《Untouched (BWWM)》Four|Meet in person


It's the following day after I met Kyle's uncle, Kira. His unusual name which I assume is Russian suited him. I knew because Kyle is Russian.

I wasn't prepared when we met.

His strong presence had an aura I felt even beyond my screen. There is something about the way he made my easy job into a pressure test. The way he kept looking at me. His heaty gaze seemed to reflect the fire within his eyes over the screen. He watched me so intensely as if his eyes were his hands touching my skin.

I've never been so taken by a man before. Especially since I hadn't met him in person. Kira is a whole man and a half. Even though he was sitting I could see he's built like a boxer or some lumberjack. His hair gave that impression. He kept it in a messy man bun on top of his head.

Kira's biceps are bigger than one of her thighs and trust me my thighs are big. He looked rugged, in all the best ways. From his bushy beard which he kept somewhat neat, his clothes. The fierceness in his amber eyes could set ablaze anyone who came too close. He certainly lit a fire within me leaving my skin feeling warm and hot, like I was standing out in the sun.

All in all, Kira is sexy. Not like the men I normally find attractive. Usually, It's those shorter dark-haired pale lean with swimmer bodies like Michael Phelps I'm fawning at. But Kira is the opposite.

But it's not like I'd get a chance to admit it anyway. I'll most likely never see him again. Men like him are 10/10 always taken.

I have no luck with love. I have no luck with men.

It never seems to visit me. I've never been in love. Heck, I've never been kissed. You could say I have no drop of experience when it comes to the opposite sex.

The closest I've come to love is in the platonic sense with my best friend Javon. Which doesn't count since it's not romantic. Javon and I have been friends since we were 12. We've been with each other through many ups and downs.

He was there when I lost my grandfather who passed away after contracting COVID. He was there when I got my first real job when I got into college when I graduated and applied to graduate school.

And I was there for him too. When he first came out. When he dated his first boyfriend. When he'd gotten his heartbroken. When his father who hadn't accepted his sexuality ran out on his family to be with another woman 20 years his junior.

Javon is the closest person to me who isn't related by blood. I bet if I told him about Kira he'd cheer me on saying I should go for it. Sadly due to the pandemic, I haven't seen him in person in over 7 months.

We do make time for each other to chat over the phone, text, and what's App, but it's not the same. I miss his extrovert loud vibrant personality that balances out my own.



"Wait Eureka, let me get this straight."

Javon says through the video. He's dressed comfortably and at home. Laying on his bed. We share the same beautiful dark skin and brown eyes.

I'm sitting in my favorite chair in my living room. Wrapped in an oversized robe I borrowed from my mom but haven't returned.

He sat up now. So I know I'm in for a serious conversation with my closest friend.

"You met this fine ass man and you didn't do anything. Did you at least get his number?" Javon asks.

"No," I said. "I was working Javon. It wouldn't have been professional of me."

He shook his head from side to side. "Screw being professional. I would have typed mine in the chat. Your student probably wouldn't have noticed."

I hadn't even thought of that.

"Let me guess you didn't think of it?" Javon jokes. He smiles showing his clear white teeth. He knows me so well.

"I didn't. But enough about me. What's going on with you these days?"

Javon's expression shifted. He put on a serious face which has me instantly questioning what he's about to reveal. The last time I checked in with him nothing was wrong.

Could things have changed so much since then?

"I have some exciting news to share."

"What is it?" I ask.

Javon just smirks as my curiosity continues to build. He knows I hate surprises. I just want him to spit it out already.

"I'm engaged!" Javon screamed out.

"Really. Since when! How come I'm just hearing about this?" I squeak out with my own share of excitement. If anyone deserves all the happiness in the world, it's Javon. He's been through so much.

"It's been about a week. I got so caught up in the initial planning and with this COVID shit, I totally forgot to tell you. Don't hold it against me. You know our lives are not normal right now."

I wish I could be next to him. I'd give him the warmest hug of congratulations. Since I'm not I'll have to settle for the next best thing.

"It's okay boo. I know. I'm so happy for you. I can't believe Chris proposed. Did you suspect it? Wait how did he propose?"

Javon sat up even straighter jumping with joy and happiness. He leans in explaining it all in detail. After that, we caught up some more. I'll be his maid of honor and best woman at his wedding and I can't wait. Javon decided to wait towards the end of the year to see how the pandemic plays out before setting a date and I agreed. It makes the most sense right now.

We ended our catching up after Javon made me promise to ask Kyle's mom on my next tutoring session for Kira's number. I have some reservations about going through with this since for all I know he's not even into black women but I ended up agreeing.

You never know right.

I went to have some lunch.


Since I'm not scheduled with Kyle until the day after tomorrow, I have to wait another whole day to get Kira's number.


I have another student in 2 hours so I decide to chill and start watching a new show on Netflix called Bridgeton. It was surprisingly really good. I love the aesthetic of their clothes. There's a nice sprinkling of people of color on the screen. All in all, episode one left me hooked right away with the juiciness from Lady Whistledown's paper, to relating with Daphne.

I couldn't wait so I started episode two right after finishing the first one. I won't be able to finish it. It's an hour-long and I'm getting close to time. I'll watch it after since I have only one student today, a young girl name Aliyah.

As I start getting into the episode. The sudden ring of my cellphone scares me.

Who could it be?

I press pause. Picking up the phone to my ear without looking at who it is. Nothing and I mean nothing, could have prepared me for who was on the line.

"Hello, Eureka it's Kira."

Fuck me sideways. Kira is calling me. Wait how did he get my number?

Calm down Eureka. I inhale gathering my composer, before saying.


Really is that all you could think to say.

"I got your number from my Ceptpa. I hope you don't mind." He says.

"Oh no, it's okay."

"Great. Can I take you out for dinner tonight at 8?" He asks.

Wow. I didn't see that coming. He got my number to ask me out. Dinner though. There aren't any restaurants open for dine-in, just take-out. Take out is fine.

"Eureka. You still there Detka?"

At the last word, Kira's accent got even heavier sounding like heaven. Hearing his rough voice in my ears made warmth settle between my legs.

"I'm here. Dinner sounds great."

I couldn't get over how breathy my voice sounds.

"Perfect. Send me your address and I'll see you then. I can't wait to see you in person again."


"Okay. I have to tutor in 2 minutes so I'll send it as soon as I'm done. See you in a bit."

"Bye Detka. See you later." Kira answer back.

"Bye," I tell him.

Why is it every time he says that word, I feel flushed? I wonder what's the meaning. I should Google it later.


I didn't get to Google it.

By the time I closed the Zoom with Aliyah I had just enough time to shower, get dressed, and style my hair in a way that didn't look like a giant hand weaved basket on top of my head.

I decided while I added the finishing touches to my makeup I'd just ask him. My outfit is kept on the casual cute side, with a pair of skinny ripped jeans, a black turtle neck cropped sweater complete with my favorite black chunky heel booties, pointed at the front. I accessorize with a simple GG belt and a gold necklace. I'll wear my winter jacket of course.

I kept my makeup simple just Fenty lip gloss and thin eyeliner. I don't usually wear foundation and my hair is done into a half-up, half-out style from a 2-day old wash n go. Day 2 and 3 always looks the best in my opinion. My hair gets more volume.

As soon as I fix the top knot into the perfect position, I hear my doorbell.

He's here.

Right on time too. My chest tightens with slight nervousness. I know we've met already but it's totally different when you're meeting in person for the first time. Like what if he looks different in person. What if I don't find him attractive? What if he doesn't find me attractive?

I'm not insecure about my body but these are real fears. I grab my phone, my wallet, and keys. Going to the door.

Pulling the door open. Finding a devilishly strong smiling Kira. He's tall, like a mountain, two heads above my 5'4. Wide shoulders, built but not too built, long strong legs.

Working my way up I see his Amber eyes burning down on me. His nose is straight and pointed. Sharp bearded jawline and his brown hair tied back.

"Detka you look beautiful. Ready to go?"

My thighs jut together hearing his mother tongue. Damn, he sounds like a dark angel.

"Hmm. I'm ready."

He peers down at me. His eyebrow arching. Taking my hand in his Kira leads me out. The door slams shut locking itself.

We head down to the elevator. Looking up I find him watching me. While his tongue swipes across his lower lip. I don't know how I'll get through the night with this sexy man.

Kira presses for the first floor. When the elevator arrives we step in. Say something Eureka.

"Was it hard finding my building?"

He turns to me.

"No Detka but thanks for asking."

There's that word again.

"I heard you say that word before, Det-ta. What does it mean?"

Kira gets even closer. Standing in front me. He takes my chin between his fingers so our eyes meet. Licking his lips again.

"Eureka Detka not Detta. It means baby in Russian."

Oh. The whole time he was saying, baby. I didn't think that's what it meant. I like it.

"Come. Let's go." Kira leads us outside to his huge truck. It suits him. But how am I going to get in?

He unlocks the door. Opening it for me. I go to embarrass myself by attempting to climb up. Kira beats me to it. Effortlessly scooping me up onto the seat. With him being so close I get a hint of his cologne and natural woodsy scent.

It hits me like a cool sheltering breeze on a hot day. I breathe him in. Kira even does my seatbelt for me leaving me surprised after he warmly kisses my forehead. His lips are soft on my skin.

Kira quickly climbs in. He buckles up and turns to me.

"Detka, you haven't seen anything yet."

Hopefully, I'll survive this dinner keeping my wits. I can only hope.

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