《Untouched (BWWM)》One|A normal night


"I don't understand, Ms. Eureka."

Mumbles the cutest little seven-year-old. His name is Kyle. He's a head of brown wavy curls, a round face with a small nose, and light brown eyes that look golden brown depending on the lighting he's in.

If I were next to him I'd squeeze him tight, pinch his cheeks. But I'm not so instead I smile and make funny faces until a smile captures his pout from before.

Kyle loosens up. He's one of the children I'm tutoring this school year over Zoom. He's kind, smart, and quite sensitive for his age.

"It's okay. I'll explain it again. Don't worry soon you'll understand how to multiply." I promise.

I went about thinking how to simplify my explanation so he'll grasp my instructions. When I break it down again Kyle went about solving the problem until he gets the answer for question ten.

He looks up from his winter packet and smiles so wide you can see his two new front teeth still growing in.

These are the moments that make me love my job.

"I did it. I did it. Are you proud of me?"

I nodded first. "Of course I am. I knew you could do it. Let me see you attempt the next question."

Kyle nods his head excitedly and gets to it. He's the sweetest little kid. I watch like I'm his proud mom as he reads out loud the instructions for the question. He works on it and I watch through my screen. Sadly with the current pandemic I'm only able to tutor through zoom or Microsoft teams these days.

The COVID-19 health crisis came out of nowhere and shook up the world for everyone. Not just my own. Things I'd taken for granted like seeing my friend, working in person, even something as simple as taking public transportation was affected.

No longer could I tutor inside homes but instead through a computer screen, to practice social distancing. I love my job, love making children smile, but I'd hate to put any of them or their families at risk.

"Ms. Eureka, I'm finished. Look."

Kyle's soft voice is heard from my old HP computer. I lean in closer so I can make out his handwriting on the white sheet. Carefully I check his work and conclude he answered the question correctly.

Giving him a thumbs up. One of the hand gestures I've established to make the Zoom sessions easier with my children. Kyle immediately knows he didn't make a mistake. Kyle bounces in his seat happy I've affirmed his confidence.

We continue like this for the next hour. Kyle attempting each question after reading the instructions then answering them after, then showing me his work to double check. After the hours is up I end the Zoom session letting him and his mom know I'll see them for the next scheduled session, at our usual time like always.

Kyle and Ms. Mordukhayev wave goodbye before I end the zoom. Kyle is my last student for today. So now I'm done for today.


What to do now?

My stomach grumbles as I think this. I guess it's time for dinner. It's a bit after six now. My tutoring with Kyle is for 3 hours on the days I'm scheduled with him after he finishes school remotely.

I normally eat dinner around eight but I guess since I had such a light lunch, is why I'm so hungry now. Getting up from my dining room table, I stretch my legs for the first in the last few hours. I tutored two children today with an hour in between. So when I had lunch was the last time I got up from my seat.

My legs ache a bit but feel better as I walk into the kitchen of my tiny apartment. I head straight for the refrigerator opening to see what's ready to eat. I have leftovers, some soups I made two nights before, salmon and somewhat burnt cinnamon rice beside it from the same night.

Hmm. What to eat?

Both sound great but I kind of want something fresh to eat. I bend down to the lower part of the refrigerator to assess if there's anything I can whip up real quick. Looking through the draws I see nothing.

Just one onion, a small piece of garlic, and two red bell peppers. The other draw is empty. No other vegetable inside it, and when I open the freezer I see some frozen fish but that'll need time to defrost. Defeating the purpose of a quick cook time.

I was supposed to go grocery shopping yesterday. This is what I get for being lazy and sleeping in on a Sunday then waking up to waste the day away watching anime on Crunchyroll. I get an empty refrigerator. I smirk at my little joke closing the door.

My only options now are one to eat these leftovers or two to go out into the cold for a supermarket run.

It's annoying having to but I decide to go with option two right away. The closest thing is Target. It's a 25-minute bus ride away. If I take an Uber then 15. Uber it is. Shuffling out the kitchen I go into my room to change into some warmer clothes.

Removing the oversized T-shirt I had on. I replace it with an equally oversized cropped olive green sweater. The fabric is thick and warm even though it falls about above my stomach showing my navel if I'm not wearing high-waisted pants. Instead of the cotton pajama pants I wore, I get into some washed-out denim jeans that fit me perfectly. They have that slightly stretchy fabric that is a perfect match with my extra thick thighs.

With that, I'm dressed and warm. I step into some low black uggs and complete the outfit with my black winter coat which I leave unbuttoned since I get hot easily and I'll be inside a car anyway.

I leave my room after grabbing my small wallet and putting on some Blistex over my lips to keep them from chapping. Thankfully my coily thick hair is already secured up in a fluffy puff above my head, so I don't have to touch my personal hell that's my 3C/4A natural hair.


An Uber is called. Whoever invented this service needs a Noble peace prize. While I wait I head to the kitchen to grab some of those recyclable grocery bags just three because that's the amount I can carry on my own and I don't plan to get too much.

At least it's the plan but one never knows when they go to Target. Since it's like the items in the store always seem to magically pile up one by one by the time I'm done shopping whenever I go there. I swear I always go on a Target run for like 4 or 5 things and always leave with way more than I originally came for.

Checking my phone I see the Uber is 1 minute away. I go out locking my apartment and taking the elevator down so they don't have to wait for me. I have no idea what I'm going to cook. I'll just be inspired when I start shopping or anything that excites my palate.

It arrives so I go out searching for the black Toyota Camry. The car is in the apartment lot near the entrance to the complex. I spot it right away checking the license plate before climbing in back.

I'm welcomed by a middle-aged man. He greets me. Then asked the question I can't wait to not hear ever again.

"Do you have a mask?"

Oh, right I'm not wearing a face mask. I search my jacket pocket and find one of the blue surgical ones most people wear. Putting it on correctly covering my nose I look up seeing the driver cutting his eyes at me. I don't acknowledge it since it's my fault for forgetting to have my mask on.

He drives off to Target. I turn my head looking out the window. Well, at least he didn't kick me out.


You'd think on a Monday night Target wouldn't be busy but it is. At least busier than I expect when I walk inside pushing the red cart. I guess I wasn't the only person who needs groceries or whatever else everyone comes to purchase. I navigate my way through the lines of people waiting for self check out and the registers to go to the food area within the store.

Starting with the essentials, a box of cereal, soy milk, I get some plant-based microwaveable stuff for when I don't want to cook. Going up and down I decided to prepare something simple tonight. I get a pack of clams, shrimp, mussels, and healthy vegetable spaghetti noodles. Which I'll make into like a creamy seafood pasta dish, maybe a fresh salad to go with it.

I'm one of those people who even though consider themselves plant-based will still always eat seafood. I'll never give it up. I haven't had meat in over a year and I don't miss it either surprisingly.

My cart is not quite full but by the time I'm going to the self check out looks like I've gotten way more things than planned once again.

Inline I scroll through my phone. The time is 7:50 pm. So I'll be having a late dinner but that's okay. It's moving at a good pace.

In front of me, there is a cute little family. An Asian man and a black woman. They have a son and a daughter standing beside them. I watch the kids talk to each other close to their parents.

The guy is holding his partner's hand while they keep an eye on their children.

Will I ever have that?

I don't know but I'm hopeful. Soon they're called by the staff wearing a red blouse to their open station. Not long after a spot opens for me and I go to scan my items, bag them carefully and pay with my debit card.

It's nice being able to afford your own groceries. I saved some money too. Good job for me.

Leaving the self-checkout area I go to the front but don't exit. I have to get another Uber and it doesn't make sense waiting out in the cold. So I sit my bags down to the side and stand next to them in the corner.

With nothing else to do I people watch those coming in and out. Moments like these remind me I really need to learn to drive so I can get a car.


This why I stick to 3 bags. Somehow while holding them I get into my apartment complex and into the elevator. One out of the three is extra heavy. Just grin and bear it Eureka. Think of the delicious food you'll be eating soon.

The elevator ascends and a sigh of relief leaves me as I'm able to put the heaviest bag down. Another set of hands would come in handy right now.

The door opens letting someone on. I shuffle over to make room for them. Minding my business I see the next floor is me. Finally, I get there. The elevator door opens. I get my bags and step out going straight for my apartment. I'm so tired but I make it there, open the door, and get in. Leaving the bags by the door.

I have to use the bathroom. I hadn't used it before I left. I run to the bathroom unbuckling my pants then nearly ripping my underwear in haste to sit on the toilet to pee.

"Ahh. That feels good."

Thank god I live alone. I don't think I could bear someone being privy to all the embarrassing things I do on a daily.

Time to go make dinner.

Today is like any other day and I love that. I'm a lover of routines and familiarity. Basically, someone who is allergic to change. The only thing missing though is some company but I'm alright with it just being me and obsidian.

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