghetti or Ackee and saltfish?" She asks.

"I'll have whatever you're having."

She nods pulling out two Tupperware containers of food.

"Need help?" I question.

"I'm good, thank you. The bathroom is in my room. Go wash your hands."

I go to one of two doors, to the left of the kitchen and living room. It's a closet. Entering the second I'm brought into Eureka's personal space.

Right away I'm hit with her smell, the enticing mix of cocoa butter and cinnamon. Her bedroom is a good size with light turquoise walls, a queen-sized bed in the center covered in white sheets, a blanket, and a mixture of rose pink pillows. Across a matching furry rose pink throw is sits at the bottom.

There are two matching nightstands and a tan wood desk to the right sitting in front of the large window. To the right are sliding barn doors pushed to one side showcasing a colored array of clothes. The door on the right of it cracked open, with the lights off.

I know it's the bathroom she mentioned. Going in I search for the light switch. Finding it on my right. Bright white light flicks on. I see a deep tub in front, a sink on the left, and a toilet on the right. It's kept clean and neat.

Following Eureka's instructions. I wash my hands. Turning to the left. Looking down I observe a black cat curled up in the corner. Its orange cat eyes perk up watching me as I watch it.

She has a cat.

Detka is full of surprises. The cat stays in its spot watching me while I wipe my hands on the hand towel. I turn to leave and hear it stretching behind me. It gets up following me into the bedroom, and into the kitchen where Detka is pulling out a plate of steaming food from the microwave.

Where I previously sat is a second plate, hot with steam rising up.

"I didn't know you had a cat. What's its name?"

Eureka sets the plate beside mine. Then grabs us both forks.

"Obsidian. He's my baby. Lemonade or water?"

Obsidian? Hmm. Suit him.

"Water please."

His dark coat is pitch black. I sit in my seat. Obsidian is perched on my left. Eureka sits on my right. She hands me my fork. "Here. He's the sweetest cat ever."

"Thank you."

I smile turning to her then Obsidian who is already going around to his owner. Eureka bends down and rubs his head, making Obsidian turn his head in delight.

"Let's eat," Eureka says after leaving Obsidian to watching us beneath her feet.


"Thanks for dinner. It was delicious. What did you call it again?"

Eureka faces me.

"It's called Ackee and salt fish. The yellow part mixed into the other stuff is the Ackee. It's actually a fruit and this is the national dish from my country."

I grab our dirty plates and bring them to the sink on the other side of the island. I start washing them while Eureka eyes me.

"Which country? Is this where you were born? Pass me the cups please."


She does and I put them into the sink. Eureka sits up with her chin on her clasp hands. There is no hint of judgment from my questions. Her brown eyes only seem bright with a look of appreciation.

"Yeah, I'm originally from Jamaica. It's a small island in the Caribbean below Cuba near Haiti and Dominican Republic. That's where I was born."

"How long did you live there before moving to the states?"

She took a second to gather her thoughts before answering, "I lived there for nine years. So I've been here for almost 16 years now."


Since we're sharing about her background. I decide to do the same.

"I was born in Russia. I came here at 13 so it's been 14 years for me."

Eureka seemed surprised. We have something in common. What else do we share? After I finish the few dishes I wipe around the sink. We went back to sitting in the living room.

She had turned off the kitchen lights so the only source is from the lamps. Their Yellow glow cast a gold shine onto Eureka's deep skin. She glows. Her head is now on my shoulder. The laptop screen is black from being ignored.

"Baby, weren't you going to watch something earlier?"

"Yeah but it's too late now. I need to go shower, but I feel so comfortable right here."

I need to shower too. I don't have anything to change into.

"I just realize I have nothing to change into."

Eureka takes my larger hand in hers. "I can wash your stuff so you can put them on tomorrow, and I have some unopened boxers if you want to see if they fit."

"Yeah, that'll work. I usually sleep nude anyway unless I'm cold."

Eureka tenses up at hearing I sleep nude. I lean to her ear. My voice is rich and deep with lust. "We can both sleep nude," I murmured out.

She gasps out. "I sleep nude too but only in the summertime."

"Really? Good to know. Do you want to go first?" I ask a still nervous Eureka. Sometimes she's so cute.

"No, you can go ahead." She mutters.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah go ahead. There are towels in the closet and an extra toothbrush in the medicine cabinet." Eureka says pointing to the closet beside her room door.

I nod. Turning to kiss her forehead.

"Alright, see you in a bit. Thank you."

I glance at Eureka one last time. Brown eyes alight with a look of lust. Chuckling to myself. I pocket that thought for later. The closest is organized with towels up top and bedding and other things towards the bottom.

I grab a dark gray one.

Strutting through Eureka's room to the bathroom. I get undress and go to the shower. All the while picturing the goddess that's waiting for me. By the end, it becomes a cold shower.

It didn't help.


When I get out Eureka is on her bed, waiting for me. She went into the bathroom. Getting my dirty clothes and loads them into the machine tucked in the corner of her bathroom. I already dried off so I sit on the bottom of the bed waiting for her.

Once the machine starts whirling. Eureka comes out searching on top of her closet reaching back until she finds the unopened pack of boxers. She ripped the plastic open and takes out a pair

Coming in front of me. Her eyes not straying from my face. She's tense.

"They are extra-large. Hopefully, they'll fit. I'll be back."

Before she turns I hold her arm.

"Detka, wait. Did I do something to upset you?"

She shakes her head not looking at me.

"Words baby," I say.

Eureka turns to me. She finally meets my face then the wall behind me.

"I-i-i j-just can't handle you being so exposed."

"Yeah," I say. "Do I make you nervous?"

I know I do?

"Yeah, and horny," Eureka mutters out breathy.

She faces me but with her head down. I pull her closer between my legs.

"Hey. The feeling is mutual. I'm the same way. There's nothing to be ashamed of."

Raising her chin she meets my gaze.

"Really?" Eureka sounds surprised. I don't know why. I know I've been trying my best to reign in my sexual frustrations but I thought she knew that by now.

"Detka, you have no idea the number of times I've been aroused just by the mare sight of you. Just today I got hard twice. When you were heating up dinner and again in the shower. Trust me when I say the feeling is very mutual. I want you too."

She smiles at that. I didn't think she'd be so happy to hear this. Eureka smirks.

"I'm glad you feel the same way. I'll be back."


She kisses my cheek before leaving me alone. I can't get enough of this woman. I dress in the black boxer which is a little tight but it does the job.

I don't know where Eureka keeps her towel after so I fold it and drape it over her chair by her desk. I went back to get my phone from the living room.

Going to lay in bed while I check if I received any messages. I didn't receive any. Fifteen minutes later Eureka comes out wrapped in a white oversized towel.

My woman loves her oversized things.

Which means I'm the perfect size for her. Shuffling through her drawers in the small dresser she locates sleep clothes. Then is back inside the bathroom. I hear when she opens the washer and puts my things to dry.

Then a few minutes after she's back dressed in an oversized yellow T-shirt that stops a bit above her knees. Eureka looks perfect. Her curls are in a fluffy updo on top of her head. She comes around taking my towel to hang in the bathroom.

All the while my eyes watching with laser focus. Shutting off the light Eureka turns on the fan before closing the bathroom door. Eureka comes over to flick on the lamp on her side of the bed. Watching me nearly taking up all the space on the bed looking like I was made to lay in it.

"Come here," I say. Calling Eureka into my open arms. Which she gladly climbs into after rotating her pillows so the rose pink silk pillowcase is on top. Eureka lays close to me. Her face press onto my chest. Immediately getting comfortable and intertwining our thighs as I make room.

She smells now like vanilla but the cinnamon and cocoa butter is still at the precipice of her natural scent. I breathe it in holding her body flushed to me.

"You smell like heaven. I could just eat you."

I meant it in every erotic way possible. Eureka reply kissing my chest mumbling out, "behave, it's time for bed."

"Okay, but tomorrow don't hold it against me if I pounce on you."

"Hmm. Goodnight Kira."

"Night Detka."

We fall asleep just like this.

Plant in the living room.


Bedroom. Not the exact design but close enough to the colors scheme I pictured.


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