《Untouched (BWWM)》Three|The family


"Uncle Kira. I missed you." My племянник Kyle squeaks out as soon as I come through the door. (Nephew)

He's a ball of energy and love. Throwing his small body into my opened arms. I brace myself with ease and practice picking him up. Kyle beams brightly at me so wide the dimple in his left cheek peeks out.

"I missed you too. Give me a hug."

He does wrapping his small arms around my neck. Not too tight but enough so I can feel he's secure in my arms. I close the door behind me stepping into his home. My older sister's, Katina.

Our mother really was obsessed with the letter K, so much she named us all names beginning with K.

Katina continued this tradition with her firstborn Kyle and her 4-month-old twins, Khioniya and Khristina. Speaking of Katina she comes around the corner carrying one infant while Michail holds the other.

"You made it brother. It's good to see you." Katina says.

I get closer to her and her husband. Leaning in I plant a kiss on the forehead of each of my nieces. I still can't tell them apart. Each smile cheeky up at me. Their skin is still so pale. Both their eyes are deep blue like their father's.

"You know I could never disappoint my favorite nephew."

Katina and Michail lead us into their sitting room. While Kyle is laughing away at my bad joke.

"Uncle Kira I'm your only nephew." He gets out chuckling at me.

I shake my head joking along with him. Katina shakes her head in a motherly nature at the two of us. She sits beside her husband. I sit across from them with Kyle who slides onto my lap.

I run my hand through his hair which he's growing out to reach the same length as mine. If I had a son I'd want him to be just like my nephew.

"How's everything going?" I ask. Directing the question to either Katina or Michail.

Their home is awfully quiet today. Michail is the first to answer.

"We're hanging in there with everything going on with the pandemic, the newborns. Just trying to take it one step at a time. Viktor and Lada just went up for a nap before you arrived."

"Oh okay. Hopefully, mom and dad, wake up before I leave."

I turn to Kyle pinching his cheeks.

"So bud what are we doing today."

Kyle turns facing me. He gets excited all over again probably from thinking about what we'll do. His amber eyes which are the same shade as my own twinkle with childlike wonder.

Everything seen behind those eyes is a world without hate or violence. He knows not yet of our broken world, of the sick bodies filled with fear and sadness, not of racism and its perpetuated cycle of brutality on others.

"Uncle Kira. Did you hear what I said?"

Kyle says.

"What was that?"

I pay attention this time.

"Lets play the new game daddy got me, and later I have tutoring with Ms. Eureka."

Ms. Eureka? I haven't heard of her before. I thought he was off from school, but he still has tutoring.


Hence why he's so smart for his age. I looked to Katina who nods confirming what her son said.

"Kyle has tutoring at 3 to 5 pm today with Ms. Eureka. It's usually from 3 to 6, but since I knew you were coming to spend time with him, I shortened it. Kyle didn't want to. He loves his tutor."

"Yeah Uncle Kira," Kyle interrupts. "She's the best tutor I've ever had. She's pretty. Do you want to meet her later?"

Again I glance at Katina making sure that's okay. Even though I'm his uncle she's still his parent.

"That's alright Katina?" I ask.

Katina smiles agreeing. "Yeah remind Kyle to let Ms. Eureka know though so she's prepared. Have him down in my office at 2:55 so he can get on the Zoom."

"Okay. Let's go bud. Where's this game we're playing?"

Kyle bounces off my lap. Grabbing my hand leading the way upstairs to his room. His little feet almost running at how happy he is at the prospect of our play date.

I make it a priority to try and see him at least twice a month. Sometimes it's once if I'm busy with work. We had to see each other less and less when COVID first started just for precaution for mom and dad who live with Katina. Being that they're older they're high risk.

Katina and I didn't want to risk it for the first 6 months until things started slowing down.

Kyle's room is large for a seven-year-old. The walls are a pale grey. There's a full-size bed covered in batman theme bedding. His curtains and rug are also batman-themed. There's a TV and 2 seater sofa in front of it in the corner, the door on the left connects to his closet. My nephew even though most would consider him spoiled is very humble.

Kyle pulls me onto his sofa. I watch as he goes and turns on his TV and game system. I'm not sure which one as I'm not into video games. I only ever play when I'm with him.

The TV comes on showing its a Playstation five. Kyle gets the 2 controllers and comes back, handing me one. Sitting beside me he boots up the game. I'm sure he's going to beat me as always but I'll try my best.

The game that loads is some car racing game. In the first race, Kyle beats me. I swear the kid is a genius. Either that or I just suck. We play for the next hours. Only breaking for lunch and to watch one of those Disney movies all the kids these days are obsessed with. Frozen 2 I think it's called.

It was actually good.

By the time it comes around for Kyle's tutoring I'm burnt out. I don't know how his parents have enough energy for him. Kyle and I head downstairs to Katina's office.

It's time to meet this Ms. Eureka person.


Inside Katina's office, Kyle and I sit in front his mom's desktop. One of those widescreen ones you'll see in a college library. I'm not surprised when I see Kyle knows how to sign into his zoom meeting. I move away when he's clicking the options to un-mute and join with the camera on/off.


"Kyle don't forget to let your tutor know I'll be here today."


Kyle's focus on the screen. His packet which he's working on sits on the table below the keyboard and mouse. In his left hand is a wooden pencil.

The Zoom session starts. I stare at Kyle taking in the change in his appearance when he sees his tutor.

"Hi, Ms. Eureka. My uncle is here with me today."

"Hello, Kyle. I don't see your uncle."

Kyle nudges me. Right, I'm supposed to meet his tutor. Turning away from Kyle I plant my gaze on the screen.

Low and behold I see the most beautiful dark skin woman staring back on the other side. Her face is so tiny and round. She smiles.

"Hello, Kyle's uncle. My name is Eureka Campbell, but you can call me Ms. Eureka."

Oh fuck. Her voice is smooth like an angel.

Wait a second. Why does she seem familiar?

"Uncle Kira," Kyle says.

"Nice to meet you Eureka. I'm Kira Kyle's uncle."

Eureka waves. Then she jumps up out of her seat.

"Sorry Kyle, sorry Kira. Give me a second. I forgot to get a bottle of water for when I get thirsty. I'll be right back."

Kyle responds. "Okay, we'll be here."

With his confirmation. Eureka turns around showing us her backside as she leaves the room to get her water. That's when the spell of recognition hits me. From behind, I see the resembles.

She's her. The girl from Target yesterday. My Detka.

At the same time, I recognize her my eyes drop to her retreating ass. In loose joggers going into another room.

Fuck me. Now that's an ass. She's very thick with curves in all the right places.

Eureka comes back and I get the pleasure of seeing her front. She's wearing a long-sleeved university shirt. It's covering everything but leaves nothing to the imagination. I can see underneath there's the tiniest waist, maybe a flat stomach, and the most perfect sized breast which sits snug above.

Below thick thighs so voluptuous couples her wide-set hips that swell out to form her hourglass figure.

Damn, I have to make her mine. She's fucking perfect. Detka you were made for me.

At that thought my cock painfully swells within my pants. Shit don't tell me I'm getting hard beside my nephew. I close my eyes thinking of things like dead cats, to make the growing bulge subside. Once I've gathered myself I come to.

Seeing Ms. Eureka is back in her seat. She looks at me then turns to Kyle as she catches my eyes on her. I zone out as she gives instructions to Kyle beside me.

The only thing I see is her supple naturally pouty lips moving. I'd do anything to be able to teleport through the screen in order to devour those lips.

Ms. Eureka. Where have you been all my life?

Even her name is beautiful. It suits her. I wonder what she thought when she saw me. For the remainder of their session, I watched her face so intently that when I close my eyes I can picture every detail. Her dark smooth skin, round cat eyes, long lashes, small button nose, and pouty sweet-looking lips. I could see all of it. As if it was permanently inked in my mind, as if her face is in front of me. And what an angelic face it is.


"Okay, Kyle you did great today. I'll see you in two days."

"Really? See you then. Bye."

"Yes, bye Kyle. It was nice meeting you Kyle's uncle."

Eureka waves at us then the Zoom ends by the host. Which I'm assuming is her. Who knew she'd be so close to me already when I saw her yesterday.

Kyle focuses on me now.

"Isn't she pretty uncle Kira?"

I couldn't agree more with Kyle. Yes, she is.

"She's beautiful," I tell him. We get up from behind Katina's desk. Katina comes into the room. Her son runs over to her. She rubs the top of his head, peering down at him with motherly love.

"How'd it go моя любовь?" Katina asks.

(My love)

"Great momma. Uncle Kira thinks Ms. Eureka's pretty too."

Katina smirks. "Oh really now. Go wash up and get ready for dinner."

"Okay. I'll be back uncle Kira."

Kyle waves as he runs out of the room. To follow his mother's instructions. Katina hones in on me. Here goes the grilling.

"So you think Eureka is pretty. Do you like her? If you do I can set you guys up."

Hmm. Really now. Have I mentioned I love my older sister? Well, I do. I could pay her a million dollars at this moment with how ecstatic hearing her say this makes me. There's no use in pretending I don't.

"I do. Eureka is beautiful. Is she with someone?"

Please say no.

"No. Not that I know of. I can find out. Do you want my help младший брат?"

(Younger brother)

I can't help the devious smirk when I hear she's single. Perfect. It's even better than I thought.

"No. All I need is her number. I'll take care of the rest сестра. Спасибо."

(сестра-sister, Спасибо-thank you)

Katina laughs out loud. She comes over patting me on my back. Katina is an inch taller than Kasia. Tallness runs in our genes.

"I'll text it to you before you go. Remind me."

Why couldn't she do it now?

Katina scrunches up her eyebrows like she read my mind. She laughs again as we exit her office.

Mom and dad are sitting in the living room watching the news. I go to greet them.

"Mom, dad. How are you?"

Mom gets up.

"Boy come here and give your mamb a hug. I haven't seen you in over three weeks."

I go in for her hug. Warming the way only her hug can put a soft blanket over me. Lada the woman who is the matriarch of the Bychkov family. Strong-willed with a stubbornness that yields to no one. Not even the love of her life Viktor Bychkov.

Their love is something I grew up aspiring to have one day. Now having found Eureka I hope she's the one I'll have it with.


племянник - nephew.

моя любовь - my love.

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