《Tale of the mage hero [Completed]》The Vault


Niko says as he opens the vault. "Thanks." I reply. "Let's go staffy." Mmm.

"Staffy, you go gather up all the money. Put the gems, metals and ingredient stuff in one pile, and the equipment stuff in another. I'm gonna go look at the spells and books..."


"Nah, my reading skill will absorb the books knowledges and spells so I can do it myself."

30 minutes pass. Then another 30. And another 10.

"Phew. I got all the books knowledge. How you doing staffy?"

I get the equipment fixed up?"

I sigh. "Yeah. That would be best." Let's see here... oh! He sorted them so neatly! All the metals and gems are neatly arranged together, the alchemical stuff is the same as well! "This is great! Thanks staffy! Did you take what you needed/wanted yet?" compared to the metals and gems. Go through them and we'llHe says back. I nod not really caring if he sees me.

Let's seem what we got in regards to metals and gems... we got the basics: zinc, iron, copper, silver, brass. Then we got tons of mithril, steel, platinum, and ebony.

Then we got jewels like diamonds, emeralds, jades, pearls, and sapphires. We also got elemental stones: wind, water, fire, ice, lightning, and earth with varying purities and sizes.

Next is the ingredients. We got seeds and saps, and plants for health mana and stamina potions, then we got the exotic ones like pheonix feathers and tears, yada yada blah blah blah. Don't really care much about that stuff I'll probably just hand them to Naofumi or something.(A/N not gonna lie I got a dope idea and lack info on rpg alchemy stuffs soooo....)

"I'm so booooored." I sigh as I run my hand through my hair. I just wanna fly around and snipe things like in knights and magic and infinite stratos and other mecha magic anime. I glance around the room. "If only I knew how to make a working skeleton. Staffy could power it up for sure! Wait... that's It!

"Staffy! You remember my entire life right? Even the things I've forgotten?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I got an idea. An epicly awesome totally tubular idea! Let's build ourselves a mecha!!!!!! You can be the hub/support AI like in the anime and manga!!! What do you think?!"


"Easy. Comb through my memories and put together all the compiled info. Start now. I'll grab everything here and we'll ride out to Erhards shop asap. Can you do that?"


It took about 30 minutes to get everything and 15 to find Niko and say our goodbyes. I told him we were going back to town and we'd be back soon but he gave us a entrance ring so we can come back at any point in time. Staffy ate it and then we rushed back to erhards to talk about the prospective project.

I wonder how Yuuki, Umbra, Damien and Grimm are doing with Naofumi and the others?

~Meanwhile with said people~


"Hehehe. "

"Why the hell are you guys here and in my party?!"


"I don't know! My Lady just said that we needed to leave cause it was too dangerous and we were gonna be on loan to you for a while!"





~back to yours truly~

Eh, I'm sure they're fine. "ERHARD! GET OUT HERE!!!" I screech in the shop. No response. "ERHARD! I GOT A BIG PROJECT THAT YOU'LL DEFINETLY FIND INTRIGUING!" I hear thudding footsteps before the bald hulk appears. "What is it?"

"First let's talk time wise. This is a seriously big project that'll need your full attention, I need it before the second wave. So you'll need to close your shop for a while. I of course understand you'll be losing money and maybe even customers but I've prepared for such a thing! I've got plenty of money and rare metals to cover the costs if your willing. And I'll even ask the queen to help if that's not enough! But this next waves gonna be a doozy and you're the only blacksmith I know and can trust."

He has a stern look on his face, but I have an even sterner look on mine. He sighs. "What's the job?" I smile. "Do you accept the call?" He grunts. "If it's as serious as you say I'll take it into serious consideration." I nod. "Good. But we can't talk about it here. It's super duper top secret. I have to go talk to the old lady in the magic shop, so I'll have staffy take you to our base and he'll give you the play by play. Staffy if you would?"

"Staffy?" Says with a confused expression before he and staffy disappear in a flash of light. I seal the store with powerful magic and flip the closed sign so no one can enter or steal anything. Next I head the the magic shop and flip the sign before using sealing magic and heading to the back room where I see the old magic store lady.


She greets me with a frown and says "you may be a hero and a powerful magic user but it's rude to disrupt an old lady's livelyhood." I reply back, "you say that but I know that the royal palace took all your crystal balls for the other heroes. They didn't even give me any... and I'm the mage hero! But I'm here on top secret business... I have foreseen the next waves of catastrophe and know that they only get alot worse. These first 2 waves were a test of our strength and coordination as heroes. The next ones will show no mercy and devastate many more. The shield and I are the only heroes who are taking your guys safety into account. I know have family in life village so you must know that I was there defending it alongside the shield. You must also have heard about the foolishness of the other heroes. I'm working on a secret weapon that will work in tandem with my staff. I need your help to do it. It's a magic weapon akin to a golem. But it's a concept from my world, I want to put it into action but I lack knowledge and true skill in magic to do so. I need your wisdom to help me finalize this weapon. I will compensate you handsomely! There many other magic concepts on a much smaller scale that i can give to you. I even have money to compensate for the losses of closing your store for a time! I just recently acquired the materials for it but I need it before the next wave comes! Please help me obaa-sama!" I bow in a dogeza pose before her as I speak.

It's silent for a long while before she laughs and says, "it's an interesting prospect. I'd be glad to take a look, and I DO have more faith in you and the shield hero than that idiotic spear hero. He tried to tax people so much that they almost couldn't live! Hmph. Such nonsense. No need to bow deary, these old eyes see through lies! I know you're words are true and you are a honest young lady. I'd be glad to help." I stand and smile. "Thank you baa-sama! I promise it'll be worth your while! Let's go Niko!"

We disappear in a flash of light only to appear in the vault. I guide obaa-sama to the vault before I make my presence known. "So, is it possible to make it?" I nod towards the base suit picture.

He hums in thought. "It is indeed possible. But it'll be difficult and take alot of parts, materials and time." I sigh. That's disappointing but to be expected. "How about the smaller one? The larger one i wasn't really expecting to be done so easily but hoe about the smaller frame?" I point toward the body suit mech.

"That's doable. It's a fairly new concept to me but it's not really difficult to process. I can easily have it done a day or 2 before the next wave is due!" I sigh in relief. "That's good. I'll help out so I can learn how to forge... we'll get it done quicker that way and we can start on the larger one. Obaa-sama, I'll need your help with magic protection spells and stuff for it... but I also would like to learn how to make golems... and perfect my magic skills, can I count on you to help me with these things? Please?"

She laughs heartily. "Such an earnest young lady. Of course I'll help you! You remind me of myself when I was your age." Erhard grins, I smile and obaa-sama laughs. We get to work and before I know it, a few days pass.

I realize I forgot something. "Damien and the others!" I shout as I slam my hands on the book on reading with Jenna(obaa-sama). "I'm sorry but I've gotta go get them! Can I leave you guys here with Niko?" I say to Erhard and Jenna as I grab Staffy. "We're fine! Go get your party members mahou-shoujo." "Fufufufu. He's right, we'll just take a break for now. Niko makes the finest tea after all!"

"Thanks!" I call back as I exit the dungeon. Where would they be? I should check the bakery first... I gotta talk to sherry about that slave seal thing anyway... I can't keep him without it, but I won't brand him without permission. Is there no other way to ensure no betrayal?

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