《In A Heartbeat - Larry Stylinson [complete]》Chapter 17


A.N.: sorry, I didn't want it to take so long! don't know what happened actually? (alhtough I had a GIANT writer's block) on the bright side it's the longest chapter I've ever posted in this story (which isn't that long actually, but yeah)

There WONT be smut in the next chapter, but as I've gotten a lot of response, there WILL be (although probably badly written) smut in the story

oh, and thank you all for the votes (like wow! ily :D) It means the world to me.

Sorry for the big ass authour note, enjoy the chapter please. Sorry it ends where it does, but I didn't want to let you wait even longer :/

comment or vote and I'll love you fiveever x


The next day, Harry found himself standing in front of the classroom at a time that (in Harry’s opinion) was way too early to do anything yet, let alone attend classes. He sighed and opened the door. The boy was actually a couple of minutes late, but fortunately his history teacher held a soft spot for him, so she let him through without giving him too much trouble for it.

Harry quickly spotted the bleached hair of his friend at the end of the classroom and made his way over.

“Hi, Nialler,” he greeted, his voice still sleepy. Afterwards he took his textbook out, opening it at page 74: The russian revolutions.

As Harry didn’t get any response, he glanced in between the curls, that were hanging in front of his eyes, at his friend. He was surprised by the sight.

Niall’s gaze was set on anywhere but Harry, a sour expression on his face. He looked mad, very mad. Eyes-squinted-out-of-anger mad. An emotion you’d rarely connect to Niall.

“Hi?” Harry tried again.

This finally got a reaction out of the blonde boy, as he decided to give Harry his attention.

“ ‘Hi’, that’s all you’ve got?” Niall hissed, venom covering his words.

He didn’t get an answer, only a confused Harry. Niall lost it at this, turning a page of his textbook with much more force than necessary before speaking up again.

“I’ve called you 5 times, yesterday. I’ve texted you even more. But no, not once an answer. And then you just say ‘Hi’, don’t even bother with apologising?”

Harry took his phone out of the pocket of his jeans. Because he had been late this morning and too tired, he hadn’t bothered with picking new clothes out, just taking the ones he had been wearing the day before.

Niall was right. 5 missed calls and 8 text messages, all send between 11 P.M. the day before and 1 A.M. that morning.

“Oh,” Harry uttered, feeling bad for leaving his friend in the dark. Literally.

“Oh? Well, Harry, you really know how to apologise these days. Don’t want to be too nice or polite, do we?”

“Styles, Horan, cut it out! I’m trying to teach!” Ms Flack called from the front of the class, while writing something on the blackboard.

Niall continued his rant, but quietened his tone.

“I waited for hours outside. No sign of Zayn, no signs from your side either. When I came back your dorm room was empty and Zayn hadn’t came back to mine either. And the whole fucking time I could hear creepy wolf howls from the side you had headed to.”

He shakily breathed,

“I was so fuckin’ worried! And then you parade in here like nothing happened, not even understanding why I’m not in a good mood!”


Harry wanted to apologise, but was cut off by an even more irritated ms Flack.

“Niall Horan, what did I just say? Stop talking! Show some respect. Besides it’s not like you don’t need to pay attention with those marks of you.”

The two boys turned to their notes and started to copy what had been written on the blackboard. As the attention of their teacher was finally averted, Harry tried to talk to Niall again.

“I’m so sorry, Niall,” he breathed, barely making any sound, but still enough so his friend could hear him, “I didn’t think. I know it’s not an excuse but I just forgot about my phone. I didn’t mean to hurt you or anything. I’m really sorry! Is there any way that I can do to make it up to you?

With full knowledge that Niall couldn’t ever resist them, Harry used his puppy eyes to win his friend over. As Niall groaned, more out of amusement than anger, he knew that his plan had worked.

“ C’mon Harry. You know I can’t stand that look.” He pouted for a while, but had then seemed to make up his mind. Niall glanced at his curly haired friend, “Maybe if you treat me Nandos twice, i’ll think about forgiving you.”

Harry laughed. Knowing how much the blonde boy could eat, he retorded, “Once, but I’ll buy your drinks too.”

He got a smile from Niall for this, “Deal.”

The blonde then continued writing, seeming like he had completely forgotten their fight already. Which wasn’t actually a big deal as, unlike Zayn who could hold a grudge forever, Niall was known to forgive and forget quite easily.

A bit later, Niall opened his mouth again.

“Ya never told me what you eventually did last night. Did you actually find Zayn, or did you just happen to fall asleep on a rock and therefore didn’t get me calls?”

“Well...” Harry wanted to start. He bit his lip. How was he going to explain all that happened? He couldn’t flatly lie to his best friend, but how was he going to tell the truth?

Fortunately he was saved by the loud voice of his teacher who had heard the two talk again.

“Horan, Styles, if I even hear one other word out of you this hour, you’re getting detention for the rest of the month! Be quiet!”

Relieved, Harry set his attention to the words on the blackboard again and didn’t utter another word for the rest of the hour. When the class finally ended, he quickly grabbed all his stuff and mumbled a hasty ‘bye’ to Niall, before hurrying away. He really didn’t want to be forced to explain anything yet, so he thought that getting away from Niall would be the best to do at the moment.

Harry quickly made his way over to his next class, but as he remembered that he had to face Louis there, he slackened his pace.

Except for the boy himself, his dorm had lacked any living persons when Harry had woken up that morning. It meant that last night had been the last time that he had spoken to Louis, so Harry didn’t really know what to expect during psychology.

Last night they had talked freely about his condition. Back then Harry had more or less accepted the fact that mythical creatures roamed around the earth and that Louis was one of them. After all, he had always kind of known that the boy was special. So, he could just put a name on it now.


But that had been last night. Mornings always bring situations in a new light. The blue eyed boy had told Harry that nothing would change now, that he would still be his friend, but after dropping such a big bomb, it was impossible that nothing would change.

Were things going to be awkward now he knew Louis’ secret? Would the vampire, act differently even though he had promised not to?

Harry knew that at least he himself wouldn’t. Although the logical part of his brain demanded him to run away from Louis, telling him that he was a dangerous and unpredictable creature, the emotional part of him knew that he couldn’t avoid him. By telling himself that Louis had never hurt him before, so he wouldn’t start now, he managed to convince himself that that was the reason he could stay.

But deep down Harry knew that even if Louis turned out to a mass murderer or if he would want to kill Harry, the curly haired boy couldn’t let him go. He was already too attached, already too smitten by the wonderful boy.

It was the first time that Harry experienced these kinds of feelings and he didn’t know quite well what to do with them. The boy had known for ages that he preferred guys over girls, but never had he been interested in one boy particularly before. Hell, even now he wasn’t even interested in someone who was human. Was it even possible for him to like someone of the other species? Was Louis actually even possible of loving a human, a male human more precisely?

The only thing Harry was sure of was that he wanted to spend every moment of the day with him. He wanted to touch the chestnut coloured hair. He wanted to lie down next to him and talk for hours, laughing about all the jokes Louis told him. He wanted to gaze in those piercing blue eyes. And most importantly, Harry wanted to kiss those soft, pink lips.

As he finally arrived at the classroom, he noticed that Louis came in before him and saving him a spot. A gesture that instantly erupted a warm feeling in the middle of Harry’s chest.

“Hi,” he smiled softly, as he had made his way over to Louis and he took a seat next to him.

“Hi, had a good sleep last night?” Louis answered.

“Yes. I’m still a bit tired, but it was alright.” The small talk comforted Harry. It was obvious what Louis tried to do: showing him that in fact nothing had changed between them, and Harry was grateful for it.

“Good,” Louis responded, “Sorry that you were all by yourself this morning. Liam wanted to discuss some minor things with me about last night. We didn’t want to wake you up by talking next to your bed.”

“ ‘s okay.”

Harry appreciated it how Louis casually mentioned last night, instead of really mentioning the events of last night. So he decided to dig deeper into the topic.

“But...,” he started, eyeing Louis.

“But?” The vampire started to look a bit worried, not knowing what Harry would say.

“But, I wasn’t quite finished yesterday. I still have a bunch of unanswered questions that I want to be filled as soon as possible.”

He literally saw the reveal in Louis’ eyes. A satisfied grin appeared on the vampire’s face as he was clearly glad that Harry was still comfortable with the idea of him being a creature of the night.

Just after the boy responded with a soft “sure”, the teacher dashed through the door. His hair resembled a bird’s nest and his eyes were still small, indicating that he had probably just woken up.

He yawned loudly before speaking up,

“I’m sorry. I overslept, so I haven’t really had the time to get everything that I had prepared for this hour. We’ll just see a film about Sigmund Freud, alright?”

Mr Murs rubbed in his eyes and yawned for the second time, before giving orders.

“Melanie, can you shut the curtains and Ivy, please turn the lights off,”

He then made quick work of turning the beamer on and putting the DVD disc in the computer. In less than 2 minutes the movie was playing, telling the students more about the wonderful world of the human mind.

Harry wasn’t really interested in that topic at the moment, so he decided that he could use his time to study the boy next to him a bit more. Glancing to the right, he saw Louis’ face being illuminated by the bright colours of the film playing in front of them.

The light had painted shadows all over his face, making his sharp cheekbones even more noticeable and making his eyes sparkle. The image was breath taking.

Harry quickly averted his gaze, watching the screen in front of him, but not letting the information in. He heard movement next to him as Louis folded his arms in front of his chest and subsided in his chair.

As Harry took another peek at the vampire, he was met by blue eyes staring back. So he turned his head abrupt to screen again.

For some reason the air that surrounded the two boys became loaded. A certain tension had formed. Harry held his two hands tightly in his lap, making sure he wouldn’t give in the urges to reach out for Louis or doing anything else he might regret.

During the movie, the two lads kept glancing at each other and absentmindedly moving closer. When the lights were finally turned on again, the two lads found out that their shoulders were only a couple centimetres away from touching.

Harry quickly stood up, his cheeks flushing again, and noticed that Louis too had set up straight again.

“Uh, i’ll see you at lunch?” Harry squeaked, his eyes full of hope.

“Sure,” Louis smiled back, “do you maybe wanna eat outside so we can talk, or?”

“yeah, that’s fine.”

“Alright, see you then!”

And Louis was gone, making his way out the door leaving a still flustered Harry on his own. The curly haired boy let a breath go before heading out too.

When he came into the hallway, he noticed Zayn talking to the blonde girl of yesterday a couple of metres away.

Although Harry knew that it was plain, old Zayn standing there, he couldn’t help but linking the tanned boy to the image of the dangerous, brown wolf he saw yesterday. He shivered slightly at the memory.

Suddenly they both looked his way so Harry gave an awkward smile and sort of wave in return. Zayn then turned back to say something else to the girl and she eventually left in the opposite direction of where Harry was stood.

The raven haired boy strolled his way, his hands casually in the pockets of his skintight jeans.

“Hey, Harry,” he greeted, when he was finally within ear-shot.

“ ‘m hey,” Harry answered awkwardly, not quite sure how to act around his friend any more after last night. Now he was closer to the boy, Harry could easily see the deep bags under his eyes from fatigue.

They didn’t say anything anymore after that, just standing silently in front of each other. Zayn pulled a face.

“So, that’s how it’s gonna be then? Us being awkward around each other.”

“I don’t know, uhm. I guess not?”

Zayn took a lighter out of his pocket and started to play with it.

“What about we ditch classes again and have a chat about what happened. I’ll explain everything and you decide if you still want to be my friend?”

“Of course I’ll still want to be your friend, Zayn. Don’t be ridiculous!” Harry scoffed.

The raven haired boy eyed him sceptically.

“But sure, we’ll talk,” Harry added afterwards.

The lads sneaked out via one of their usual corridors as they were both quite skilled in ditching classes. They eventually took a seat in the grass where they knew that no one could see, nor find them.

They enjoyed the sunlight warming their skin for a bit. Postponing the dark subject. The way Zayn was lying here, Harry couldn’t imagine that it was the same ‘person’ who he had seen yesterday.

“So...” Harry started.

“So.” He got back.

“You wanted to talk to me about what happened yesterday?”

“Uh, yes. I should, right?” Zayn didn’t really sound like he wanted to talk about it.

“Maybe. Well I think,” Harry shrugged and closed his eyes, enjoying the weather even more.

He heard the boy sigh next to him.

“Alright, I’ll tell you everything from the start.”

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