《Untouched (BWWM)》Five|First kiss


Eureka looks even better up close, in person.

She has no idea we've met before the Zoom session. I'm not sure it's something I should admit yet. I want to get a read first, what she thinks about there being an us.

"Wait one second. I'll come get you Detka."

I'm all too aware the effects it has on her body whenever I use the synonym. Eureka seems to get aroused by it. I like to think it's a positive sign she's attracted to me.

I went around my truck to get the woman who's been the only thing on my mind since we've met. I open her door and pick her up again, setting her down softly to the ground. She felt like she belongs in my arms for the rest of my life. I wasn't strained from her luscious curvy body.

"Thank you. Where are we?"

She questions.

I hold her hand. Her hand is so much smaller than mine. It feels soft and smooth.

"My place. I didn't want us to have takeout for our first date. Do you mind me cooking for us?" I hope she doesn't.

"No that sounds perfect."

Eureka didn't comment on the fact I said this was a date. I'm sure if she didn't, she wouldn't have agreed to dinner with me

"Alright let's head in, It's chilly," I say, walking us up the stairs to my townhouse apartment. Living in Brighton Beach Brooklyn New York is like a home away from home. There are many Russians and Russian-speaking immigrants in the area.

Eureka takes it all in. Being patient as I unlocked the front door and head straight for the kitchen. I go to take off her coat and my own. I'm very forward when I'm into a woman.

"I'll be right back. Going to hang these up. Make yourself at home."

Eureka just nods looking around. I retrace my steps back to the door, opening the closet there. I hang hers and my coat. I go back to the kitchen to find Eureka's not there. Instead of calling out to her. I search on a mission to track her down doing so quietly so she wouldn't hear me.

Walking through my home's first floor looking for her, brought a deep smile to my lips. From knowing we are in the same space. She's only steps away from me and not what feels like miles away.

I check the half bathroom beside the kitchen. It's empty. She's not in the living or dining room, so I turn in my tracks heading upstairs. You'd think I'd feel weird about her walking around my place without asking since it's her first time, but I like the freedom she shows around me.

I come up the stairs, seeing my bedroom door open. I overhear Eureka speaking to someone on the phone. She's standing beside my bed looking out the window with her head of tight curls tilted to one side.

"We're just having dinner," Eureka told whoever is on the line.

She's clad in the most skin-tight skinny jeans ever. It's married to her legs and perfect ass I'm not tired from staring at. Trailing up her backside I see she's in another cropped sweater which confirms my speculation.

She has the tiniest waist. Looking tinier from her wide hips.

Damn if I get to hold her tonight, I'll die a happy man.

"At his place Javon. Where else? You know no one is going to restaurants with Corona." Eureka jokes to this Javon person.


"Alright. I'll let you know later when I get home, I promise."

Who's Javon? A friend, brother maybe.

"Bye." Eureka ends her call at the same time I'm now standing directly behind her. I can pinpoint when she realizes since constellations of goosebumps spring upon her neck. I'm surprised I see them when I move her soft fluffy curls to one side.

Leaning in I kiss the back of her neck. Breathing in her tasty scent.

Hmm, Cinnamon never smelt more delicious.

Eureka tenses letting out the smallest moan. I almost don't catch it. Swiftly I turn her around so I can see her reaction to my teasing.

Eureka's brown eyes are now black. Her pupils having dilated. They say your pupils dilate whenever you look at someone you like or attracted to.

"Detka I want to kiss you so bad, but I want to be a gentleman on our first date," I whine.

Eureka leans in peering up at me with those large cat-like eyes. As if she's begging me to kiss her tempting lips. I know once I do kiss her, they'll be no going back for me. She reaches up, gently touching my beard.

Oh, fuck it.

There's no rule saying no kissing on the first date.

I pull her in, our lips come crashing together, softly so right. She holds onto my long-sleeved shirt because she's too short to reach around my neck. Holding me in place. The experience is like no other. It's sensual and wet and heated like she's been waiting her entire life to kiss me.

Somehow it being unplanned makes it even better. I hold her to me. Gripping her neck underneath those thick curls. Leaning in to bridge the gap between our heights. Eureka opens for me tentatively, just enough that I can take things deeper.

Explore her mouth like I hope to explore her. Getting to know every nook every crevice. I feel her kiss me back with her own need as she moans pulling away. I go back in not needing air. Delving with my tongue further than before.

She tastes a bit like mint and chocolate a delicious mix. I can't get enough of her.

"Kira. We-e should slow down." She murmurs.

I know baby. I know. I peck her sweet lips one last time. Leaving them more moist than prior. I set her hair back in place after letting go of her neck. I don't think I've been kissed like that ever. There's just this spark between us.

"Detka, was that alright?"

I hadn't asked for consent. My мать raised me better.

"I apologize for not asking for permission," I say while holding her left cheek. Her skin is so smooth and rich with melanin. It glistens like gold.

"No, it's alright. I wanted to kiss you too. Aren't we supposed to be having dinner?"

"Yes, but you taste so much better. Come let's go. I'm going to change my plan and prepare something that's quick."

Eureka nods. Takes my hand leading the way.

I can't get enough of this woman.


I prepared us a quick one-pot beef less Plov. Which I'd normally make with meat but after discussing with Eureka I didn't add it since she's doesn't eat meat. It's so easy accommodating to her lifestyle preferences. I find myself feeling good being able to care for her needs.

She helped me prepare it too, cutting down the cooking time. It's getting a bit later than I'd want for us to eat dinner. That's what happens when you follow your impulses. I don't regret it.


We sat together at the island. Eating taking undisguised glances at each other. Flirting with our eyes. I watch her chew, swallow and repeat looking sexy. I lick my lips as I stare while Eureka eats.

If she found it annoying, Eureka didn't make it known to me. When we take our last spoon full, I reach over plucking a grain of rice at the corner of her mouth. Eureka shivers, looking at me.

"I was going to eat that." She whines playfully."

I shake my head, scoop the bit left in my bowl holding up my fork to her mouth.

"Here baby."

Eureka didn't have to be told twice. She opens up eating it. For some reason, the sight had me hardening for her down below. I don't know what it is about her, that has me losing my self-control.

"Thank you" Eureka says after she swallows. She leans in and swipes her thumb dangerously slow across my lower lip.

"Here's your reward." Eureka whispers.

Just before coming in for another slow-drawn-out steamy kiss. She playfully nips my lip with her teeth. Leaving a pleasant sting. It makes me lose it. I stand up not breaking the kiss. Picking her up, I set her on the island beside our forgotten bowls.

I grip firm to her luscious thighs stepping between them. At this level, Eureka is able to wrap her hands around my neck. Holding my head. I feel her taking out my hair tie undoing my hair from the loose bun it's in.

At the same time, I've plied her lips open sucking the thicker button one between mine. A breathy moan escapes. Letting me know how good I'm making her feel. Her tiny fingers rake through my mane swimming around my scalp.

I groan out from the added sensation.

"Fuck Detka. That feels good."

She does it again while I go back in crashing our lips together in a swift battle of tongues. Eureka kisses me hard. Until I'm so aroused I'm sure she can feel it against her stomach.

"I want you so bad, Detka." I moan into her ear as I pull away.

Eureka is panting. She continues her play in my hair and I love it. I pick her up again this time wrapping her thighs around my waist. Holding her securely by her ass. My large hands nearly can't contain it all. I have to fight myself from slapping it.

I carry us into the living room sitting on the sofa with Eureka straddling me. This position is setting up for a wild night of fucking. But I won't. At least not tonight.



"Did you know you were my first kiss?"

Say what? She's never been kissed. How is that possible?

How could any man resist this woman?

"Really? It didn't feel like it. You're a great kisser."

"Thank you." Eureka starts. "So what now. That was a great meal by the way. I don't remember if I told you."

"Thank you. I am happy you liked it. Now we talk. I want to get to know you. After maybe if you're up to it, a movie. How does that sound?"

Eureka braces way, granting me with Her beautiful angelic face. She smiles while pulling at the ends of hair falling at my shoulder.

"That's sounds great. What do you wanna know?" Eureka says.

"Everything you're willing to share. I'll do the same. Ask me anything you want to know."


Of course, I start by asking my burning question.

"What do you think about us being together?"

Eureka now sat beside me. Her feet covered in short gray socks are on my lap. She'd removed her boots at my request before we started talking.

"I like you. I'd like to see where this, whatever it is goes. But a word of advice, I've never dated before so I'm new to this. Please bear with me."

Eureka keeps surprising me tonight. I in no way or form judge her, from her lack of dating. I'm just baffled how it's possible.

"Kira say something. Are you regretting asking me?"

Was I in my head that long?

I squeeze the heel of one of her small feet.

"No never. I'm just surprised that's all. You're the most beautiful creature and I can't understand how no one hasn't been with you before. I'm still interested Eureka. Nothing you'll admit could possibly change that."

"How can you be so sure?"

Eureka shifts closer. My love language is definitely physical touch and I think it's the same for her.

"Well, I've been taken by you since we met in Target."

"Hmm? Target. I don't remem-"

I interrupt explaining. "The first time we met was actually in Target earlier this week. Technically you didn't see me, but I saw you. I hadn't even seen your face, just the back of you. But I've liked you ever since."

It felt like the right time to admit this. It's better I clear it up sooner than later.

"Wait really?"

I nod. "Yeah. The day we had the Zoom, I recognized it was you I'd met. Coincidently it just so happens you're my племянник tutor." (Nephew)

"Wow. That's one hell of a coincidence. I've personally never believed in coincidences because I believe everything happens for a reason but this is something like out of a movie."

I know it is. I squeeze her other feet. Massaging out any soreness.

"Ugh, that feels good. Do that again. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything."

"How old are you? I'm 25 by the way."

So we're 2 years apart.

"I'm 27 and Eureka as for what I think about us being together. I wanna be yours-your boyfriend, as I already consider you mine. How do you feel about that?"

She didn't take long to answer.

"I'd like that. I'm yours if you'll have me."

Why does that sound like a proposal?

"Now that we're on the same page. Anything else you want to talk about?" I ask her.

"I think I'm good for tonight we don't have to rush. Let's take our time getting to know each other."

I stop massaging her feet.

"Okay. Still up for that movie or would you like me to take you home?"

"I'd love to but I'm getting tired, and I have to tutor 2 children tomorrow. Next time okay."

I get up and Eureka gets up too. Leaning in I peck her forehead.

"Sure no problem. Let's get you home."

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